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Posts by RawCode
probably obscurator not handling metadata correctly on blocks with sided textures?
redpower and similar mods level NBT's and allow stacking of items with same NBT:
keep charge as single byte (0-255 scale) (or ever less, like 0-50)
when item with charge dismounted, round down it's charge and store inside given range. (this will produce very limited number of unique items, especially if level will be stored by 10% steps or more - 33% will be best, all items below 33% drops empty, below 66% - 33% charged, below 99% as 66% and only completely full item drop 100%.
if you dont want item with charge to be stackable but do want to allow items without charge to stack:
(without doing not soo smart additional ID like batteries)write down random.nextint() or current server's time into item's NBT, this will make all unique, ever if charge is same.
or implement stack manager inside item's class, that just dont allow full items to stack.
Quotethat ignore blocks with resistance over 999
IS 18kk MORE THEN 999 ?
please godly fairy of IC2e changes implement difference in return percent based of wrench type and wrench mode:
25% bronze
0% electric
75% electric loselessor something similar, but one of wrenches shoud return zero in order to stack blocks effectively.
ok then.
IC2e feature custom explosion that ignore blocks with resistance over 999, also it shoud treat any resistance over 100 as 100, this will make all types of armored stone as effective as reinforced stone in terms of nuke explosion resistance.
ps. never got reactor exploded by error, not ever shield them, just place 20 long cable under base and set reactor here without any protection.
ever in case of explosion, base wont take any damage.
a popular mod
i never heard about that mod, if you know(play\like) some mod this does not make that mod popular.
Currently popular mods are Buildcraft with forks (foresty,railcraft), Project Red and IC2, everything else is not popular or is not about tech (ars magica\thaumcraft are popular but about magic).
i know only one "popular" mod that not "very balanced" - soul shards, everything else is perfectly balanced compared to it.
shiny allien bronze!
nerf yourself...
its impossible for ic2e to check all mods and adapt for them.
best solution to merge bronze armor and hazmat into HEV Suit that relatively costly to produce and provide exelent protection but for limited amount of time (like 60 hits or less, shared over suit soo boots wont break after first fall)
performance is main issue, how your PC will feel with 10-20 such "objects" appeard on screen at same time?
game shoud provide a bit of chellenge, not lots of grinding.
what about industrial diamonds that cost stack(s) of coal, diamond(s), flint, obsidian, lots of machines (all) in order to be created?
We harvested some diamonds, macerate them to dust, purify with water (or coolant), enrich with coal, compress with flint and obsisian, cook in special funace, alloy with redstone, enrich and purify again, cook again in mold, perform some tests that failed in 95% chances, macerate and process again.
Fail shoud cost only energy, everything else shoud recycle with 100% return chance.
Process shoud allow shotcuts just like ore, player can use diamonds directly, or perform full tech process for 400%-800% output per raw resource but with extreme costs in energy and infrastructure.
there is no reason to waste time on bronze, at given time you already have nano armor.
making bronze less op will remove it from game completely
energium dust
this joke recipe already discussed, devs rejected to set output to 2 and i abandon mod completely due hopeless development plan.
I Need a CF Pellet
you need to read my post bro...
sprayer loaded in bottler or directly from world.
what recipe you dont like and why?
in minecraft only creeper sound matters.
most useless suggestion ever, epecially for players who dont hear at all (including someone who constantly on winamp)
they shoud work as latch\switch:
recieving redstone signal toggle state, this will allow to on-off by redstone signal (without keeping signal source all time).
also gui switch shoud be here, but not as one and only method.