i'll like to recommend / suggest re-opening the Agriculture: Post CropIdeas here! thread and post at the top in bright neon green colors (something brighter and easier to read then red) "Read EVERYTHING before you post or get banned" i'm sure it was aggrivating seeming people posting 800 character long suggestions about a single plant and then kept getting side tracked, put a size limit for people, like tell them to keep each Segmient of their plant description under 80 characters. and assure everyone that the plants obviously already grow stuff like iron and redstone, (i noticed a couple of idiots suggesting those over an over). that thread was for specific attributes as alblaka had posted, like "-Attracts/Spawns Creepers nearby, Explodes if set ablaze". so for example something i would have posted would be.
Sticker Burrs -tier 3
-diviation of grass
-looks similar to tall grass with yellow spots
-causes damage like cactus when stepped on
-high trampling resistance
keep it simple like that, alblaka doesn't want to read a 3 page report on 4 different plants, he has better things to do with his time.
P.S. if your going to post, don;t be lazy, read EVERYONE else's posts that way there are not like 8 of the same thing with a different name.
if alblaka would like i'd be willing to operate a compendium of all the short, summerized, balanced, and unique ideas for him (you) to browse through so you don;t have to deal with the 50 pages of garbage that some lazy people post. it's not like i much anything better to do with my time at the moment