Thank you spawn. I suppose some maniac could make a system that auto extracts not coolant cells, but overclocked fans. Giving THEM somewhere else to cool down, in order to keep a fluid reactor at a heat it's components couldn't usually endure. It seems unlikely there'd be a benefit to doing this rather than distributing 60k coolant cells, but the devil's in the details with things like how fast coolant cells tend to give thier heat to neighboring units.
Still, you export vents, you're exporting objects that are all actively cooling themselves in the secondary reactor, instead of setting up a network to drain the heat from coolant cells. while immediately sliding in fresh cool one in order to keep a reactor at a heat it couldn't usually swing. It would have to be some much faster swapping than with coolant cells.
This may be VERY worth doing, it seems like the problematic habit of overclocked fans to unevenly take the reactor's burden ( unless coaxed by exchangers) probably wouldn't matter when they're in a reactor that isn't ACTIVELY giving them heat.
The ability to have one or more entire reactors where in full grids of overclocked fans are running without a need for any component heat distribution strategy could be a very big deal if you arrange a rapid switching.
Yes Requia, I will probably save them for RTGs, but....I'm sorry what does CRCS stand for?
Also regarding RTGs I've read somewhere, and it seems unlikely to be right, that the heat one provides 64 hu/t, and the electric one provides 64 Eu/T...that's not right is it? Seems like Hu/T would be twice as high as Eu/T for equality sake. Usually how these things go. If they're equal I'd obviously wanna go with the EU/t