Going Green: Create a Solar Panel.
Posts by malonkey1
I think this is rather interesting. /signed.
Doesn't plasma make up the space in blood between blood cells and platelets? I've seen that in a book. I suppose that is definitely a difernet kind of plasma, but you said the only place it naturally exists is stars, so i thought I'd point that out to you. Ah well, I'm just surfin' the forum right now, sorry for the off topic.
Well, yes, but that's a different kind of plasma. It's Medical plasma, as opposed to physics plasma, which is being talked about here.
I know what actual galvanising is, I meant a coat of a specific material to produce a different effect.
Oh, you mean like electroplating?
I know how you feel - all this vanilla minecraft garbage is ruining the game. I hope a way can be found to just disable vanilla features like brewing potions and enchanting..and villagers..and snow golems..and mooshrooms...
At this point I dont even see this as notch's game anymore. Its albakas and space toads and eloraams game and notch is just some rogue trying to mess things up with his half baked, overgrown man child ideas.
Okay, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to verbally trash it. You don't like it? Don't use it! And don't call Notch a man-child for simply adding things to his game. No matter what your opinions are, it is Notch's game. NOT Eloraam's. NOT Alblaka's. NOT Spacetoad's. They'rew great modders, and I love their work, but until 70 years after Notch dies, Minecraft is his intelectual property. So stop whining about features you don't like, and just leave them alone if you think they're so terrible. They don't affect you one bit if you just ignore them.
Maybe somebody could possibly make this as an addon.
Hmm...This is interesting. /signed.
Hm...This could work! Replace the Enchanting Table with a Nanotech Lab (Modifying items with nanotech) and the Brewing Stand with a Biochem lab!
Nanotech Lab:
Biochem Lab:
(B=Empty Bottle)
Hrm...These are interesting, but kind of unnecessary. Perhaps as an Add-on?
Don't play SMP then, because on most servers that's guaranteed.I meant the Squilliams.
Ah. I see.
Is there any chance that, eventually, we could get towns that are similar to the ones in Millenare? I always thought they were interesting, and I think that IC2 could greatly benefit from it. There could be Industrial towns with low-grade machinery, Agricultural towns with readily available farmland, and residential towns with other amenities (empty houses, farm animals, etc.). They may be able to provide specific improved tools and items you can trade for with IC coins or other items, give you gifts for helping them grow their towns, and simply can be helpful for getting set up. I don't know if this would be very plausible, but if it could be implemented, I think it could be great. If I were to code this, (and if I knew how), I would take a brief glimpse at some of the coding for Millenare, or more likely, ask for Kinniken's help in making the addition to the mod.
Examples of unique items:
Zweihander/Katana/Improved Iron Sword/Whatever: Gained by giving 4& 1
Polonium Core: Gained by giving 6and 1
Etc... -
All I have to say is /signed. I would love to find an old, broken factory or city...or even a small living town (with townspeople who aren't idiots.).
Hrm...Perhaps they could be Fusion and Anti-matter reactors, respectively. The fuel rods for Fusion would require "hydrogen cells" made by placing water cells into a generator (and needs a lot of them to run for a long time), and anti-matter could use UU matter directly.
While Devo hats would be fun, I was pondering the idea of whips. Whips would have lower damage compared to their conventional counterparts, but would have one advantage: They can reach much further. There were two kinds I thought of:
The basic whip.
*-S-*L-Leather, S-Stick, *-Nothing
And Vibro-Whip! (This uses power, and can be powered on like the Nano Sabre.)
*- :Alloy: -*
Perhaps, also, he might mean adding some new items and recipes, or possibly adding some alternate recipes for certain items.
Ex: Normally, energy crystal needs:RP, RP, RP,
RP, Di, RP,
RP, RP, RP,but you could, perchance, replace the redstone powder with "organic crystals"