Posts by Bluehorazon

    Actually I read about Railcraft and noticed that the mining-bore detects ores via the Ore-Dictionary. I guess most people don't like to fiddle around in config-files, so it possible to mine Ores found in the dictionary?

    This might cause a problem, because rubberwood is managed via the dictionary too, but maybe it still is an option (I don't think a miner would actually come across rubberwood if used under normal circumstances).

    Basically these two Generators provide a lot of lag if you use many of them.

    1. Water-Gen

    a) Maybe an option to switch the operation-mode. If you build water-gens that are fed with buckets there is no need to check the surroundings, so it would be good if you could disable this check.
    b) Increase the period of the checks. I guess a water-gen checks every tick for nearby water. Couldn't it store the data for a minute and check again later?

    2. Solar-Cells

    a) You could increase the period of the checks. Actually I also don't know how often solars check the conditions. But if they check every 5secs this should be enough.
    b) You could also devide the solars into one block that actually detects the condition and delivers it to all horizontal adjacent solars. So instead of 9 Solars that check for condition you would only have on condition-check for 8 Solars.

    I actually don't know anything about wind-gens. I guess they involve some checks too, but no idea how ugly this could get. But I actually encountered the problem with solars and I read about the water-gen issue.

    You would use the guns because they are the only way of killing a "tin can' (quantum suit). Also, (I think) coding the weapons would be fairly easy because they are just manipulations of the mining laser, so they wouldn't take up much of Al's time. The shot gun would have a range of about 3 blocks, whereas the machine-gun would be much longer, so I don't see where they cancel each other. As for the sniper rifle, once again, these weapons are mainly used for combatting quantum suits. You could probably one-shot someone with no armor, but the point of pvp is to prove your mettle. So instead of just being sneaky, you would (hopefully) just shoot and run and hope that they don't catch up to you. The obvious way to counter this would be to get close the them.

    Finally, clearly you it is POSSIBLE modify the code (if not practical), as the mining laser goes straight, as opposed to falling like the arrows. Once again, I am no coder so I don't know the feasibility of such an change.

    So basically... also the Mining-Laser is a projectile-weapon.


    And it will stay projectile-based ^^
    The only problem is there’s a strict limit for max-speed, namely “1F”. Anything past this speed can cause projectiles to skip through blocks, an issue I had with the Mining Laser…

    A long range weapon might even have the problem, that it's just too slow. You just can't use simple hitscan-methods like Doom etc. so all your weapons need projectiles, and this projectile needs to travel all the way to a target... A sniper would most likely never hit a moving target.


    i dont think that would suit IC, but i just told you the thing i remember.

    Well the sticky-rockets are from Jedi-Knight I and the bouncing projectile is from Unreal/Unreal-Tournament (the razor, later named ripper). Actually you could also use a freezer (which would be stolen from DukeNukem), or a crossbow with varying ammunition (stolen from Half-Life and Deus Ex).

    A mod that already features Quantum-Suits, Nano-Sabres (well also Deus Ex^^, but it was a sword there) and a Mining-Laser... and you complain about bouncing projectiles or sticky-rockets (we already have sticky-dynamite^^)? Maybe I'm the only one but if you search for weapons to battle quantum-suits I think projectile weapons just don't fit. I have a Mining-Laser why should I go back and use a machine-gun?

    So if we have such crazy futuristic stuff like quantum-suits, mining lasers and a nano-sabre why should we use old fashioned weapons to battle them? We should use crazy futuristic weapons to battle a crazy futuristic armor, shouldn't we? The Sticky-Rocket-launcher would even be quite easy to produce. You just shoot sticky dynamite^^. Or combine an arrow with gunpowder to make it explosive and use a high-tech-crossbow to fire them and a higher speed etc.

    But still more important than weapons is of course beer! (Weapons aren't much fun without beer either)

    Just leave it be. I like generators that just use things up. If it creates power by being deep inside the ground and more if it gets lava... whats the difference?

    If it's output is mainly determined by the depth, then it is just another "fire and forget" generator which produces EU by just sitting around. If it's output is mainly determind by the fact that you put lava in it, then it is just the actual Geo-Gen which does provide a tiny amount of EU without getting lava (so basically it is some kind of water-gen... with lava).

    I would rather see a change in solars, then in the Geo-Gen. It clearly is quite strong with additional mods, but thats the same for the normal generator if you just fire it with reeds and cacti + some automation.

    Hmm... could be painfull if the charge of your armor depletes^^.

    Basically I would like the tesla-coil to do something different. Some kind of lightning-fence. If you place a coil next to iron-fences they could get electrified and burn things that touch them (would work much like cacti, but with a little bit more pain). I guess this would destroy items dropped onto the fence, but you always have some drawbacks.

    Basically most mods can't be touched by mohjang, because they are base-class-free. They could attack the forge, modloader etc.

    So as technic doen't modify base-classes it has nothing to do with Mohjang. But every modder that is included in the Tech-Pack could sue the creators for including there mod. At least they can force them to remove there mod, this is pretty easy (and cheap) if you have an insurance for this.


    As for spacetoad and flowerchild. We all know what they're really doing. They've formed a childish alliance because of attention problems, it's really as simple as that. FC literally quit forge after complaining about Eloraam and her involvement with forge, and someone pointed out that according to change logs, he'd been doing nearly nothing for quite a while and Eloraam was putting out huge fixes and changes constantly. While I know that for sure, I can't say the same for spacetoad since he's far less vocal and aggressive then FC, and can only speculate based off what's been going on. What seems likely is that since Eloraams Redpower has been adding a lot of functionality that makes BC a bit redundant in some areas. It's not an intentional dig from Eloraam but its still true. She's taken a lot of his popularity, especially since she's become so involved in technic and forge. They might as well call their new mod pack "Please don't use RedPower!"

    Well first, Eloraam needs to be involved in Forge, because basically she uses quite a lot of the hooks in there. Certain people might already call it Redpower-API, but basically this isn't at all important. She has great knowledge and the dispute between her and FlowerChild was about the amount of modified base-classes. He wants modders to mod without changing baseclasses, so they won't require many hooks in Forge. Because every new base-class forge modifies makes it different to use with other APIs that modify the same class (Optifine actually had that issue). So his argument is totally valid, and the main problems will be solved if the official API is released.

    Why SpaceToad and FlowerChild created BtB is quite easy. They like each others mods. It's the same reason why eloraam wants to create a combatibility module for Industrialcraft. So basically FlowerChild mods just for his own fun. He wants to create a Mod that he himself likes to play. If others like to play it too, thats good, but he doesn't care about that. Actually he don't get money from modding (he don't even use adfly-links). So thats why he drops forge, because it doesn't matter to him. It may matter to some people that play his mod, but as he stated it isn't his intention to please everyone with his mod.

    SpaceToad basically improves Buildcraft via 3.x. Buildcraft still is easier to use and set up than Redpower and the powering of most simple mechanics is quite easy. That's why Buildcraft still has it's place. And Eloraam always said, that it isn't her intention to render Buildcraft useless. With the development of Redpower Buildcraft more and more becomes what it should be BUILD-Craft. The Filler and the new options to build roads, walls etc. over long distances makes Buildcraft unique again and usefull.

    So basically you shouldn't quesion why a modder does this or that. They don't only create mods so that we can play with them. It is a hobby and it should be fun and if it isn't you should stop or make it fun again. And if he doesn't want BtW to be part of the technic pack that is his personal desicion and should be respected because it is his work.

    Basically it does. But not to fix, but to implement something to change this from happen.

    Because this isn't a bug, but a missing feature. A BatPack, a JetPack and everything else you wear is basically an armor-item. If they run out of energy the are threated like being some kind of armor without durability. This just means that if you are hit and wear armor that does not have durability minecraft deletes this armor.

    I guess you need to modify baseclasses to change this behavior so it is up to forge to implement a "Won't get destroyed"-Hook. So it is expected but unintentional behavior.

    Plasma could easily fit into industrial craft. Most likely the plasma won't be used for tools.

    Actually you could use plasma as a tool (we do this in reality) because with enough power it is easy to create a plasma-cloud. You could "throw" this plasma in a certain direction (it won't go far, because it will cool down, so plasma-weapons would be rather useless, because the "plasma-ball" will rapidly lose energy^^. But you could utilize plasma in advanced machines for manipulating surfaces (to reduce friction).

    If I think of weapons I would rather like some which have a use like the mining-laser. A Grappling Hook is an example or grenades. But why should I use a shotgun, a rifle and a machine-gun? Machine-Gun and Shotgun cancel each other, because they are both medium ranged (or even short based on the projectile spread) and one of them will do more damage so the other one is useless. A rifle basically means that you might kill people that can't even see you, because if they can, they will most likely kill you using a machine-gun or a shotgun.

    The Problem is that projectiles need to be arrows. Everything else is a pain to create (at least it was). But simply putting in a large amount of different projectile-based weapons won't improve anything.

    But you could use a rocket-launcher that fires sticky-rockets (if you are hit, you blink like a creeper and explode after some seconds) or a weapon that fires bouncing projectiles. These are probably harder to implement, but aren't simple bigger and better guns. If it comes to weapons originality is better then just copying real weapons... there are enough other mods that do just this.