IC2 didn't always have silver ingots, only the dust. And the dust was unobtainable and useless, unless another mod added silver - with only IC2, you didn't have another metal called "silver", you just had a useless unobtainable item called "silver dust".
Posts by immibis
What was that about not adding metals with one use?
I hope it has an off button.
Not unless you want to force a world reset on everyone.
Also lol at this:
It's basically similar to microblocks, but you can also place multiple torches in a block.
being the main reason people want it over Immibis's Microblocks. -
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Now fully translatable.
- Sides are now accessed the same way as vanilla furnaces, rather than like other IC2 machines - this means input from the top and output from the bottom.
- Removed restrictions on placing items in slots.
- Inverted redstone behaviour. Machines will speed up by themselves only when NOT receiving a redstone signal.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2.
- Removed deprecated blocks: reactor containment field projector, EU injector, reactor connector.
- Fixed crash when double-clicking slots.
1.6 changed quite a bit of code, so back up your worlds just in case when updating.
2. At a distance projectors don't seem to respond unreliably. This makes player detection triggering difficult.
How far away?
If it's over 160 blocks it's probably because of chunk loading, which isn't my fault. -
It would indeed be cool, but as Viper8797 said, everyone would get ridiculously cheap machines, and just fly around looking for more.
This would be pretty awesome.
- Fixed beam code not using isAirBlock to check for air.
Circuits are also not Ores, as well as Wood, Sticks, Slabs, Dyes or Planks. The Ore Dictionary has become a List of Crossmod usable Items long time ago, even before GregTech even existed. Also I use a special prefix for registering "crafting-only"-OreDict Items, to ensure it's not used for direct Conversion.
Same for circuits.
Logs are raw materials, and count as ores for ore dictionary purposes.
Sticks, slabs, dyes and planks don't belong there.Since you're the one adding the items, I think it makes more sense for you to replace the recipes, rather than forcing every addon to change.
Note that I disabled the crafting into regular IC² Machines in newer Versions, but I added a Config for that.
Well that was silly of you, wasn't it? Now you've gone and broke all the addons that used those in recipes.Btw, machines are definitely not ores. Putting them in the ore dictionary is silly and I'm sure Lex would disapprove of it.
- Arrows and other projectiles can be destroyed by industrial tesla coils.
- Destroying a projectile always costs 500 EU instead of using as much EU as possible.
It's also faster than attacking a player or mob. - Industrial tesla coils use a whitelist of entities to attack, instead of a blacklist - they won't attack any unrecognised entities. All living entities are whitelisted, this only random things like Buildcraft quarry arms (which I previously had to put in a special exception for).
- Fixed empty 1 and 2 sections being created in config file.
Ooooh, I like your ideas for additions to Advanced Machines. Myself, I'm sad that the upgrade slots are gone (ESPECIALLY with that sweet new Ejector Upgrade). I may or may not be changing over my version of AdvM; there's pros and cons. All in all, though, I think this is a good direction!
You can use hoppers. -
- Added config options for eu/t when running, eu/t when idle, and max voltage.
Quintine: (forum y u no quote)
Done.hey immibis thanks so much for implementing the last change i asked you for, i just have one more thing though
i've noticed that when i put a buildcraft chute above my machines (couldn't use vanilla hoppers because of my layout so i couldnt test that) i found that it would insert items into the output slots of machines when the input slot was full, this behaviour is not found in the ic2 induction furnace however. once again if you could fix that i'd greatly appreciate it.ps. i'm so glad this mod now has a mod dev who updates his mods xDD
It works with vanilla hoppers, so it's a Buildcraft bug. -
Why are PS1 and PS2 in the poll, but Gamecube under "old consoles" and N64 not there at all?
The Dreamcast was also in the same generation as PS2, Gamecube and Xbox. -
- You can now place levers etc on advanced machines.
Hey, somebody found the will to make a clean recode
nice going
In my defense, my nerfed values are all configurable
Oh, and if there is a single feature you should take over from me, make it the sounds.First rule of configs: 90% of users will not look at the configs. 95% of users will not change the configs.
Partly because of modpacks like FTB that use default configs except when they need to be changed.If I add sounds, I want them to speed up and slow down with the machines, so I probably won't be adding them soon.
I assume that the licensing and mod pack inclusion is the same as your other mods?
If so I would be adding this into my public mod pack.
Yes.hey immibis, glad you decided to make this mod for all of us
just a little thing though, i like to put a lever on my machines to have them always on but unlike the induction furnace from ic2 you cant place levers on these machines. if you could allow that functionality i would greatly appreciate it, thanks
Fixed now, thanks.