Posts by Snoochy

    Do you really have to hold down their Mousebuttons? Poor guy, i would've written a Program for that based on the following Javacode

    lol, i find it easier to hang Wooden-Felt padded C-Clamp on the laptops touchpad buttons and simply hold my Mouse button in my PC while i watch a movie on my other moniter, or i let the laptops to go town would i play League of Legends and when my match is over o use the third account to go see what they found while they keep drilling.

    Rofl Magus, nah typically what i do is load 2-3 accounts and have then all auto-run and auto-crouch, then i just put them all with bronze picks or diamond drills and hold down their left click buttons. (1 PC and 2 laptops) and use them to comb out the ground at layers 12-16, i then go back later with quantum legs and sprint down the halls with torches looking for minerals. works remarkably effective. the only problem is the rare occurrance of lava at level 13 then comes down on one of their heads.

    i'll like to recommend / suggest re-opening the Agriculture: Post CropIdeas here! thread and post at the top in bright neon green colors (something brighter and easier to read then red) "Read EVERYTHING before you post or get banned" i'm sure it was aggrivating seeming people posting 800 character long suggestions about a single plant and then kept getting side tracked, put a size limit for people, like tell them to keep each Segmient of their plant description under 80 characters. and assure everyone that the plants obviously already grow stuff like iron and redstone, (i noticed a couple of idiots suggesting those over an over). that thread was for specific attributes as alblaka had posted, like "-Attracts/Spawns Creepers nearby, Explodes if set ablaze". so for example something i would have posted would be.

    Sticker Burrs -tier 3
    -diviation of grass
    -looks similar to tall grass with yellow spots
    -causes damage like cactus when stepped on
    -high trampling resistance

    keep it simple like that, alblaka doesn't want to read a 3 page report on 4 different plants, he has better things to do with his time.

    P.S. if your going to post, don;t be lazy, read EVERYONE else's posts that way there are not like 8 of the same thing with a different name.

    if alblaka would like i'd be willing to operate a compendium of all the short, summerized, balanced, and unique ideas for him (you) to browse through so you don;t have to deal with the 50 pages of garbage that some lazy people post. it's not like i much anything better to do with my time at the moment :D

    But you need Macerator for making it, and when i'm at the Macerationlevel, then i have/make already a Diamonddrill and a Batpack. If you don't have a Batpack or if you have forestry then you can still make a Bronzepick, but i'm still using the Gempicks from Redpower.

    yes but when your still fairly early game i prefer to save my EUs then burn them on a diamond drill till i get a couple solar panels and wind turbines going. then when i get liek 12 generators total i upgrade to diamond picks. just saying there are a few of us that use them still specially. specially on some servers where players don;t want to get involved with the Industrial side of the game and just want plain picks they don't have to recharge and find and MFS/MFE. my Girlfriend used to be one of these people and i'd just toss her like 6 bronze picks. then i just started handing her a diamond drill and a lappack and i did the charging for her.

    I've lurked around here long enough to already know about the super fuel already

    basically all this stuff is redstone free energy (I don't like spelunking (I can handle getting lost and monsters separately but not at the same time(that and caves are filled with creepy noises)) and shaft mining almost always seems to end in spelunking for me as a try to reach the layers redstone is found) so when I get redstone I want to be able to stretch it pretty far especially early game. think about it in your first 2 days you could find a creeper, a rubber tree, and a cliff side copper ore to power your bootstrapping equipment with. the melon battery idea I got from a blutrisity-EU crossover mod that eloraam went out of her way to shutdown and I personally though it was clever(you can't burn melon slices directly(not sure about making melon biofuel though)). the fly wheel idea is more an experiment I saw that powerful but expensive generally doesn't fly here so I decided to try some thing cheap and dangerous

    why not mine with a Mining Laser and LapPack? :D then it's more like playing minecraft and an FPS at the same time. also if the laser if set for long range you can shoot through thin walls and still one shot anything.

    You forgot breeding. Then you could get far more than 10 million EU from ONE Uraniumore.

    Oh, and producing Uranium out of 8 SCRAP costs much less than 8 million EU. I think you meaned UUM.

    lol, i ment 8 UUM, and i didn;t forget about bredding i left it out :p and also in order to breed uranium it takes alot more time an effort. atleast all of this time and effort is a better alternative to using solar panels which are propetually free energy. so why can;t we spend a shit ton of time and effort and planning to make "free" nuclear Reactors? atleast it is more trouble then being like "herp derp, i made 500 solar panels and R good fir life!"

    new robocart mob?

    lol, in the end it might just be easier to make a "Minecart" that would automatically follow another minecart. maybe with this as the recipie? using 1 Refined Iron, 5 Iron, and 1 Cuircut.

    :Refined Iron:

    :Tin Ingot: :Electronic Circuit: :Tin Ingot:

    :Tin Ingot: :Tin Ingot: :Tin Ingot:

    the refined iron is simply a Hitch to attach another minecart on to and when you place then just hold M and right click the minecart you want that one to follow?

    well first off, it's the suggestion of this thread, i don;t know entirely as to why he'd want to but i do it occassionally for stuff like traps, reverse engineering underwater houses, and creating a really unique ceiling that can me collapsed and disposed of as needed, but as to why he'd need a gravel to strick straight out i'l not sure apart from traps or just wanting a different texture for the floor.

    lol, potions aren't really magical, they aren't any different from chemical equations and chemical engineering, or simple common sence like Sugar water makes you hyper. although in my opinion a Spider Eye, should be changed to Venom Sack, but that'll be a post on MC forumns.

    would be GREAT in stabalizing some breeder reactors.

    lol, some lava lamps made with uranium glass would look awesome.

    Rick: i know but since when does a game have to make 100% sence? lol also i was just looking for some more uses for iridium and due to it's relative rarity, making it explosion proof seems like a good use.