1024 is not a very special binary Number, because it is 2^10, what then is again a mix of Decimal and Binary and therefor dirty.
Posts by GregoriusT
From looking into your Signature, I see some Errors:
if(thatsimplekid=="awesome"){throwAParty(now, 1, 0)}"
1. You need to do .equals instead of ==, otherwise you won't be considered awesome even if you would be.
2. Better use .equalsIgnoreCase instead, because then it isn't case sensitive.
3. There is a " at the End of the Line.
4. throwAParty needs a Semikolon at the end of the closed bracked. -
I think they don't have a Byproduct, and no Byproduct automatically means that it is using itself as Byproduct. That Information is under gregtechmod.api.enums.Materials in the static Block under the Enum Initializaion
Yes, I made a special Case and left only the IC² Uranium out of the Default GT Processing chain (OreWasher + Thermal Centrifuge), because of the Reactor Products.
I will ofcourse remove the Stone + Quartz = random Stone Recipes, as soon as I get to MC 1.8, I'm not even on 1.7 right now.
Yeah, I got the Rendering thing a while ago (when I started with the Pipes), I was very exited just like you (maybe a bit less than you), but then I found the tons of Bugs in Minecraft. For example the Bottom Facing of a Block is always renders mirrored, because they had the Rendering Coordinates in the wrong Order.
This looks like a single Storage Block surrounded by Nether Quartz, with a Cable leading out of one Side.
Congrats, I can already do that with vanilla IC². Just make it 16x16x16 and you could call it MegaBlock (like in Sethblings Series)
Electric fences could not be added because the IC2 energy net does not support that at the moment.
Who says that? Can't you just hook up the Fences to a Controller Block and everytime an Entity walks into the Hitbox of that Fence it checks the Controller Block for Electrocution.
How can I make text wrap, or set a font size on the display panels?
Yes, the Font Size should definetly be set-able. Sometimes Displays look a bit strange when being next to each other, just because one String is longer than the String on the Panel before.
have a cat:
. ,.
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"-._ '"~~~>-._~]>--^---./____,.^~ !
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~----"~ \What the fuck is this!?!
Question: Does the Door break, when you destroy the Block below, like every other Door does?
I could delete all Posts inbetween your Main Post and your second Post.
You don't do so that was just to troll your dummyMBs.But I could have done it. There would be no sense in opening a GUI from a Part of a Multiblock, which isn't having a specific Facing, like a Computer Screen or something.
hahaha, i redirect all those inventory methods directly into main block). And open gui from casings too!
Railcraft, Forestry and other Mods do that already, so there is no originality on that, and therefor your hahaha isn't really well placed.
The Problem with such Cameras is only Chunkloading, because if you are too far away you would have to load additional Chunks to the Client (especially if the Camera is placed inside a Chunkloaded Area). Having additional Cameras could even be done Clientside Only, but that would be kinda like XRay hacking.
@Use reflection:
You can't implement interfaces on items using reflection, can you?Yes I can do such Magic. I can even do that with TileEntities.