Use "OreDictionary.Wildcard" as Damage for your Item to make Damage irrelevant. All other Mods and vanilla Minecraft do that too.
Posts by GregoriusT
We should update GT now, I think.
1.2.3 already had Jungle Trees
Nope, it is not 256 and 2048, even though it SHOULD be like that, the Values are actually much higher making them charge much faster than they should.
I would never recommend using Bukkit, MCPC+ or Cauldron at all, it won't fix things. We can only hope that we dont get more than 12 Players online at once. Or at least not that often.
Dumb Question: Are those Brass Pipes? Their Texture looks so Brassy. Brass Pipes are for Items and not Fluids, just to let you know.Edit: Oops, those can't be Brass, the Pipe diameter is too small for Item Pipes.Also, are you sure those Solar Boilers even have Steam in them? You know the Gray Bar on the Left telling you how much Steam is inside. Because Solar Boilers need to heat up before running.
Methes, when the Chunk loading Pipe fail thing happens, are the Pipes still visually connected then or are they disconnected at the Border on one Pipe and connected on the other Pipe?
Because Pipe Connections are a Serverside thing, which just gets sent to the Client, meaning the Pipes represent the Serverside Status of the Connections.
Is it still the same Crash Log?
The Crash doesnt happen because of GT, I actually prevent the Crash before it happens. There is something else crashing the Game.
And the prevented Crash happens because the Transformer tries to absorb EU from an IC2 Source with a Voltage of guess what: Zero, but again, that one is automatically prevented and not the Source.
The occassional Server Crash. Can happen sometimes for weird reasons. Restart Server and proceed.
And I have no Idea why this is happening.
Edit: That Step 15 thing might be fixed already. But I will look into it.
Edit: Do you have more precice Information about the location of the Arithmetric Exception?
Look at the serverside GregTech.log File.
He will add a Regen Beacon to Spawn meaning we have Regen at Spawn, so you can go there and BOOM healed, for healing outside that Area you would need Potions. Remember we keep all our Stuffs on the Server Move, so Potion making should be easy.
Your UB Config is wrong, you have set a different Stone Hardness Clientside than Serverside making Blocks not break.
Sirus, it is ONE Energium Dust + 6 Glass + 2 Silver = 1 Glass Fiber.
if IC2 is required for the mod to work
Just this. If you don't require it, like Railcraft doesn't for example, it is not an Addon.
For the next update I implemented an upgrade with which one of my machines can produce IC2 cables, the "Industrialization Upgrade". The Icon for the item is the IC2 basic wrench scaled and put on top of the upgrade template. So my question is now, under which conditions am I allowed to use that image in my mod?
In this very case I would say it is allowed to use it, since it is about IC² and should therefore fit the Style. Railcraft did that too when adding the Creosote Cell or the Lapotron Charger Upgrade.
D: But if you don't praise gaben, how will half life 3?
Half Life 3 discontinued.
Wait, what?
Well, it is because i spent too much time into TC that it got over GT tech, i can focus on GT next time :3
I'm just done with TC, really, got everything.Dont be sad, you just played too fast, you already completed Thaumcraft after less than one Week. No wonder people are always restarting if they rush through everything and are playing multiple hours a day.
Well, after the restart I would probably go for playing alone again, SpwnX is just way too Overpowered, what kills the fun.
Setting all entries from =true to =false and = to =0 seems to have no effect on server start up times
[14:35:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [gregtech/gregtech]: Sending event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod gregtech
[14:35:18] [Server thread/TRACE] [gregtech/gregtech]: Sent event FMLPostInitializationEvent to mod gregtechDoes this mean that GT initializes in 17seconds ?
Yes it does. At least the Post Init (which is the longest Phase) takes that long (if the Recipes are disabled ofcourse). You should check preInit and Init too for more precice Values.
My OreDict things would run faster if you would just disable ALL Recipes in my Config. Also the Player.dat File indeed contains all the Inventory and would get transferred if you copy it over.
Also If we really do a new World, I would just stock up on a few Thaumium Tools and the most valuable things and do a simple restart.
I wouldn't use MCPC+ at all I bet it won't fix the >12 Players Problem anyways. Also everything runs fine now as long as not more than 12 Players are joining the Server. Bukkit would cause way too many Problems, such as Redstone not working properly for example.
Also Invultri, you either didnt decrease the View Distance, or the View Distance thing is not working at all (I wasn't online after the Update so if it works now, then ignore this), because I can still see the Mountains very far away from my Base even though I never left the House.