Do you have forge?
Posts by Hidinginthelight
IC2 doesn't assign things out of range. It's ID resolver/4096 ID fix, that put things out of range, so it could be anything.
explore new areas, they'll only show up in chunks that generate after you installed IC2
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2
mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
mod_AdditionalPipes 3.0.9 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_Railcraft 5.2.0
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b1
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5All those work with out MP, and are some of the ones I am currently using.
So you'd need to look at the others for a mp requirement.
So then it's a matter of choosing which mods are more important to your play style. You either need to cut the ones that require MP, or cut the ones that won't run with it.
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.2.5v1
If I understand things correctly, IC2 won't run properly if MP is installed.
mcportcentral is the place to go for bukkit + IC2
260? are you using IDresover and a 4096 ID fix?
the ID shouldn't be higher then 256.
Post the error message you get.
ModloaderMP is no longer required for neither the client or server and Buildcraft 2.2 has been ported to use the netcode provided through Forge. Due to the major changes, chances for bugs are higher in this release compared to previous releases.
Very first topic on the home page for buildcraft. my understanding IC2 will not run with modloadermp
This thread…talling-buildcraft-1-2-5/
Also says that buildcraft doesn't need modloadermp
Finally. You are running 1.2.3 version of Buildcraft with 1.2.5 version of everything else.
Did you change the buildcraft version? The version included in FTB is the SSP only version.
Then you will also need to change the version of forestry, since that only works with the 3.x version of buildcraft. And since the FTB version of forestry adds custom content for FTB, you probably need to wait for the SMP version to be released. -
There are a few 4096 fixes floating around.
mDiyo's take on it seems to work pretty good.If you really need one to get all the mods you have running I'd recommend giving his 4096 fix a try. don't think it works with IDresolver, but you'll atleast have all the ID's to work with.
Actually, I forgot to mention this, but her brother also plays on the server, so he gave her his .jar, but the same thing happened, and he's been playing on the server with the mod too. Thoughts?
I'm guessing that the other thread is this person?
http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=6105If she tried using a jar from someone else that worked and it didn't for her, then I'd try re-downloading the actual launcher for MC. You know, the Minecraft.exe. Or try using multiMC or one of the other new fangled fancy launchers.
You may have tried this already, but...
First, back up anything you want to save. (saves folder, etc)
Delete the .minecraft folder
Then run MC, so it downloads everything fresh. And try it again from there.
Something is off if the meta-inf is coming back.
After it hangs up on that screen if you close out MC, and open the jar is the meta-inf folder back?
Make sure you aren't checking the force update box after you have installed modloader.
It really sounds like the META-INF folder is back.
Have you tried putting both modloader and forge in at the same time and then running MC after that?
Copy the contents of modloader first, then the forge contents, delete META-INF folder.
Then run MC make sure that force update is not checked.
Buildcraft doesn't need modloadermp.
You need to go to mcportcentral or whatever it is to get support for bukkit installations
Well my install was a only a few days old (started 1.2.5 on the 25th), Downloaded everything just before 1.95b came out. (upgraded to 1.95b shortly there after)
But I went ahead and did a clean install, with only IC2, NEI, and the requirements for both (forge build 99, cause that's the one I had downloaded already).
Everything is working like it should for me.
If you haven't tried already. Download the IC2 jar file again.
Well. It doesn't really help me. I tried out a mod (can't recall what it was) that also used dust, was thinking that they may have been clashing a bit, but looking at the mods you have, it isn't one of the ones you have. =)
I'd start pulling mods out 1 at a time, try with out each one. A bit of a process, but would help track down the source of the problem.
It's more likely to be one of the following:
DrZharks MoCreatures Mov v3.5.0
CustomMobSpawner 1.4.3
Better Enchanting Client V127
Somnia v24[1.2.5]
CraftableSpawners_1-2-5Even some of those are pretty common, so less likely they would have an issue..
If you are using one of the easy mod launchers.. (mcpatcher, multimc, etc.) you could try loading IC2 just above optifine.
You need to go to the people that ported IC2 to bukkit to get support. These boards are for support of the officially released version of IC2. They have no idea what changes have been made in porting it to work with bukkit.