Posts by GregoriusT

    No, I have had a stock pile of textures for about 4 months neither Greg, player nor thunderdark have added even though I have given it to them several times :p

    Just to defend myself, I haven't done anything in IC² recently, because my Git install broke (due to Smartgit forcing me to install a newer Version), so that I am not able to commit anything for some reason, and I am still too lazy to just reinstall and fix it. Well I have nothing much to contribute to IC² right now (most of my Ideas require a large and complex System like GT), if I find something that is worth it I will ofcourse reinstall Git again.

    And to clearify it: Textures are not worth it from my own Point of View, even though the reinstall might only requires 10 Minutes or so. I'm procrastinating much recently.

    Still, 4 Glass Fibers for HighTech things are not that bad. 1 Gold Ore = 2 tiny Silver Dusts, 4 and 1/2 Gold Ore = 1 Silver Ingot, 18 Gold Ore = Enough for a set of 2 Teleporters, and dont tell me Gold is rare, it is abundant and easy to mine. It's not that hard to find 3 Gold Veins in Minecraft.

    When I did UE Compatibility in 1.5 I had to combat Double Conversion. More than 71000000 EU were not possible without Int-Double Conversion Glitches causing Infinite Energy Glitches.

    But again, the missing Cable Loss and the missing Packets were making the Enet unsuitable for my Plans. I could have tried to make the IC² Enet suitable but then Player would have killed me for touching the "work in progress" Enet :P .

    The only really good thing about the optimized IC² Enet is that it can be executed in a different Thread making it more efficient on Servers.

    int max Energy Storages = 2.147.483.647
    double max Energy Storage = 1.79769313486231570e+308d

    8| 8| ;)

    But can you substract 32 from 1.79769313486231570e+308d without staying at the exact same Number generating infinite Energy just from having a ton of Energy stored? And if the substraction works, how stupidly large would be the amount of calculation loss from one small output of 32 EU? It is not the size, it is the precision which matters (Insert bad "That's what SHE said" joke here). I personally switched to Long for that purpose in order to have 100% precise Numbers no matter how large they are.

    Sorry, but I gave up on the IC2 Enet (what is required for IC2 Teleporter compatibility). You have to use MFEs or MFSUs, or for very short distances a CESU.

    My own Enet can deliver Power to IC² Stuff through Cables and alike, but in order to receive Energy from an IC² Producer/Storage you need to put a GT Transformer in front of it for conversion.

    The reasons of why I removed compatibility to the IC² Enet are that Cable Loss doesn't work, that the Network doesn't have Packets anymore and that it switched from Integer to Double (what is horrible for larger Energy Storages). Not to mention that it is very hard to have control over Energy flow without constantly registering and unregistering TileEntities.

    every response I have recived about this idea has "from nothing, for nothing, free, free and more free shit." in it. people the scrap machine takes power and material to make scrap, most clever people on servers make cobble gen farms, heck gregtech has cobble stone generators in it. Every peice in a stack, In a scrap machine takes an operation = lag, then you have a % chance to get a peice of scrap, then a % chance to get somthing from a srapbox. so I am sure that your perfect scrap machines make "free" shit !!!! anyways. don't even get me started on IC2's mass fab(power*time = matter = anything).

    though I would think gregtech would make cobble generators that take less cpu.

    Are you in 1.6 or what? My Cobble Gens consume less CPU than Blockbreakers or similar.

    ALSO, I autoblacklist Cobble and many Stone Products from the Recycler meaning NO FREE SCRAP FROM COBBLE.

    Just wanted to say that.

    Cobble to Minerals = more Gamebreaking than the ridiculous but very fun Concept of Scrap (once you blacklist Cobble). We are not Equivalent Exchange over here. Cobble is infinite per definition, and even if you dont have Cobble Generators, it is stupidly easy to mine out entire Areas with a Mining Laser or an Advanced Miner, wait, the Advanced Miner can be used as Cobble Generator!

    While the General Idea would make sense the whole thing shouldn't run on cobble at all and since it only runs on cobble, I doubt this will be done. (at least not by me, maybe you have more luck with Thunderdark)

    Why don't you just use the GuiHandler to open the GUI for the Interface yourself? Also instead of sending a GUI ID you could just make it dependant on the found Entity. I personally don't even use the GUI ID anymore for my own Blocks, and let the Block itself decide which Client GUI to open depending on the Coords (TileEntity).

    And in general even though it might be more Efficient in some cases (and inefficient in rare other cases), I would not use any of the IC² Networking Code for my own Stuff.

    Not to mention that Interfaces can work on everything per definition of Java.