not yet reworked(C)
Posts by RawCode
no sparks, machines and cables shoud just not accept invalid input at all.
for users with lots of spare time config option with explosion power can be added (and set to zero by default)
eh sources?
what about:
i just harvested 9999 different ores and dont know what to do with them all.
i just harvested 9999 different blocks that visually mostly same.
i just found stack of criptonite and there is no use for it.i just pulverized tree into atoms and dont know what to do with halfchest of glass tubes containing random elements.
main issue is usage, there is completely no reason to add ore\element\tree\anything with only single usage, ever if you implement all possible elements and generate world with all ores, who will write recipes and crafting chains for all this?
how you going to use (RND.nextint) "Argon" or lets say "Platinum"?
also humanity not using every element on earth, many elements unstable, toxic or plain useless due cost or availability of alternatives with better stats.
make sure that minecraft can write to folder and can access network for file download:
ic2 will attempt to download and classload ejml-0.23.jar (download and place into ...mods\ic2\)
in your case, this action failed
this is sad, but someone who read forum able to find my comment usefull, not everyone can see not soo obvious option without 3rd party help.
moar mods for mod's god!
there is no limits, you can implement ANYTHING you want.
with hacky class transformer you can replace energy net implementation with your own completely.
all generators shoud generate way more power, like 5x or similar, but all storage objects shoud have efficency below 33% and lowest priority (sides shoud be IO and emit power only if link empty)
java.lang.Error: IC2 is incompatible with this environment, use the normal IC2 version, not the dev-deobf one.
unable to read?
its possible to transfer energy without losses with help from buildcraft\hoppers and batteries (that lossless for absolutely no reason, irl batteries have eff below 10%)
how you suggest to handle chunkloading?
laser emitter + large energy module, just like all other tools created.
large energy module also can be used in armor and replace raw reddiamond.
constant coolant flow in order to work looks solid (with pumpstations at some points to keep coolant pressure)
but what with chunkloading?
project red well known to general public.
stealing something is not way, nobody ever tryed to decompile and port rp2 to other versions (but this is perfectly possible)
Lets discuss, this event, as you may know last release was almost year ago on 21th december.
with ejection upgrade you can place hopper above or at any side, this allow few interesting tricks with automation without buildcraft.
it wont create any config, it will replace standart laser with item that have different properties, it can create different type of entity (zombie spawner laser btw), its possible to disable specific modes this way and\or alter any parameter, with additional forge handshake hack it's possible to make mod serversided without telling clients anything.