Posts by Lurch1985

    Some sounds (reactor in particular) are not being changed by the volume slider correctly. Seems to be if the volume has been reduced already and the machine is then been placed down, it defaults to max volume.

    Generator - No Sound
    Geothermal Gen - No Sound
    Water Mill - No Sound. Can be mined with drill.
    Wind Mill - No Sound.

    Electric Furnace - Can be mined with drill
    Iron Furnace - No Sound. Can be mined with drill (intended?)
    Pump - No Sound
    Induction Furnace - No Sound
    Magnetizer - No Sound
    Miner - No Sound
    Terraformer - No Sound
    Electrolyzer - No Sound
    Teleporter - No "on/charged" sound, only the actual teleportation.

    Rubber Trampoline - No Sound
    Battery Recharge - No Sound
    Nanosabre - No Sound
    Nuke - Not playing new sound.
    Quantum Helmet - No Sound
    Quantum Boots - No Sound

    This would probably use similar coding to Redstone pipes Eloraam made, so I don't think it would be that CPU intensive (although I'm just speculating) I love the idea of having a laser tripwire though. Would really give the factory an industrial feel, even if you only use them for doors. :)

    mine, (except i never acctuly built it) uses glowstone agregators(from EE) and series of automatic crafting tables and macerators as you get the highest diamond gain if you macerate the iron and upgrade the ingots

    It's faster to just upgrade (lvl 2 SoED) it another level and just macerate the gold (half as many macerator operations and no loss. You get the same amount of diamonds)

    Well, at least we know you haven't used it, because It takes a metric fuck-ton of stone to make a single diamond. Lets see, 512 cobble per diamond. I see, that is 100%y free, I agree with you, NOT.

    I had a similar impression until I tried it. It's not as unbalanced as you might think. I just think it becomes unbalanced when you bring in other mods. I think I'll be playing without it from now on, as once you figure out a few key tricks, it kinda spoils the game a bit. Still, I love EE. :)

    The secondary Geiger counter sound is playing from the players origin rather than from the machine. It follows you around regardless of how far away from the reactor you go.

    Also, even when you turn sound down to 0%, the nuclear reactor loop still plays.

    I currently have 2 reactors sitting right next to each other, not sure if that makes a difference or not.

    I'm thinking for SMP moreso. They need to be hard to crack and variable enough that people don't stumble on the same signature. For chests this is easy, as it doesn't matter, you'll still have to try every combination at each different chest to break them, so they're uber uncrackable. The teleporter on the other hand, if you use similar 'memorable' patterns, then it's a lot more likely that someone else will come up with the same. So the combinations will have to be a little more complex. Then again, there's always a piece of paper and a pencil. :D

    I think it was the changing of the collisions that required the rewriting of the renderer in the first place, which, as I said, is a pretty big job. Would definately need to be confirmed though.

    On another note, I've been told this is a very low priority implementation as the team are focusing on, first getting a strong and bugfree SMP release out, then making a break for 1.8 compatibility, if Notch has ironed out all his new bugs by then. :)

    Can't say we've had that complaint before. The sounds are pretty buggy though. If it's annoying you in the meantime, you can go into the sounds folder and delete the drill sounds. It will work fine without them. They're getting completely overhauled in the next release and Player has made it so that there is no longer an Audiomod dependancy, so all the sounds will be completely recoded (and mostly revamped a little too).

    Have you made 100% sure you were logged in while trying to download it? I know it's a silly thing to suggest, but it's normally something silly. :D

    If that doesn't work, then it's more than likely a bug, so feel free to circumvent it with a mediafire link or something.