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Posts by GregoriusT
You cannot copy a Nullpointer...
I just updated it, now to post the Changelog.
Here is the Mistake
ItemStack ccheck = Items.getItem("copperOre").copy();
ItemStack tcheck = Items.getItem("tinOre").copy();
ItemStack ucheck = Items.getItem("uraniumOre").copy();That "copy" without a != null Check results in Nullpointers
In addition if that check failed you do
Block copperOre = getBlock(AdditionalOres.copperstack.copy().itemID);
Without any != null Check either, resulting into another Nullpointer Exception.
It will be. I know you update Saturdayly, so I took some time to work on other minor things aswell, since it is Friday right now.
What Problems do you have with people decompiling Stuff?
You serious? Even Mojang failed at that Task (see obfuscation). As long as Code can be read by a Computer it can always be decompiled.
Why do you bother with Beta Versions at all? I just throw any Update at my Users instead of leaving people with buggy Versions.
Burnbot lol. I'm in for Clingertron 9000.
And why do they always have to redesign Eggman, seriously. He looked awesome in Unleashed, Colors, Generations and Lost World (before his Mustache got halfed and only in the non-HD Cutscenes). At least they kept the Voice.
Wait, a Lag Message can only happen 10 times per Chunk Load. I bet 430, 67, 512 is part of the Steam Pipe System of Nonotan, right? I bet that Fluid Pipe goes over Chunk Boundaries (z axis) and causes Lag that way, even though that shouldn't be possible due to Anti-Orphan-Chunk-Technology.
Edit: Found another new Solution. "getTileEntityAtSide(byte aSide)" is getting called by almost every crossblock Function in GT. Buffering the Result of that Function and just checking if the TileEntity is still valid (just a !isInvalid() and a Coordinate Check) would reduce the Access to the TileEntity Mappings and increase the CPU Efficency at the cost of a little bit of Memory (not much, just 6 Object Pointers aka Longs per GT TileEntity). Since all vanilla GT Covers, Automation Blocks and the Pipe Network use that Function to determine connections to adjacent Blocks, this would reduce a ton of Server load.
Uhhm, the Problem with Seeds is, that almost all the Mods change the Outcome. Yes I know Forge has done something to prevent that, but it still changes within Mod Updates aswell in case of Worldgen Mods.
It is 4 Dusts, NEI is broken
Because Valve hasn't learned to count past 3
That means they cant do 2.4 aswell, since that involves the Number 4, even if it is just a decimal, what results in Team Fortress 2.2222222 Confirmed.
Fixed just now.
Edit: Yesterday the Connection Lag decreased from ~120kBit/sec to 60kBit/sec, I think that was because the Chunkloader of someone ceased to Function (ran out of Fuel and therefor causing the Lagsource to be unloaded), could you confirm the offswitched Chunkloader?
I hold you responsible for your tendency towards bashing people, who are trying to post an opinion that differs from your own.
Welcome to Democracy, where people are bashing each other to force their opinions, to end up with the same Situation as before.
And Soulsand
Edit: Please wait for 4.08b before updating GT, I will release it within the next Hour.
Just noticed you dont use the OreDict Name of Rubber "itemRubber" for your Recipes.
There are already several Sites, which do that. I once got linked to one of them, but I don't know the exact Address since it is long time ago.
In case you change the Infused Gold Ratio, please tell me, because I have to change the Material Components in that case.