Posts by GregoriusT

    1. you can't collect the oreblock without magic and this is a tech mod
    2. redstone isn't metal
    3. cause i'm awesome

    1. You can plant it on natural Redstoneore.
    2. "Ore" means that it IS Metal (at least in chemistry it could be a metal)
    3. Oh shit i have no argument against that! 8|
    Edit: You are not Barney Stinson, so you cannot be awe- ...wait for it... some. :D

    Edited Mainpost to show uses for Silver.

    Edit your Bronzejackhammer to the mainthread. Believe me, not everyone would read it on Page 2.

    The Bronzejackhammer is more useless than a normal Nondiamondminingdrill, i would never craft that, but i'm never crafting Bronzepicks, so ignore that.

    I think Machinecover and Machinecube are the best names for it.

    Now is the best time to add Silverore to MC, because after the 1.2.3-Update, we all have to start new Worlds, and new Worlds = newly generated Landscapes, so why not adding Silverore at that time?

    If you add Silver it should be much more rare as the Redpowervariant, because Eloraam generates too much Ores of any kind.

    If you still dont want to add it as ore, then you could make a Silvercrop, which drops Silverdust (that you already have in IC²), and a Silveringot to have the smelted one. And a Silverrecipe for UUM would be usefull then.

    Edit: look at my other Thread to know what it can be used for.

    And again everyone, who complains Silver does not belong to IC², gets shot, because that is obviously a suggestion to ADD it to IC², while it's possible!

    Hmmm... CF Foam memorizes it's color based on metadata. Metadata is full with the 16 colors.
    Earlier i would have said no, but with the extended block IDs, i could spare another ID to provide another set of 16 possible textures.

    And how are Cables memorizing it? 1 Tincable, 2 diffrent Coppercables, 3 diffrent Goldcables, 4 diffrent Stellcables, 2 Specialcables and combining them with CF, Colors or colored CF makes a full set of 384 diffrent Metadatas. That seems a bit overfilled in comparsion with the 16 Colors of CF, huh. So, why you need new more BlockID's? Oh, and Eloraam has 65535 possibilities for her Microblocks.

    I hope you are not gonna wasting BlockID's like Notch, even with the new Limit (Setting the configs for all that Blocks is hard and stupid work).

    Two questions on Cocoa, which are not clearly answered here:

    1. Can i use Cocoabeans to plant it?
    2. If so, how many of them do i need to plant one?

    Would be good if someone is answering that.

    Oh, and Alblaka said, that actually NO PLANT requires a special biome.

    chopping with a wrench?... you obviously don;t work with alot of tool in real life or in a refinery/industrial setting, people use wrenched for everything in refineries. they are used as pry bars, hammers, Cheater-Bars, dead weights for pulley systems, even as a...wrench. lol also, incase you didn;t notice Steve "chops" the machine with his wrench. also, yeah i forgot destorying it with a non-wrench yeilded the machine block/brick as well, it's been forever since i made that mistake.

    P.s. if you don't know what a machine brick is then your not an engineer or industrial. /trolololol

    In real life the wrech is something like a Swissarmytool, because you can use it for everything but in IC² it counts as fist. Yes you can even break Blocks with it like with a Fistpunch, but steve can do that even WITHOUT a Tool.

    To the machinebrick, if i translate that into my native german then i get "Maschinenziegel", "Maschinenstein" or better "Maschinenziegelstein" and all these are not even make sense. And i'm studying Programming so i'm not really industrial but an Inventor/Minecraftengineer.

    by the way, your iron isn't wasted. if you keep chopping at it with a Wrench then you'll eventually get the machine block back instead of the lower version of the machine, for when your ready to upgrade.

    First of all, WHAT IS A MACHINEBRICK!?!
    Second, why you are CHOPPING with a wrench!?!
    And the third, if you want to get the MachineBLOCK back, then use a Pickaxe/Drill and not the Wrench!

    Just wanted to say that.

    As the title says put oil into a machine (Upgradeslot), to let it run a bit faster and cheaper (both 10%), like in reallife.

    This is, how the Machineoil gets produced:
    First you need, is a Canningmachine for these recipes.
    Coalcell (not Coalfuelcell) + 1 empty Tincan = 1 Machineoilcan
    BC-Oilbucket + 4 or 8 empty Tincans = 4 or 8 Machineoilcans

    How to use it:
    You can put ONE Machineoilcan in an Upgradeslot of the machine, and the machine drains a bit from the Machineoilcan (via Damagevalue) for every processed Item by the Machine.

    If you put Machineoilcans in more than one Slot, then only ONE of them gets drained until its empty.

    if a Machineoilcan gets drained, then it's naturally no longer stackable with the full ones.

    if it's empty then it leaves an empty Tincan.

    As i said, this Machineoilcan increases the speed by 10% and decreases the energycosts by 10% until it's empty.

    So what are you saying? And please don't ask how much uses a Machineoilcan has, the balancingpart is for Alblaka.

    I would take the energy with a few Lapotrons and a mobile Massfabricator, which i'm connecting to the enemys energynet, and after anything is drained out, i would steal the rest with my wrench and let the Nuclearreactor blow up if there is one or i use a Nuke. 8o

    Cool, with mods like Better Veins you WILL need these machines, because they are cheaper to build as the most other machines. ULV no problem a single really manned Watergenerator (okay two) and a Watersource and i have the Energy i need in Mac-Gyver-Stytle. Actually i'm short of copper because i found only 16 Oreblocks of it (3 for the Macerator + 26 out of the macerated dusts = only 29 at all).

    I would support this Idea of improvised Machines.

    if CASUC was not intended, then why add single use coolants anyway? -.-
    if there are single's, why not design an system that continously pumps them in

    CASUC is safe, if u know what ur doing

    Even not if you are know what you are doing. Theres a bug that destructed my house with a waterbucketcasuc that was SWITCHED OFF VIA REDSTONE. Whats happened? Oh yes, it has still produced heat even if it was switched OFF. This happens sometimes if you are loading a game. I've avoided a second selfmade Tschernobyl only, because the second reactor has smolten the Redstonecircuit and it was beginning to make a sound that i've heared. In both cases the reactor was itself emmiting a redstonesignal, because of a Repeater/Togglelatch directly pointing to the core.

    Since then i'm only using Ice-Golem-CASUCs with a complicated RP-Redstonecomputersystem and a Redstonedust that goes to a Chamber. Oh and its much more effective.

    I know i've already read a Thread about electromagnetic pulse. It was about frying wires (and all connected machines) with EV and destroying Transformers in a specific range. Moment i'm searching for the Link...

    Oh it's no even at Page 12, so it must be in the Archive, but there i'm not searching.

    It was more than a month before i've registered here.

    Edit: Found it with EMP in the Forumsearchfunction This Thread

    lol, yeah but sadly some pwople don;t know about that and on a rare occasion (more so with lower resolution) the whole thing doesn't show up.

    Low resolution? I'm sitting in front of my small crappy netbook in the university and i can see everything on my chrome.
    If they are so stupid to use Internetexplorer then they are deserving a virus, muahahahahaha.
    Oh and they should switch from Windowmode to Fullscreen.

    lol, very nice, but i know IC2 was going to impliment Programmable Robots into it somehow and i thought this would be a cool and interesting solution. you could also have them build their own little villages.

    Alblaka has said that he gonna not implement something like that with the villages. And because CC has Turtles i think he will not copy that.

    Quote from Alblaka

    Before this turns into a hype: NO.

    yeah but i never even cared to go with fuel and canning. food is stackable now and fuel to me was irrelavent since i went from 32 solar+18windmills to nuclear reactors, now i just use nuclear reactors for power. i might use other means soo though but nuclear reactors pumping out 500eu/t is so much easier on my server then like 50 generators using superfuel, it's also alot easier to manage, i might consider making a bio-fuel processing plant in the future for generator or maybe even getting forrestry so i can use saplings for biofuel and charcoal for coal cell (if able) and then just mass produce Superfuel and auto-feed it in, but that'd only be if i ran out of uranium.

    You cant use Charcoal for Coalcells, you have to use compressed wet Coaldust. :P

    Biofuel is MUCH less powerfull than Coalfuel and it's better to burn Cacti and Sugarcanes directly in the Generator instead of turning it into Biofuel.

    The Forestrybiofuel and the corresponding Biofuelgenerator are efficient enough to use them in the game.