Posts by GregoriusT
Actually, it may have been old code from the Dragon Lord, lol...
Nope, it was brand new Code inside the Centrifuge and the Ore Washer.
The Dragon Lord had written relatively good Code.
Yes, a try/catch Block causes a lot of overhead.
And I didn't accuse you, I now know who that was.
Greg, did you modify IC2's code to be more lagfree on build 357?
Nope, I just made it more readable. Eclipse showed me a shitload of Warnings in the IC² Code, and I fixed all of them, and during that I even found some Bugs.
Who the fuck uses try {Object.member.function();} catch(NullPointerException e) {return null;} instead of a simple Object.member != null check?
The Advanced Regulator is the best thing to happen to Minecraft.
Wow, the Machine, which was only created because Eloraam did her Regulator improperly.
Coming from someone who did their exams a few months ago, Good luck sir, your going to need it.
Coming from someone who can spell your and you're properly: Good Luck Sir, you're going to need it.
mr10movie: since you asked for luck, I could have given you tough luck aswell.
It seems that with the latest Gregtech things that are outside are now randomly exploding in the rain. To prevent further damage I have rolled back the world and mods.
They always exploded in the Rain/Thunder. You can disable that in the Config.
So, basically what you did was the same as
System.out.println(gregtechmod.api.enums.Materials.Water.getMass()); -
Every pro imaginationist knows that having an entire universe is far better.
My Universe supports this Theory.
Well, you would only have to install Forge with the Forge Installer, and then drop the Mods into the Mods Folder. That is all.
Ohh crap one can't close Internet Assploder while being banned
Try using Task Manager. It is a nice Sharpshooter.
I know Player has a good idea of where he wants to end up with it, and I do not understand why he doesn't make it the center focus of development. The e-net is such an important part of IC2 that having it fully featured is the biggest thing the Experimental branch needs. Not advanced miners or iridium drills or unreasonably expensive energium dust. We need the e-net. Everything else can come after it.
Well, Player doesn't add those Features, that is Thunderdark.
I would do the E-net, but Player would kill me if I change that one.
And Player does uhhm, nothing right now. Like nothing at all.
For charging the Electric Item resulted in the Crafting Process, and for accepting Fluid Containers without Hardcode.
Both can be done by just extending the vanilla (well, actually Forge since the OreDict Support isn't vanilla) Shaped and Shapeless Recipes, so that NEI doesn't need a seperate Plugin for that, so I don't know why they did it back then.
Issue with APM APM-IC2-Ex-1.2.1-IC2-2.0.238-experimental. When chunks containing the Adjustable Transformer are rapidly unloaded (ie: by someone in a Flying suit boosts out of the area) the server crashes.
Hope your still working on this mod because it's great. For the moment we've just had to ban the Adjustable Transformer.
Uhhm, one Question: Why do you use a very old Version of IC² Experimental. Try updating IC², it might help.
Something like forestry mail?
That'd be OP.
Also, does your trade-o-mat on cheat mode allow us to infinitely buy/sell something? Thus allowing infinite item "admin shop".
So, one Question: What else could a Trade-O-Mat in Cheat Mode do, other than an Admin Shop? Especially, since it becomes indestructible, once you insert the Cheat Item.
That would only earn you a warning, if i werent so tolerable.
You mean, "if I weren't doubleposting myself", right?
SegFaulter: If you don't want your Post to be broken into pieces, then dont make it breakable into pieces, or better, make it breakable at the Points YOU choose, so that they keep their meaning.
MagusUnion: Creosote is just 3EU/Liter or 3000EU per Bucket. So it is basically neither worth to add to the Semifluid Generator, nor worth to be discussed as OP Material.
@above Great, makes everything way more tolerable
Also, IC2 345
How is that a benefit to anyone?
9 Dusts crafted together shouldn't yield 1 Dust. That alone is a compression Operation worth making an Energy Crystal directly.
"Made Energium Dust 9 times cheaper and Energy Crystals 9 times more expensive (so it stays the same) and made Glass Fibers about 1/9 cheaper (energium wise) at the cost of 4 times more Silver."
Before: 2 Silver + 1 Energium + Glass = 4 Glass Fiber
Now: 1 Silver + 2 Energium + Glass = 1 Glass Fiber, oh wait, it is just 2 times more Silver, my bad. -
The Poor Man's MFE, which outputs 512 EU/t due to E-net changes. Very bronze-intensive, however.
"Poor"?, that thing consumes so much Bronze, that I got half a Stack of Diamonds (Oh right, I made the Recipe use Rubies, my bad) before I get that (even with only 4 CESUs).
Hrrm you get 1 Energium Dust from 9 Dusts, I think I should make it 9 Energium and then tweak the other Recipes to adjust to that.