Posts by jppk1

    This would be kind of a nice way to spend those useless xp points but if there is any sort of RNG involved i'll give the idea a -10 as it literally kills me in almost every game.
    Does sound like a lot of work though.

    Just managed to make a 1900EU/t bucket one, it could theoretically run at 2020EU/t but as buckets tend to bug a bit it doesn't really seem possible in practice. Going to make a new version in about two hours.

    Edit: Will continue making it tomorrow, my swedish homework took way more time than i had expected. Spent around 45 minutes building it and got it aroung 40% done if no major faults occur(as they propably will, damn buckets!).
    The 1900EU/t reactor is still running fine after around 1h 40 min, so I think it's safe.

    I couldn't really find the exact problem but I suspect that it has something to do with the empty buckets not being removed from the reactor fast enough and there is no real reason to put repeater between the retrievers, deployers and filters as the buckets can be filled and sent to the pipe in a single tick. You're wiring and logic gates are awesome but maybe a bit overly complicated.

    Improved my old design and this is the result: compact 9x9x7 bucket CASUC that produces a whopping 1840EU/t. No power spent on cooling.Video link is in the bottom of the first post.

    Mods required:RP2 and IC2 1.81+, Railcraft heavily recommended for world anchor(BC+additionapipes works too).

    Important notes:

    Some screenshots:

    Materials used:
    16 filters,
    8 deployers,
    a timer,
    nuclear reactor and six chambers,
    exactly 39 red alloy wiring(non-insulated),
    1,5 stacks of stone(any solid block should work but I suggest not to use anything that burns),
    5 stone covers,
    88 buckets(eight filled with water to be placed inside some of the filters),
    10 pneumatic tubes,
    42 uranium cells per cycle.

    Broken down cost/efficiency and some stuff about efficiency:

    Link to the tutorial video:

    A blueprint made with icons on my next posts(posts number 5 and 6)

    You propably should download all of the mods from minecraft forums. I also recommend using 7zip for the first three steps.
    Basic instructions:
    1. Put the contents of Risugamis ModLoader 1.2.3. (there is an old versions link on the modloader part) in your minecraft .jar
    2. Put the contents of SDK's ModLoaderMP 1.2.3 v3 into your minecraft.jar
    3. Put the contents of MinecraftForge folder you have downloaded into your minecraft.jar
    4. Copy/cut the mods .zip folders into your .minecraft/mods folder
    5. Done

    If this doesn't work, please post an error log.

    I made three of these for my ssp world. Quite cheap, easy to build and not too inefficient. I have no idea if these work on a server though. The four filters pull the empty buckets out of the reactor, deployers fill them and then filter pull the buckets back in. The timer is set to 0.550 s

    Put empty buckets inside the upper filters and water filled ones on the filters below them and fill each of the deployers with 9 buckets. Then stick a 7x4 formation of uranium cells in and you're ready to go!

    Something to use my spare reserve of 40 million EU on? Yes, please! Crafting really just takes too much time, especially on those damn cooling cells and reactor platings and I think this would be a great way of speeding things up without being totally overpowered(given reasonable power demands).

    If you would want to transfer a full MFSU worth of energy via a line of batboxes and/or transformers it would take almost four and half hours, so if you would have any EU production at all it would take ridiculously long. Even with MV you'd be better of just by going mining and making a new power plant or transferring it with a lapotron.