A question included in such things is always the amount of blockIDs. I guess a damage-value should do it?
Posts by Bluehorazon
Strange thing is. With JUST the dependancies in the JAR (ML, MLMP, Forge) with Optifine, I don't get chunk fails, remains that way as I add mods to the mod folder, then RedPower goes in, BOOM! Disappearing chunks.
Might just be me though.
Actually I also get them with vMC sometimes. So not particular a forge-thing, it may increase this things happening (well in my actuall survival-world I have no errors).
The question is how should this escalate?
If you feed a 32EU Machine 128... yeah a lightning once did something similar to my TV... it definatly didn't explode but you should add a fire on top and the screen imploded somehow. But what if you feed the same machine (not my TV^^) 512 or to be really insane over 1000EU (directly from a CASUC)?
(Actually I build a SMP trap with the explotion, I placed a full recycler somewhere (64 dirt, 64 scrap) so it won't get new items from RP-Tubes. But it was connected via tubes behind a wall. If you took out some of the materials RP sends new items to it, which trigger a redstone current blowing the recycler via overload^^. Really Stupid (and expensive -.-) and it only works with a recycler because of the fast cycles)
So I guess explotions should still occur if you totally screw things. Sending your whole CASUC-Output directly into a Macerater (while screaming "Macerate this!" of course) should cause havoc... but some overload not.
Would it be possible to combine Hoe and Shovel in one item? Even if not electric (the Mining Drill shovels quite good) a realy durable garden-tool (I'm just translating "Gartenwerkzeug" word for word, no idea if there is a fancy english word for this^^) would be cool and save you an inventory slot early on (maybe bronze-based). I really don't get why in vMC shovels have less uses then a pickaxe.
Actually I would like Generators as an option. Using biofuel actually is a green alternative, but basically I just dump planks into them. They give 750EU each, which means 3000 per piece of wood, which is quite nice compared to 4000EU of coal. I don't get why plain wood only gives 750, but Rubberwood (RP2) gives 3000^^ (at least it burns longer). Shouldn't vanilla-wood give 3000 too?
Actually you need 5 UUM for Gold and 7 UUM for Iridium.
In reality you won't find Iridium alone, but combined with some other metals (which are similar in value). Unfortunatly IC2 doesn't have any of these materials so an easy substitute is gold. The problem is that you will definatly waste the gold
(in reality you would filter the Iridium out of the gold).
What you do is put 4 gold-dust together and melt it inside a furnace. Gold smelts at 1337K (really... it is 1337, which makes gold that awesome) and Iridum at 2739K. So the gold will smelt and the iridium will remain, actually the gold isn't as heavy as iridium so it's on the surface (thats rather basic^^).
I don't know if Alblaka wants a substitute for the UUM-Version of getting Iridium, but 2 Gold-Ore seems to be a fair deal, although I would like a little bit more metals in IC2 I understand why it's kept simple.
Basically reliability is a good thing. But how reliable could a machine be that touches upon the creation of the universe itself (because basically the mass-fabricator does what happened directly after the big bang).
I laughed about the church wanting to stop the large collider in Genf because it may create tiny black holes. Actually even if our sun turns into a black hole (no panic, it won't) this won't kill us... we would still die but the lack of heat will kill us not the black-hole. The gravity of a black-hole isn't stronger then the gravity of the star it was before becoming a black-hole.
So the reason why the massfabricator should do such things is because it could easily make fun of such things. Actually people are afraid of black-holes but not of an army of killer-chickens. Getting killed by a chicken is tousend times more likely then getting killed by a blackhole. So if our massfabricator creates chickens it actually does something likely compared to creating a black-hole^^.
The problem is that the mass-fabricator is a somehow expensive machine and it shouldn't be destroyed by the funny things that might happen. And of course there shouldn't be much trouble of implementing such.
So the Mass-Fabricator could run upon periods. As long as it runs it consumes power (a lot of). I don't know how long it takes to reaches 1.000.000 EU with 512EU/t (I could calculate it, but it's unimportant). But let's say 10mins. So after 10mins, the Mass-Fab has a power-level of 1. At this point there could happen 3 things.
1. It could do nothing and accumulate more energy.
2. A random "accident" may happen (for example chickens might spawn next and on top of the mass-fab^^). This will decrease the power-level by 1 (in this case to 0)
3. It could produce an item which only needs on UUM actually (or more then 1 item in certain situations like cobblestone).
Actually it works the same as bevor, but instead of producing UUM it will increase it's power-level. This will make it less reliable, because you first need to accumulate enough power-levels for certain materials (I guess 7 for iridium-ore and 9 for diamonds). But it might be the ultimate energy-dump without being totally overpowered. Of course it would make it almost impossible to create a quantum suit, because you need 40 pieces of iridium ore which are more likely to be created then diamonds, but reaching power-level 7 and actually creating iridium ore would most likely not happen 40 times in a row.
Well, you might use the mass-fab like a nuclear-power plant with it's own pieces which determines what you create (like some kind of mass-collider, so you need to build a ring, and the size determines the output). Basically the mass-fab could get some love. Someone could of course make an addon, but since it would be inferior to the official-massfab most people won't use it.
Barley - Tier 2
Description: It is actually barley, to make things simple just put it into the canning machine and produce beer.
Appearence: It looks much like wheat.
Gain: Actually you can produce beer with it. Beer will make you drunk (works like a potion), meaning that you are slower but will take less damage (I guess thats possible)
Attributes: It isn't that picky, but like wheat there are many insects and other animals that like it. -
I don't expect anything is what I'm saying. My money is on that project not getting very far for exactly that reason. FC wont want to change any of his code and Spacetoad will have a real hard time. Maybe not though. We'll see.Also no way man. Have you seen the SMP bukkit version of Technic? It's awesome. You can have as many blocks as you'd like. We've got mods upon mods on our server. Luxury minecrafting right there.
Actually FlowerChild does most of the programming in BtB. And his code works to this extend that for what is mod is cabable of it delivers good performance. And actually dropping forge made BtW even more popular. The problem BtW had with forge it that everyone played it with a lot of other mods. BtW has filters that work with flowing water... well why not use cheap BC-pipes. So basically all BtW did was creating challange and some kind of progress.
Technic virtually stuffs all shit into on big pack without caring if this mods play well without each other. If there is a popular mod they grab it, just for their own popularity. This might work for IC2 or Redpower but not for EqEx (well... don't get the technic thing within either) or BtW. EqEx literally get's destroyed by the need to balance it against the other mods, so basically it was fun to use with buildcraft, but it destroyes every progression IC2 or BtW has. And now instead of improve EqEx there are several updates just to balance it.
Technic mainly destroyes the decision about what mods you should combine with each other and this combined with an audience that isn't that bright overall created a large amount of people demanding quite stupid things from the modders (or filling there forums/threads with error-reports), because sometimes they don't even know what kind of features belongs to which mod.
So FC was confronted with stupid people blaming him for creating useless stuff or that his mod sucks, because Mod XYZ is better for whatever. And of course the easiest solution was to drop forge, which worked better than he had expected.
PS: Basically his code shouldn't be modified by anyone else, but only by himself... so it doesn't matter how it looks, but it works quite good.
Actually I really would like a "disable-sound"-option.
I use water quite alot. One water-gen seems to power a simple machine (Macerator, E-Furnace, Compressor etc.) and it is easy to supply them with buckets via Redpower. I often build one or two water-towers mainly for the optics, but they create a good amount of power too. I dislike solars and I die to often, trying to build wind-mills
Normally I build a generator first and add macerator, extractor, compressor and E-Furnace at the 4 sides (so they are powered without cables).
I guess you also build the Macerator after the Generator, because it wouldn't make much sense the other way around.
Does this mean that we shouldn't make enchanted drills? Is there some risk of crash in the future with these? If so, knowing so I can destroy them now would be useful.
I haven't run into issues yet. Fortune works quite good with the drill. I guess the only one that could make problems is unbreaking. Still I need to get the enchantment for testing. Crashes won't be a big problem, just destroy the drill, if you use a normal mining drill for testing the loss isn't that problematic if you have to destroy it. But just holding an enchanted mining-drill should not cause issues.
There could be problems with the powered armors. I don't know how the enchantments work but they could destroy the armor. Composite Armor and Bronze Stuff should work. I guess Rubber Boots should work too.
I guess if the enchanted tools would cause problems there would be reports about it. I can't even spot reports of weird behavior exspecially for the mining-drill (which should be one of the tools that will be enchanted most likely).
I already tested:
Nano-Sabre (works, but useless enchantments^^)
Bronze-Armor and tools
Mining-DrillI don't have a Nano-Suit or Quantum-Suit and I haven't enchanted my batpack, but I will try this out. The above seem to work basically, but I haven't tested every enchantment. Nano-Sabre with Enchantments (well weapon-enchantments^^) would be vastly overpowered, but thats another story, inenchantability seems necessary for nano- and quantum-suit and for the sabre in regards to balance. The functional armor just isn't defensive so it doesn't seem good to give it defensive enchantments.
So if I come across any problems I will report them, but actually everything that I tried worked quite well. I need to empty my mining-drill and try again and I guess Unbreaking could make problems if you feed the mining-drill via Batpack, but haven't tested this.
EDIT: So tested Mining-Drill with Unbreaking I with and without batpack. No weird things, but I don't know if the enchantment works.
EDIT2: Destroyed 121 Blocks with the diamond-drill. Basically Unbreaking just isn't working, but it doesn't created crashes, the item just behaves as if there would be no enchantment.
But you don't need enchantments if they are going to replace it with some other way of improvement. I hope they are.
Well you still don't need it^^. I would like it, but saying I would like it, won't bring success. So I use some tricky math to show that it would be cool and some silly magican arguments why enchantments in an industrial world aren't out of place
Still it you could enable enchantments for the mining-drill until other sources are around. Enchanting the mining drill won't cause some balance havoc, it is more or less a nice bonus. You most likely need to craft some of them before you get the correct enchantment (well, at least if you go for fortune III, II is quite common).
But again we might get Nano-Improvements instead of enchants^^.
Again the Mining-Drill seems reasonable to be enchantable (all other things basically too). Let's face the truth... why shouldn't a mage enchant modern tools or weapons if he did so with a sword or a pickaxe? The thing is most stories about mages are set in the middle-age. Shadowrun and some Steampunk, settings are an exception. But the reason for this is, that some technology back then looked like magic, so people believed in it actually.
So a mage would of course use his magic mainly like he did in the past. But he might use normal weapons too. With modern firearms and rocket-launchers throwing a fireball seems somehow pointless. But a mage could still shield himself or use magic to trick his enemies. And of course he would power up his equipment as much as possible using magic. So it is some kind of traditional thinking that magic and technology doesn't fit. But it also was some kind of tradition for women to stay at home and men to go to work... and we almost broke that.
Magic is not something that should be implemented in IC2, but if it exist's why not use it? While this seems strange for the amor, it is somehow important for the mining-drill in regards to balance. It might just lose to enchantable tools, because of enchantments that increase the amount of drops. Of course it doesn't break, but Fortune II is quite easy to get and provides 75% more Glowstone, Diamonds, Coal, Redstone and Lapis-Lazuli, which would mean that you won't use the drill on these blocks. You could mine 1562 Blocks with this pick and I would guess that about 1000 of them are coal, which would support you with about 3 new diamond-picks (1000 Blocks of coal would mean about 750 additional coal with fortune, and a pick uses 64 x 3 coal, so it would be enough for almost 4 picks).
So basically this means that you would never want to use the drill on blocks affected by fortune. For the sake of comfort it would be better to make the drill enchantable (it seems to work fine too). The other items aren't important at all. The Bronze-Tools should be enchantable and maybe the Composite Armor. Nano- and Quantum-Suit shouldn't and of course functional equipment like Jetpacks shoudn't be enchantable. The Chainsaw is somehow different... I guess enchanting it wouldn't make much sense (it's the same with an axe).
So basically I would like to have enchantable Mining-Drills and all Non-Electric Equipment (Composite/Bronze) to be enchantable. Of course it would be funny to use Fortune on a Treetap^^ (but I guess this would mean a lot of extra-work).
2^9 = 512 combinations(But one is everything blank so actually 511. If you use Gray coding you only need to add/remove an item every time, so 511 operations total - which can be achieved in 15 minutes I believe)
We could do even more math^^. 15 Mins have 900 Seconds. So basically you need to replace a slot every 1,76 Seconds. Although this is totally doable it is tedious and I prefer the option of just using crafting guide. Because my gameplay-experience doesn't change if I waste the 15mins or I don't.
Would be more cool of course if the UUM-Mechanic would totally change. Let's say I build a random-matter-generator. I choose one of the possible goals and my generator uses the needed amount of UUM to create stuff (so if I choose to create diamonds, he would use 9 UUM with every "cycle"). But because it is random crazy things could happen. You could get a TNT-Block instead of a diamond or some plain dirt. But you could also get a diamond while trying to create gold. Or random chickens spawn around your matter-generator because it went totally crazy and created them. Also you could add random uranium if you try to create diamonds, so basically uranium would be back in, but not reliable.
wj.c seems to be optifine. Optifine conflicts with Forge at this point. I heard there is a patch for this, but I don't know if you use it or if you use optifine at all.
Alblaka just can't wait for others.
Imagine every modder will only give permission if the others have did. Then you need to get permission from all at the same time. So Alblaka just agreed that IC2 could be used in this mod-pack. That doesn't in any means says something about how he thinks about using mods without permission.
I guess the techpack includes the forge... so jepp it is mohjang-Copyright. But IC2 should be base-class free, so Mohjang shouldn't be able to do anything against it. Again it is funny enough that the Forge-creators own the modifications in the baseclasses^^. So basically if mohjang want to implement Forge-things they basically have to ask the creators if they use there code or programm it themself. Would be rather unimportant, because most Forge-developers would like there work to be in minecraft itself, but sometimes such cases show how damn stupid copyright is.
Sounds much like this. If this is the problem, try there solution, maybe it helps.
Well it still needs to check for rain.
It won't make sense to let your solars get sunlight for some seconds and after that building something over them which you need to remove the next day. So actually they do not need to check often for sunlight, but rain is a little bit different.