Well, just added this mod to my "main" (non-EE*) game and it works great. Needs a metric crapton of uu-matter though. Like one and a half runs of the ice CASUC crapton.
Still: feels balanced and is definitely endgame content like the q-suit. Slurps down power for breakfast while flying but yeah.. flying shouldn't be cheap.
overall: love the mod.
any chance of hiding the "Energy Level" overlay when in the inventory screen? Maybe set it to be "behind" it? it overlays some of the NEI buttons. (like trash, which I use from time to time) Said button is still usable though so it's only a minor annoyance.
*the other one being skygrid. usually don't play with EE but that's my only way of getting copper and tin there as the modified skygrid generator makes a map that's unstable.