Posts by SkebloW
Were any new ores or progression necessary worldgen added in 5.09.28-31? I migrated a base from .28 to .31 using the same seed but noticed that ores didn't spawn in the same locations and I had already spent hours finding good veins so I'm currently just playing in my .28 genned world. I'm not far enough along to see what implications this has for ores or oil. Will I have to migrate to a newly generated world?
Edit 1: To answer my own question: it does not seem like the default ore generation configuration has changed at all so no new ores were added. I haven't experimented with oil yet.
The issue of gallium being difficult to obtain pre HV remains valid though. The only source of it is small zinc ore. It would be nice if it could be rebalanced. Something like adding it as a rare earth byproduct seems reasonable. I'll probably do this myself with GTTweaker.
Edit 2: Hmm well I tested this and it does work if rare earth is not the ingredient (I used neutronium dust to test). However GTTweaker's centrifuge class does not have a method for recipe removal. The documentation says the machine classes do but the source code says otherwise.
Display Moreimport mods.gregtech.Centrifuge; // gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2891 val RareEarthDust = <ore:dustRareEarth>; // ore:dustSmallNeodynium val NeodyniumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1067>; // ore:dustSmallYttrium val YttriumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1045>; // ore:dustSmallGallium val GalliumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1037>; // ore:dustSmallCerium val CeriumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1065>; // ore:dustSmallCadium val CadiumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1055>; // ore:dustSmallCaesium val CaesiumSmallDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1062>; // rebalance gallium Centrifuge.addRecipe([ NeodyniumSmallDust, YttriumSmallDust, GalliumSmallDust, CeriumSmallDust, CadiumSmallDust, CaesiumSmallDust], null, RareEarthDust, null, null, [2500, 2500, 2500, 2500, 2500, 2500], 80, 20);
Edit 3: And the final hack to get this working is here.
Change config/Gregtech/Recipes.cfg line 16933
For reference the processing time was increased from 64 to 80. This is close multiplying by 6/5. This seems fair since a 6th output is being added. Also in case anyone has issue with Gallium not being classified as a rare earth metal: in real life I don't see europium being made exclusively from fusion as opposed to rare earth processing. I also don't see pockets of plutonium in our perfectly flat crust. From a balance standpoint this makes sense since the best source of rare earth is monazite. That only takes a single MV machine to process so it’s easy to move into it. If you don’t have small ores enabled you can still get first gallium from thermal centrifuging many ores.
Finally a better change would to make it a bauxite mix byproduct since that is where we get it from in reality and a player will be processing aluminium ore when they’ll be needing gallium.
Small zinc ore is pretty easy to find in nehter (height around 40-60), with drill it is fast process. You can get plenty until you advance to HV (only macerator needed which can operate on 128V anyway) and get more from bauxite.
Thanks for the reply to my quartzite issue. So far 10 more veins and still no quartzite. I was just posting a suggestion to BloodAsp to let him know that quartzite now can gate progress. I was unsure if my issue was big enough to post on Github as its not really a bug but intended gameply with the original Gregtech. Now with the emitter needed for the basic circuit assembler, quartzite has become extremely important when entering MV age. I don't think that it was intended and unfortunately the RNG Gods in my world are not generous with quartzite.
I have very similar struggle, but with graphite. It is needed for arc furnace for anneated copper. There are 2 ways of obtaining graphite. First is diamond vein (didnot find any), second is small diamond ore - you need 5 crushed ores but i had no luck, only diamond gems dropped.
I would guess it is the same issue as here( ), just with oil instead of oxygen. The way to fix it is in the last comment.
Thanks, got rid of BC and everything is fine now. Thanks very much. (dont need BC anyway)
Multiple ideas: At the point where you are you should already know about it, but do not point the output side(square on side) towards the input.
Another idea: Do you have changed the mods in the modpack after creating the map? If you added/removed a mod that adds oil too, that might result in unwanted rehavior.
Yep i know where input side is, i even tried input from bottom with no luck.
Maybe its because i added buildcraft after creating map, BC is useful for me only on very start.
Anyway I am processing GT oil from oilsands ore. Its weird that any fluid can go in except oil from oilsand.
Weird behaviour, any help is appreciated.
recently i ran into antother problem, now with oil & fluids. I have centrifuge (with oilsand) connected to bronze fluid pipe and it into brewery (lubricant) and distillery (naphta). Problem is oil dont want to go into distillery or into brewery, it is in fluid pipe only. What is wrong here? Thanks
edit: oil goes well to fluid canner, and when i tried water, water goes well into brewery and distillery
How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb - Nuclear power guide and reactor designs
This list is still up to date. With GT the output will be higher(2x EU mode, 0.5x mox heat bonus, 5x fluid reactor) but they work just fine.
Oh nice, thanks very much. This is exactly what I wanted
I was wondering how to get the next level mining without needing electric machines. So this makes the steam macerator a requirement now to make the circuit boards where the steam macerator could be skipped before. I just wished that the steam macerator needed a diamond dust cutter of some kind instead full diamonds. A suggestion would be a steam wood cutter that would use a diamond dust cutter and make 4 planks and some small piles of wood pulp. It gives another way to get wood pulp and have a use for the diamond dust in the stream era. You would still need the saw for sticks though.
Thanks for the suggestion for the cobalitite....I guess it back to mining again.
I had same problem. Easiest way is to find cobaltite or with luck enough iridium shards (compressor -> iridium ore -> iridium pickaxe). I found them in spawner room twice (you need it to pick some obsidian for industrial diamonds).
Coal is pretty common.
If you find cobalt instead of iridium shards then you are ready to go same way.
Longer way is finding small diamond ore at levels 5 - 10. Good luck with droping diamond instead of dust/chip/etc.
Greetings miners,
currently have some issues in 5.10.05. One is on github that all ores looks the same (minor but important).
Second one is when i mine any ore, all others turn black and mined ore doesnt drop.
Can anyone confirm this behavior?Thanks
I had some ease-of-life questions about ingots, plates, etc
is it at all possible to hide the multiple versions (2x ingot, 5x ingot for example) in NEI? and possibly specific items from CraftingTable IV (which I'm having constant crashes from, I'll probably remove it if I can't find a goddamn fix)?
This is good question. I would like cleaning up as well (some recpies even, wont propably craft thorium/uran/plutonium weapons turbines etc.) Also same recipe for example for bronze (5x diferent copper & 3 different tin = 15 recipes). This is polutioning recipe search for ideal matherial since there is 100+pages of craft recipes with most of them irelevant. This bothers me whole time i am playing GT (sorry for lame english :D)
Since the wiki doesn't specify, we'll have to check source:…
5x5 in the X and Z coordinates, all the way to bedrock in the Y coordinate, so not that much better than digging manually to find the ore deposit.However, it also detects the oil or natural gas deposit (which applies to a 96x96 area) underneath. (see…
I think SkebloW was referring to the Advanced Miner II multiblock which could be placed afterwards, which mines a 96x96 area, making the seismic prospector's 5x5 detection area rather pathetic by comparison.Thanks for reply. Oil and gas detecting feature si nice but useless (at least mid game) since worldgen provides large deposits of oilsands ore.
Also checking source code is good idea. Nothing provides more precise info than code itself.Originaly i was referring seismic prospector (i thought it was multiblock donno why). I wanted to know if its worth to use instead of shaft mined with
for quick "scan" of 3x3 chunk area.
Maybe I'll give it a try (until you try you don't know) and then keep digging