6 quarries feed their tailings to 16 recyclers, powered by a MV Solar Array.
5 HV Solar Arrays power the UU machine.
4 HV's with no scrap were producing 1 UU every ~25 seconds.
Posts by xenoflot
My pre-buildcraft mobile rig consisted of: Miner, Pump, 2 chests, 2 copper cable, LV trans, MV trans, MFSU and some lapotrons. I'd cycle crystals through the MFSUs on my reactor. If I did not hit lava then I would not need to change the crystal.
My +buildraft +powerconverters +teleportpipes mobile rig is: Miner, Pump, 2 chests, 3 copper cable, tin engine, BC->IC2 changer, teleport pipes for power in and items out.
About the same amount of effort to set up but I no longer need to head out and check to see if the MFSU is empty.The power station that feeds it. 2 x HV Solar Arrays, 3 x MFSU and a bunch of converters. Enough energy to power 6 quarries at full speed.
What I really need help on is using the Items API to reference IC2 blocks and items. Other than that, progress is slowly advancing.
I have no idea what you just said. Can we send money instead?
Glowstone gathering.
How much dust do you lose when using explosive mode?
I am fully in favour of SCIENCE \o/ but this is virgin on the ridiculous! Please tell me this is legit and not creative...
As to the UU subtopic, I currently have 5 HV solar arrays and 16 recyclers feeding my UU massfab. Recyclers are fed by six quarries so there's no shortage of stuff to recycle.
With 4 HV only it was generating one UU in ~25 seconds. I now have 3 chests of UU and nothing to do with it except make more materials to make more solar arrays -
That not being the usual reactor planner, it's not telling me how long it needs for cooldown
What kind of duty cycle do you need to run this on?
Alblaka has recently (last 24 hrs) stated that luminators are due for an overhaul which is nice to hear.
I *lurve* the mini-size wall and ceiling forms that a luminator will take when you put them on a solid block! I hope there is a workable method to create mini sized luminators that don't require manual top-ups.
I'll second this request for advanced machines.
The compact generators, I can understand if they don't like the idea but in support of what zipp has done, the solar arrays save on space and EU packets, not resources! It takes a LOT of material to make a single HV solar. Comparable to a reactor and it's all iron and coal, not 60% tin and copper.
IR is looking forward to the update so a bukkit port can be made. We mainly just want it for the advanced solars.
hehe yup
I have 4 HV solars powering my UU machine and 2 powering my quarries. Can't upgrade my world to 1.1 yet!
Thanks for the screenies!
According to the planner tool (which sadly isn't working for you), that design would produce an instantaneous current of 2400 EU/t which probably means it would indeed melt even HV cable which can only handle 2048 EU/t. It will go critical in 6 seconds and requires 7+ mins cooldown. This makes for an effective output of 33 EU/t. Its main advantage is the Efficiency 4.44 which means you'll get a whopping 480 Million EU from all that uranium but it'll take you 505 days to generate it with a perfectly tuned system
The Reactor Planner really is an awesome tool for playing with designs. May I suggest you try a different browser or computer and see if you can get it working? Well worth the effort IMHO.
Advanced water mills would be nice (and hopefully not much more than some copy and pasting for you) for those of us building deep underground.
He's linking a java applet that is very popular for sharing your reactor designs with other people.
Right now your report of the czar bomba is a lot like "I heard the world's funniest joke last night. I wish you could've been there." If you can show us screenshots, or use the Reactor Planner applet to share, you'd earn the respect, and if the design is as soon as you say the adoration, of your fellow forumites!
I have no experience with breeders, sorry. I run buildcraft quarries so have enough uranium hanging around to feed my power needs
Check out this thread from yesterday. In it I link two designs. One is a cheap, single-core setup that will run continuously and the other is a more expensive reactor that remains very simple to keep under control. Complete with pictures!
http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=4158 -
You seem to have forgotten a link to the design tool
Also... radical? I deployed a design that could only run for 1 second in 17 and needed redstone timers to prevent meltdown.
The first one is almost the same as my one. Yes that will be fine to run 40s/40s.
The other one is almost stable. You can leave that one run a full cycle but just wait 1 hour before refilling.
OR you could wire the sequencer as 3:1 or 60s/20s and it will be almost perfectly stable. Just leave it sit and cool for 30 mins once a week. -
That's fine if you have a reactor that uses buckets
Excellent idea if you do, of course!
I haven't created anything so complex yet due to my experiences with the 1:17 reactors going foom due to SMP glitching. KISS -
You're welcome!
I can combine both set ups, also can you post the M 2 reactor set up you use with your second design? Also with the second picture, basically the 1st reactor is on for 40 seconds, then the second one is on for 40 seconds and so on and so on till it is done.
Yes you can combine my 50/50 sequencer with the detector cable + inverter + lamp!
My Mk2 design is the very first one on the "A list of good reactor designs" sticky in this forum.
www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyond…c0=1p10101001501521s1r11rAnd correct. Reactor 1 on for 40 seconds, Reactor 2 on for 40 seconds.
Important addition, if you add additional reactor chambers to your reactor, they eat into that space where water could be.
So a single core reactor will have 25 water surrounding it ike this:
Above:But a fully expanded reactor will have a max of 20 like this:
:Tesla Coil::Tesla Coil:
:Tesla Coil::Nuke TNT::Tesla Coil:
:Tesla Coil::Tesla Coil::Tesla Coil:The water surrounding the add-on reactor chambers doesn't count.
And if you want to run in redstone wire to turn it on/off, you may lose another if you're not careful with placement.
Yes, if you put an rp2 NOT gate in-line with the rp2 lamp, then the light will come on when the reactor is no longer producing power.
The cycle last about 2h 45m and with a Mk 1 reactor, once it is finished, there is no more power and the reactor is cold. No heat. So you can put more uranium in and it will go again; no explosions.
The design I gave you is a Mk 2 which means it will run for 1 full cycle with no boom but it needs a cooling period after. If you run 100% of the time then you need to wait 92 minutes after the uranium is gone before you put in new uranium. So this is why I use it with 50% on, 50% off. That way, it stays cool. It's also Efficiency 3 which means the uranium gives you more EU before it is depleted. Most Mk 1 reactors are not very efficient. Best I've seen is only Eff2.
Another design I used had to be on for 1 second and off for 17!! It was very efficient but such close timing means that if there was lag from the network connection or a small mistake in the timer... wait 45 seconds, BOOM! I tried three version of this and it kept exploding due to SMP network lag which is why i went back to the Mk2 Eff3.