Posts by GregoriusT

    yup, just rubbing it in alittle further incase they missed the point, lol. some people also prefer clicking the plain like instead of a tagged hyperlink due to fear of accidently getting a virus.


    And why the fuck, i should link to a virus or something, lol. I have already 142 Posts here including this one.

    The Canningmachine has very special abilities (Superfuel for example), here are some recipes:

    Food + X * Cans = X * Foodcans (X is the amount of Foodpoints it gives)
    :Coal Cell: :Coal Cell: :Coal Cell: :Coal Cell: :Coal Cell: :Coal Cell: = Coalfuel
    :Bio Cell: :Bio Cell: :Bio Cell: :Bio Cell: :Bio Cell: :Bio Cell: = Biofuel

    Now the secret ones for Superfuel:

    Yes, Modders could need an API for that, but it is not as simple as you are describing.

    I would never drink coffee IRL but in IC²...
    Should work a bit like Swiftnesspotion with low effect and duration. A new crop crossbreeded from two Cocoaplants to make Coffee (will add that plant in my List) would be needed, because Cocoabeans are not Coffeebeans.

    With the Colorforgehook (used from Eloraam to add Indigodye) we could add a new brown, based on Coffee, to use the surplus of it.

    Computercraft is perfectly suited for Robots (or Turtles). You can code EVERYTHING they do with the scriptlanguage lua. Maybe the Craftingrecipes of them are a bit too cheap but its still awesome. The Turtles can even mining/chopping for you or similar things (even bombing with TNT or Nukes).

    a just make the mushroom terraformer change the biome to an actual mushroom biome (that will be possible in 1.2.3 right?) the only thing that spawns there is mooshrooms

    That would be possible. Codewise it's really not possible, without Basefilemodification, to get a machine like that. If it would be possible then i wouldn't make a new machine, i would add that to the Luminatorabilities with a circlerange of 8.

    Glass, Halfslabs and Redpowermicroblocks are working too.

    Rofl Magus, nah typically what i do is load 2-3 accounts and have then all auto-run and auto-crouch, then i just put them all with bronze picks or diamond drills and hold down their left click buttons. (1 PC and 2 laptops) and use them to comb out the ground at layers 12-16, i then go back later with quantum legs and sprint down the halls with torches looking for minerals. works remarkably effective. the only problem is the rare occurrance of lava at level 13 then comes down on one of their heads.

    Do you really have to hold down their Mousebuttons? Poor guy, i would've written a Program for that based on the following Javacode

    import java.awt.Robot;
    import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;

    public class Leftklickhold
    public static void main(String args[])
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Linksklickhalter");

    new Thread(new Runnable() {@Override public void run()
    int buttonType = InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK;
    while (true)
    Robot robot = new Robot();
    catch (Exception e)

    Edit: That damn Forum doesn't lets me put in my code in a good way. :cursing:

    no, seriously.. if you can afford a nuke after a few creeper kills and some lucky uranium finds, you can blast a hole large enough around layers 20-40 which enables a more explosive apporach to full scale mining. This way, you kill a good majority of 'clutter,' and then scrape off the resulting tunnels/cave connections that you've found for materials...

    Hmmm, actually i have 4 Uranium and enough Blackpowder (Piratelanguage FTW) to make a nuke. And i'm short of usefull resources due to Betterveins-Mod... TO THE OBVIOUSCAVE!!!

    This is a list of all the good crops:
    I'm editing this "List" from time to time, because the second post is a very good productplacement.
    And i will take ONLY the good ones, not everyone!

    Alblaka: Your comment-color is dark blue like normal, if you really want to comment here.

    Trollweed (it's not Ferru)
    Suggested by: GregTech Intergalactical (My evil Company)
    -tier 2 (early "available")
    -can be bred with every Cropcombination and appears randomly
    -looks identical to a random other Plant, which is next to it (to let the user think it's a good plant)
    -drops nothing, not even seeds (trolling Trollweed)
    -very low trampling resistance (so you think you have trampled a good plant)
    -other trolling abilities, like making the sound of a random Mob (Creeperhissing for example) if you are nearby it.
    This plant is just to confuse players, trollololol. It can't be used for griefing, because it drops no seeds.

    Coffeebeanplant (thats obvious)
    Suggested by: Snoochy
    -can be bred with two cocoaplants
    -looks like cocoa but a little bit darker.
    -drops coffeebeans
    Usefull to make Coffee and colorizing things brown (there is a Forgehook for Colors like RP-Indigo)

    Bright Rose (Brilliant Rose)
    Suggested by: Sebra
    - tier quite high.
    - can be bred with flowers and resource-producing plants (not dye)
    - Flower, Diamond colored rose.
    - drops nothing until "harvested", low seeds quantity, quite low chance of diamond, need big Gain value to be useful
    - need direct sunlight to grow and not to die - vulnerable to rain (place glass above to protect for rain but theres no sun during rain!)
    This plant is to look brilliantly good and give a fermer a brilliant hope.

    Suntear (Glowstone)
    Suggested by: Sebra
    - tier medium
    - bred by Red Wheat and Aurea (at least very close to them)
    - a rod with glowing tip (remember Xen)
    - when grown emits lightlevel 3 or 4.
    - will die under sunlight
    - also need Glowstone under farmland to full grow (Sorry it's not possible to hide the Glowstone, due to the transparency of Farmland)
    - drops Glowdust with small chance/quantity if lit only (be quick to harvest or get nothing)
    This should look cool in caves. And glowdust farming is not easy.

    Needed logical plants which are droping:
    These i would definetly add to my List if well described, but other ones are still possible.

    [O] Netherwart (already agreed)
    [O] Mushrooms (Both)
    [O] Cactus
    [X] Diamond or Diamondpieces
    [X] Glowdust (not a whole Block)
    [O] Copper (with Oreblock underneath it)
    [O] Tin (with Oreblock underneath it)
    [O] Silverdust (maybe?, so vanilla IC² would include a nonore way for Silver)
    [X] Coffeeplant
    [X] Fakeplant (Trollweed)

    You should remove your Post if it contains already Listed plants, or remove the properly overtaken Plants from your list if you really want to keep your position.

    Post edited 15. March 2012 - 3:30 pm, Timezone +1

    because they are fairly easy to make and 30% more durable then iron, so near the start these are highly valuable to the Diamond Tunnel Combing method we all tend to use.

    But you need Macerator for making it, and when i'm at the Macerationlevel, then i have/make already a Diamonddrill and a Batpack. If you don't have a Batpack or if you have forestry then you can still make a Bronzepick, but i'm still using the Gempicks from Redpower.

    honostly i'd greatly prefer the UUM recipe for uranium. i mean hell if you made it cost 8 scrap then that alone is 8 million EUs which is far more then you get out of a Uranium Cell anyways.

    You forgot breeding. Then you could get far more than 10 million EU from ONE Uraniumore.

    Oh, and producing Uranium out of 8 SCRAP costs much less than 8 million EU. I think you meaned UUM.

    how about recycling gold stuff gives a better chance to yield scrap.

    This brought me again to this Idea. Why not recycling stuff that is more Valuable to more then one Scrap.

    Now, examples:
    Wood, Stone and other regenerative stuff = 1/8 like normal
    (this stuff is not valuable and so it will never get counted in the following formula)

    Flint, Gravel, Dirt, Marble, Basalt = 2/8
    Coal = 3/8
    Tin, Copper, Nikolite, Apatite = 4/8
    Iron, Bronze, Redstone = 6/8
    Glowstonedust, Depleted Uraniumcell = 8/8
    Gold, Silver, Lapis, Redpowergems = 16/8
    Diamond, Tungstendust (if it becomes maceratable) = 32/8
    Uranium, Tungstenore = 64/8

    I really need Tabulator in the Forum!!!

    Tools/Armors and other stuff =

    Sum all the valuable Craftingingredients possibilities, from the cheapest recipe


    (How much is it damaged, in case of nonelectric Stuff) * (Amount of Stuff you get from that Recipe)

    This way we can recycle the recycled golden Helmets (80/8 if undamaged) without problems.

    For explanation 80/8 would mean that it tries 80 times to produce Scrap from this Material at a possibility of 1/8 like normal. So you would get 10 Scrap on average for a golden Helmet, so you can try again (Scrapbox costs only 9 Scrap yay).

    Yes, there is some Redpowerstuff and also Apatite from Forestry but these are all at the Oredictionary. Everyone complaining about "it's not IC²" gets shot, simple as that. If someone has already posted this, sorry but i didn't found that thread.

    IF add more uses to silver, it has to be optional, since it is not an IC² ore.
    Silver cable could be added as T2-3 cable (carry MV/HV and has 1 EU loss every 6 blocks)
    [So maybe use Nikolite as equal substitute for redstone in certain recipes, and tungsten ore for something, gems for industrial diamond production]

    Bronze can be used as bronze->iron if needed (melt rails back to iron inside alloy furnace)

    1. Silver optional? Yes it must be so, but i already indirectly said that in the mainpost, to be a possible replacement for Gold in Circuits.

    2. Nikolitebatterierecipe was on my old Suggestionlist (you have readed and agreed that part) :thumbup:

    3. I think Tungstenore will be smeltable, so a Tungstendust, like Silverdust, would be usefull.

    4. f***, i forgot to disable the Bronzerecipe for Rails, now everyone (one another person) on my private Server (not activated when i'm not there) could craft Iron out of Bronze! :cursing:

    what ever happened the idea to bringing back the uum uranium recipe but making it so you needed a eff better than 3.25 to turn profit? did that idea get any where?

    Loud stupid priests voice:


    Now i think it should be a bit more rare as Scrapdiamond.