Posts by raGan

    Basically, if a :Uranium Cell: has any components next to it that can take heat, the :Uranium Cell: will dump all of its heat into those components and dump none of its heat into the hull. Meanwhile, the only components that interact will hull heat are :Intergrated Heat Dispenser: . Thus, the components in this reactor do not interact at all with the hull heat. They don't draw heat away from the hull, and they don't dump heat into the hull. They just store the heat in their internal heat storage. Thus the hull (pre-heated to 9000 heat, of course) stays at the same heat at all times.

    The reason this is difficult to understand is because most reactors use large numbers of :Intergrated Heat Dispenser: as a way of coupling the hull heat to the heat of every component in the core. The concept that components might not share their heat with the hull is an uncommon one, despite the fact that most components operate in this way.

    Actually there is another component that reacts directly with the hull. Each Depleted cell is giving off 1 heat every second, which goes straight to the hull. To compensate this, some external cooling needs to be provided (-1 for each cell being charged).

    I understand it will buffer untill it has enough power to send a full packet, I mentioned that in my previous post saying it will take 15 ticks per MV pulse and 75 ticks per HV pulse.

    however I AM GETTING NO PULSES AT ALL. I know there are much more effecent setups, and I will likely make a more efecent set up when I figure out what I am doing wrong, but I at least need it to work before I can begin to start thinking about efficiency.

    Try placing lever on each transformer instead of torch (torch is not working i think), and make sure it points down.

    I'm curious though, did you *know* you just flipped and mirrored my design? If so that should be explicitly stated as to not make people believe there was any countless hours of mindless building involved as opposed to quick&easy puny brainwork :P

    1. I filled reactor with coolant cells.
    2. I flipped/mirrored position of uranium cells from your design (I tried all 4 options)
    3. I started to add HDs
    4. TADA, your design....
    Actually it is very hard to not build your design if Uranium cells are in same pattern and position (1 block from corner). I think position of Uranium is key thing when building reactor.
    Also there should be an option to flip design in planner itself;

    That's just my design mirrored and flipped, no?

    Edit: Or well, it's my *original* design at any rate, didn't realize the one in the thread wasn't that ... one ... whatever, mirrorring/flipping the design around to trick the app feels kinda meh anyway.

    Edit2: Unless the HDs ingame distributes heat unevenly, it ought to be a bug at any rate.

    Look here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=3968
    Even if it looks just like your design, it is better. :D

    Still this is totally OP. You only need one retriever for about 20 Watermills (maybe even more). And since the retriever is the only thing that is even slightly costly you get 40 EU/t for not that large investments.

    That's why I think manned mode should be 1 EU/t with twice the time spent on one bucket (so a bucket still gives you 1.000 EU, but will take 1.000 Ticks till depleted instead of 500.

    I would still like watermills to work more like real water-generators.

    But retriever is not part of IC. What should be balanced then ? Retrievers, for being very cheap or water mills for being able to be used with retrievers ? Water mills are not unbalanced when used without other mods, theese mods make it unbalanced.

    There are only 9 plants... (Alblaka said 16 new).

    Actually we definitly miss the Glowstone, Redstone and the diamond plants.

    Yea, we miss a lot. People have hard time breeding even Aurelia and Ferru. Some way to scan nutrition and hydration is really needed imo.

    Can someone help me because i cant seem to be able to plant flowers in my crops and yes i am holding 4 in my hand.

    You may need to hydrate and fertilize cropsticks before planting. Also you may need to plant at day. I can't think of more right now.

    In the first post of first thread in this section is written: "6. See the post below this one for the link forum keeps changing it ..This reactor sacrifises efficiency for pure eu per cost. Most likely has the highest eu per cost that is possible".
    If you look at that post you will see exactly the same design.
    I srongly suggest looking at this thread: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=2963. You may find there many reactor designs you will create in the future.

    A question on this reactor: if I were to set up a CASUC system using the last slot, and fed it ice to keep it at heat 0 (so as to avoid the rather lengthy cooldown period), how much ice would it need? The calculator cannot go below 1 block per second, but it's pretty obvious that this generator generates less heat per second than a single ice block consumes.

    And what would be the total required amount of ice be? I'd rather avoid golem farms, and have a pre-stocked amount of snowballs for every full cycle.

    It generates about 30 heat every second. It means you are going to need one ice block every 10 seconds. Cycle has 10000 seconds, which means you would need 1000 blocks (about 15.5 stacks).

    Thi has already been discussed. Reactor planner, if set to 9000 hull heat, automatically adds 9000 heat to each component, which will not happen if there are no HDs. Reactor will behave like the one set to 0 in planner. All excess heat produced by uranium is split to coolant cells and Hull heat is never changed, since reactor itself has has 0 excess heat. I'm not sure about Isotope cells, whether they add heat straight to hull, or to nearby components.
    Edit: Also design was later edited http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1010101201501521s1r11r10
    Edit2: reactor planner seems to transfer heat from isotope cells straight to hull, this can be easily reduceb by removing 1 lava block from reactor surroundings, which will result in -1 excess hull heat.

    Your link is same as first post link. As fa as i know, ice blocks cool reactor hull only. Components are able to cool by themsef. If there are HDs in reactor, they will transfer heat from components to cooled hull, which can be than further cooled by ice, so ice helps components to cool faster.