Posts by jppk1

    I've had a casuc running for days in a quite remote location on a friend's server and I only go there to replace the fuel. Maybe it's because it's been built in a single chunk?

    If that doesn't help I suggest that you go for wind power. SpwnX's wind mill setup made around 4.5 EU/windmill when i built it two blocks from max height on 1.2.3, which is quite nice.

    Sounds good. I've always wondered why we use copper cable in a HV transformer and how it doesn't break. The only real uses of gold for me are quarries and logistic pipes, and I don't really see a point not going to the nether for glowstone as you can easily gather 5+ stacks of it whit a jetpack in less than 10 minutes. The results: tons of unused gold and redstone.

    My try at icon blueprint of the reactor:
    :Intergrated Plating: =air/empty
    :Coal Chunk: =some solid block(nonflammable suggested)
    :Generator: =reactor
    :Induction Furnace: =reactor chamber
    :Tesla Coil: =filter
    :Bronze Hoe: =deployer(filled with 9 empty buckets)
    :Copper Dust: =red alloy wiring(non-insulated!)
    :Cable: =pneumatic tube
    :HV-Transformer: =HV transformer
    :Glass Fibre: =HV cable next to the reactor
    :Advanced Machine: =timer set to 0,55 sec
    :Rubber Trampoline: =a pneumatic tube with a cover to allow red alloy wiring on it
    :Gold Dust: =red alloy wiring corner, leave a empty space!
    :Water Cell: =water source block
    :Wrench: =lever

    Blueprints inside

    Continued in the next post below due to character limit.

    I kind of like it.

    If the generator could be balanced, I think it would be neat to have it atleast as an addon. This would (propably) need a lot of coding and a few new blocks without any other use though. Something of this sort would be an useful thing for some sort of an outpost I'm planning to build. I'd have to see the final recipes and input/output to say yes or no.

    By the way, the process of separating water into atoms would actually produce hydrogen and oxygen cells at around 1:1 ratio than 2:1 ,because oxygen atoms are much larger than hydrogen atoms.(coincidentally spent around an hour doing my chemistry homework just a while ago).

    I tried a 6-chamber nuclear reactor full of uranium and the furthest point where it destroyed dirt was 64-66 blocks away from the middle of the explosion.

    It is sustainable to use scrap, you can shoot at least 10 stacks of cobble/dirt/gravel with the mining laser in 15 minutes,but it takes some energy. It's still cheaper/easier to run than without scrap. When I was playing vanilla IC2 a while ago I used a plant of 16 recyclers right next to mine to produce my scrap and a a power chokepoint to make sure that my mass fab didn't run without scrap.

    Without breeding, making 1 uranium cell costs (between 1-9mil EU) 7Mil EU.

    1 Uraniumum cell makes 2-10mil EU, depending on 1-5 eff. I presume a normal 2-3eff reactor will translate that into 4-6mil EU. Now with this your running an EU deficit. I also don't see eff 4+ reactors that can run anywhere near a full cycle. At maximum 5 eff from v.dangerous CASUC you could make 10mil EU = 10 UUM.

    So with that, whilst a reactor can make lots of energy, using UUM to power a reactor is unsustainable without using breeders. So I stand by my original premise.

    One UU-matter costs about 166k EU if you feed the mass fabricator scrap. Around 34 pieces of scrap(one piece of scrap costs around 200-350EU) are needed for each UUM. So no, making an uranium cell costs around 1-1,16 million EU.

    Or you could just go ahead and make on of those overpowered geothermal plants that use condensers to make lava cells if you're chEEting anyway. Less lag and less trouble building it. Another way would be to just transmute(condense) a couple of stacks of redstone and throw it in a power storage device. Or make coalfuel with three coal cells and and three gunpowder for coalfuel which produces about 105 000 EU per can of it(an automated plant doing that would actually be kinda nice, especially if made without EE). Anyway, you've propably got the idea by now. MinecraftChar

    I can't believe this concept is an exploit as it requires
    1) A decent understanding and use of larger scale breeders

    2) A large'n'chunky power infrastructure (3 MFSU's per reactor, multiple reactors for speed)

    3) Only vanillia IC2, to achieve some pretty epic results.

    The UU-matter recipe was removed just to prevent the abusing of the reactor system. After the reactor output was doubled, you could have easily made 12 UU-matter from a single uranium cell with an eff 1 reactor if the recipe wasn't removed. With some breeders and an 4+ efficiency CASUC the gain from that would have been outright rediculous.

    Great job, especially for an original idea!

    Now make one without using cheater exchange(because, well... it is really close to cheating) :P

    I would try to make one myself but it would most likely fail horribly and after doing some math a bucket CASUC using a rectangle of 7x6 is pretty much the most efficient design possible (2020EU/t bucket CASUC woudl't generate power 100% of the time and an ice CASUC would use too much power for cooling and the efficiency gains would be pretty minimal, under an percent, for making a timed reactor)