Posts by Bluehorazon

    Er, the jump is done by the boots when holding CTRL- while the legs let you sprint at a much faster speed.

    Just tested, boots make you jump high, while not wearing the legs.

    Unless you're talking about how it would work IRL- Which is pointless. Steve has no knees.

    I said technically. This means whatever boots you wear you could normally never jump higher if your legs don't provide the power for the jump. You could construct some mechanical boots that do this, but this would be really awful (and most likely you would jump into a direction you don't really want to jump). The power for jumps comes from the legs, not the feet, so it should be the legs that make jumps better.


    The reason that I underlined 'teaching', 'research' and 'scholarship', is to emphasize that the LAW specifically allows exemptions for uses of an educational nature, he wanted to learn to mod. It is absolutely the case as it's what immibis stated as his reason in the post that he released his converter in.

    If he wanted to learn, why making it public?


    Look at the last wikipedia quote and tell me how it is that it does not apply to the conversation at hand.


    @quote- 'wikipedia;copyright;fair_use;fair use and professional communities' - Courts, when deciding fair use cases, in addition to looking at context, amount and value of the use, also look to the standards and practices of the professional communities where the case comes from.

    Ehm Eloraam isn't the only one taking this stance. And a modding community isn't professional by any means. And since the minecraft-modding community is by no means a standardized community (well it is not even a real community, since parts of it are quite isolated from each other), this just doesn't apply.

    But since the licence-thing is not that important as you say, since most likely there isn't even a case for this and eloraam doesn't even need this, since the MCF-Team and Alblaka remove threads by requests of the modders, so she doesn't even need a licence that is totally save.

    But the point I still miss is why is it bad. She proved to be quite valuable for some other modders and even MC-development (technically the lamps will most likely also be fixed to behave like her lamps, since the actual ones don't work well), and she approved even addons, even those that conflict with her ideas (computercraft).

    There are some notable things in this regards:

    1. RP is a rather bugfree mod whenever released. I once said that this is mainly based on experience exspecially in trouble-shooting, if she detects a bug it is normally fixed in the next release. Normally she only allows addons if they are well made and I guess this is to keep the quality on the level she maintains. Most likely this is the reason why she only permits uses of her work to other modders who have something to proof that they know what they are doing.

    2. Just read the suggestion about the advanced machines. People are really suggesting that alblaka should remove the Induktion-Furnace because he does not include the other advanced machines. She avoids this problem by only allowing other modders to make adjustments to work with Redpower. So if Azanor as an example maintains his conversion-part for thaumcraft than this conversion is obsolete if he stops developing his mods. A seperat addons development could stop development even if people still want to use it, which would of course result in requests directed at her (which she then needs to ignore).

    3. It is quite possible to bend a mod a lot using addons. I can understand some dislike in regards to this. Using IC2 as an example. There are a lot of mods I dislike since their only purpose is making things a lot easier.

    4. Although it is not the majority Addons will cause more support-request. As long as people are unable to assign some blockIDs this could be ignored, since most likely they won't surpass them.

    So her stance seems reasonable and I still the don't see benefits for her from changing it.

    Hmm... balancing the windmills is a bit tricky. Just halving the output would make them much weaker. Of course a Windmill at 200 would produce as much as one at 100, but since you need more wiring the windmill at 200 is a lot weaker. It was quite easy to create windmills at 80-100 since you only need to go about 10 blocks higher based on your location. To reach this location with the doubled height you need to go up 90 - 100 Blocks instead of 10.

    Will be any real EU loss if cable connected to nothing?
    Can damage be detected if cable connected to something?

    There needs to be energy flowing. A cable between two full MFSU should not hurt you, since no energy is flowing, but also it does not lose energy. So you lose energy if you want to hurt something, since in this case the receiving MFSU needs to be empty or at least not full.

    Yes, I got static charge in wool boots on synthetic floor.
    It seems I misunderstoood worls "static" in boot's name. I've seen it add energy from walking, did not see jumping.
    I would be glad if Quantum Boots will be able to collect energy from fall damage and release it with BOOST+JUMP. I see in wiki, "jump higher" is a Quantum Leggings's job, but...

    Technically jump is done with the leggins. I guess the Q-Leggins have some kind of exoskeleton which improves the power of your legs, which wood make higher jumps possible. But again the Q-Suit is pretty OP already improving it further is not something favorable.

    could be fun indeed, but how would you time the energy consumption that might vary over time? best to use an manual systeem boot (my personal preference)

    You don't have to.

    Just switch the system on if the MFSU is empty and off if not. This could be done quite easy.

    Let's say you have an output of about 1.000 EU/t. This means you could charge 2 rows of MFSU seperatly.

    So you have two rows of MFSU which 20 MFSU each. Just place a gate on the first and the last. The last emits a redstone-signal if full and the first emits a redstonesignal if empty.

    You have 4 options now:

    MFSU1 - true, MFSU20 - false (this is whenever the MFSU1 is empty, since in this case the MFSU20 can't be full) -> the reactor should start running if this condition is true
    MFSU1 - false, MFSU20 - false (this is the charge state, MFSU is not empty anymore but MFSU20 not yet full) -> the reactor should not start, but he should not deactivate itself
    MFSU1 - true, MFSU20 - true (if you manage to get this you did something wrong. MFSU1 can't be empty if MFSU20 is full)
    MFSU1 - false, MFSU20 - true (this is the state at which we want to shut down our reactor) -> the reactor should stop

    Normally the reactor goes over State 1 -> State 2 -> State 4 -> State 2 -> State 1

    Just use a OR-Gate from MFSU-1 and a NOT-Gate from MFSU-20 (maybe another gate works too).

    Since only every second time state true should produce a signal you need a T-FlipFlop (I guess you could use the toggle latch, I'm quite sure it does just this).

    So MFSU1 goes over OR directly into the output
    And MFSU20 goes over the first Output of the Flipflop (it does alternate it's output everytime the input turns on) to the NOT and than into the OR,or you could save the NOT if you use the other output of the FlipFlop.

    You should use this as a negative overwrite for your cooldown-timer. Since you don't want the reactor to run if it needs cooldown just because you need energy, but it should stop running even if it does not need cooldown if you don't need the energy. And make sure to shut down the timers as well, since it would screw some things and the reactor would shut down before necessary. You could also use an MFSU in between (lets say Number 10) to activate the Mass-Fab, this should make it impossible to ever reach a full MFSU20 (could be some kind of overwrite again, triggerable by a second lever, so only if you pull the lever the massfab starts if the 10th MFSU is full).

    But you could do funny things indeed :P

    One simple question though:

    Why even use a nuclear-plant if you could just create ridicolous amounts of charcoal?

    Charcoal is 32 EMC, basic Collector is 4 EMC/s, so 8 seconds per Charcoal. Charcoal = 4.000 EU, meaning it burns for 400 ticks = 20 Seconds. So 2 Collectors could easily provide charcoal for 5 Generators.

    Although this is not that much compared to a CASUC, there is no reason to run one. This 5 Generators provide energy for most machines, if not all and the only purpose of a CASUC would be UUM... but well UUM is only needed for Iridium-Ore which is used in Q-Suits, which is inferior to gemmed armor. So no need for UUM hence no need for a CASUC.

    As for real life if energy not adsorbed on low level, no exhaustion, only damage protection.
    As for game, jumping 1m up to the next step or 1m down is not so rare. If extracting energy from jumping up leads to logical exhaustion, when collecting landing impulse as energy is only the good protection.

    Both don't exclude each other.

    The boots behave quite simple:

    1. They increase the exhaustion for jumping and running.
    2. They decrease fall-damage because they absorb some damage as energy.

    Oh and static pants are somehow not possible, because the pants don't have contact or any friction. They touch nothing but themself normally, so how should they charge? If you wear isolating shoes (most are) and and don't raise your feet while walking you will slowly charge and maybe you set this charge free if you touch anything that is grounded. But it is the boots which are important, you would achieve the same thing naked, as long as you wear isolated boots.

    Ehm... a Tesla-Coil stops targeting without a Redstone-Signal.

    Just place some of them on top of your roof and activate them via Button. They will shoot if something is nearby, but if they don't have a target it doesn't matter either. You can't hit the button twice if a tesla-coil has two spiders, since it needs 5.000 EU again, but after it charged itself again its ready to fire a second shot.

    If you use a mod that provides mob-only touchplates you can create good protection, but even then just disable their targeting.

    Let's just take a Eff4 Casuc, not best, but easy to do.

    This thing produces 128.000.000 EU during one cycle. It does not cost much (well you only need the reactor and 1 Chamber) about 120 Iron, 140 Tin and 200 Copper. Since every Solar costs 10 Iron you could use the same amount of Materials to build let's say 14 Solars since you need some more Iron for the RP stuff to make it work.

    So for the same ressources you get:

    A whooping 640 EU/t Reactor that provides you with 128.000.000 EU
    Or some poor 7 EU/t Solars, that need 10 days to create 128.000.000 EU

    And your argument that you only need to dig a bit to get more ressources for more solars is true for uranium too. and since Every piece of Uranium is worth 4.000.000 EU in this reactor, and you will most likely find one Uranium everey 10 Iron, since it is not that rare (but the veins are rather small). You could build 2 Solars, which again need 2 days to provide as much energy as the single piece of uranium. Even with a Eff3-Reactor you beat solars easily.

    If you reach Eff3 which is doable with a MarkII on high costs you normally surpass most other generators. And since a CASUC and a MarkII are both reactors that you don't need to babysit you have a lot of time doing different things. They both run for a full cycle which is about 2hours 40mins (10.000 seconds), and this is a lot. A MarkII needs 4 Uranium every cycle, which should not be that hard.

    I guess this is an important point. BtW is no SMP-Mod, while IC2 is. The rendering would really kill some people. In SSP it is basically your decision, but in SMP you are must endure the lag created from other peoples windmills even if they themself don't have problems with them.

    If you don't want to talk about licences... than don't do it. But none of your fair-use cases are useable in this case. No idea why you underlined teaching or research etc. since this is most likely not the case.!/jeb_/status/169168956714782722

    So I don't know how anyone can possibly blame her for anything. The only reason, and she already said so later is that she wants control over what addons exists for RP. That's the purpose of asking first, since she might say yes or no. So you save a lot of work if you ask first.

    that realy doesnt mater, my current tut also does not feature an auto reboot function. (shame isnt it? :P)

    Well with the new BC-Gates this would be easy. Emit Redstone-Signal if full to switch a toggle latch. Use another gate with a redstone signal if more than half empty to turn it back on. Might try a bit with them, could be fun :P

    Indeed you do use cooldowns to run on ridicolous heat-levels. You could manage a reactor to stay on a certain heat-level like between 6.000 and 8.000 or whatever. But since there is nothing to messure the heat I would advice against it, since it is really hard to control the timers that precisely. With some temperature-messurement I imagine some creations will get even more funny, because you can actually build emergency-switches based on heat.

    No, the only mod I am using is Industrial Craft. I haven't seen anything like this again the only thing that has came close to it would be fence post floating in mid air crossing a ravine, possibly a mineshaft gen on top of a ravine gen. I did recently move the server directory using copy, is there a chance that something got messy after the copy?

    It should normally not cause problems. Since I also copied my SSP-World into SMP. Is this an older world? Or have you started it recently. Would be interesting which version of IC2 and Minecraft was used to create this world.

    Actually I typically find enough iron mining out my tree farm/workshop areas that I'm ready for the trip down as is. (which you can see in the super timelapse 0th video you can find in the same youtube account.)

    More or less I have to dig that out anyway since I like a (enderman aside) perfectly safe tree farm right near my work area (lots of things want number).

    Jepp, but this is what I said, you don't need to count the iron used for the pick and the buckets for your total, since you already have those before going on your mining-trip. In some extremes you already have enough Iron for the macerator before going down, but lack only the redstone.

    It won't even stand nano-armor :P

    Yes, that why its a recourse waisting.
    Not counting that "constant" is only with mark 1, all other reactors will leave you without your house. If used, ofc.

    Ehm... you never used a MarkII have you? They don't kill your house normally. Oh and let's go solar against nukes.

    The best MarkII gives 84EU/t (120 if running, and the rest goes into cooldown). It does not need any mechanics, since it won't create energy if the material is used up, so just run a cycle and let it cool down before putting new stuff in (or cool it with some water, would increase the EU produced greatly).

    This Mark II equals 168 Solar-Plants. Solarplants need 10 Refined Iron each, so you would need 1680 Refined Iron the Reactor with full plating would need 340 Iron... and he beats the solars right in the face. Even Wind would end up using 504 Refined Iron, since you need at least 42 of them (they will go from 0 to 4, EU/t so mid of 2 EU/t). Now solars also need 6 Copper each, which means over 1.000 Copper and again the Nuclear reactor wins. And also with Tin the Reactor wins since each battery uses 4 of them and you need 168 batteries. Not to forget the wiring.

    Mark IIs are the most ressource-efficient reactors, if you ignore totally OP manned watermills. They are beaten by GeoGens in the nether, but since there is no way to transport this energy into the normal world this is kind of pointless. So while Reactors need a great investment in ressources to start them they are quite efficient, at least better than unmanned watermills, solars and wind-energy. GeoGen is incredible dependend on avaible lava-sources and the normal generator needs a lot of material to build a fuel-cycle which also eats away a lot of tin.

    So Nuclear reactors are already one of the most efficient generators and need neither much planning nor much wiring. A Mark II is easy to place, you don't even need lots of protection since the only possibility to blow it up is if you want to blow it up (and you can easily test the temperature with a bucket of water).

    So Casucs are way other the top. They provide a ressource-efficiency unmatched even by other totally OP energy-sources. And they are quite save if you don't go for the cutting-edge reactor, but about 1.000 EU/t is doable without much trouble.