I'm completely okay with this as long as there is a config option, I don't want IC2 to determine what difficulty I play on just because I don't want my machines to break down every 100 operations or so (FenixR, as the lead pusher of this, do you have an actual number in mind?Tthis is just Alec White's one). Personally I see no use at all for quantum or really even nano if I'm playing on peaceful, and I don't think we should implement mechanics that make it so if people want "Autocraft" they have to lose other aspects of the game.
Posts by CrafterOfMines57
Don't we already have a speculation thread? At this point if you want to try your hand at deciphering this terrible hand writing that goes along with this image, go right ahead. But as of right now, only the devs and most likely the beta testers have any overall picture of the nuclear changes, as opposed to our basic understanding of only a few things.
I would say, that the mod api would likely make installation and distribution a littler easier, for the rest there is Forge
And for those that can't use either, there's always Tekkit
Not Quite.
It isn't
We have to go deeper.
Wat is this I don't even.Relevant to the suggestion, is this capable of being coded easily without causing major lag, and in that event would it be a still image of dots or would it randomly flicker?
* notice dont bother trying to flame my post. i most likely will never read this post of mine again just for this reason
Well I'm at least going to respond to it
Quoteyour just lazy and clearly don't like challenges
ummm, no. I don't think it's lazy to build something like the GregTower or SpwnX's windmill powered
factoriesgeneral stuff, just take one look at the Frame Engineering Challenge, there's practically genuine science to this, the ships built there are meant to be used as fully automatic mobile mining bases or practically impossible infinitely repeating solar arrays, in my experiences, frame ships can get to be quite complex and I see all of these as the direct opposite of "don't like challenges" as well as "lazy" -
Welp, I stand corrected,
QuoteCurrent TODO:
Machine rework, including: Weardow/BreakingWill this be a config option or a hard rework though?
Mind quoting me on that 'deny'?
This may have been thread specific, butQuoteLocked.
80% of all made posts got deleted right away.
I assume people just keep copying other peoples style, consecutively wandering off from what they were actually meant to post, instead of reading the OP.I'm disappoint.
I also may have interpreted that wrong, however I thought it meant no more crop card ideas at all -
No wonder because Ice in bottomrow IS BETTER. And the calculation is not weird, its simple. Its just iterating the Components:
Toprow from left to right, then Secondrow from left to right, ... then Bottomrow from left to right.Oh, I think it was kevindude a while back that made a reactor with ice on the top row and it seemed to do fine, having never made an ice reactor, I guess I am not liable to know this kind of stuff.
Try putting the ice on the top row, the way the reactor calculates heat is weird and little things like this can make a huge difference in designs using water buckets and ice
Odedex has a video on an automated wheat farm with no bone meal required using the laser mod and redpower 2. It looks a bit complicated but it's really not. You could use thaumcraft seals (the one that makes em grow fast) rather than a laser, if you want.
I think the point is more the challenge of doing it all with RP, and maybe BC (I don't want to hear about it Greg) thrown in for a little extra functionality. If you want a mobile base, logically you could just download the zeppelin mod, but where's the fun in that? I would much rather build a working frame ship from scratch than just place a block down and have it do all the work
Yeah, I don't really agree with the idea of open beta tests, and while I do think that a hotfix every once in a while would be nice, I'm not going to agree with stickying this thread simply because yes, glitches are annoying, this is known, but in a mod as big as IC2 can you really expect it to be 100% glitch free? All I've really seen so far in this thread is people demanding big things of the devs who aren't getting paid to do this. I think that the fact that IC2 exists at all is huge, but instead it exists without the use of adfly (seriously Alblaka, get some ads on here or something)? I find that to be amazing and if there's one thing wrong out of every one hundred things that have gone very right, I'm actually okay with that.
OR...you could implement something like the CompatSolars addon into the main files. Just sayin'.
And get even more people going "OMG SOLER IS TEH SUPER BESTEST MOST OP GENERETAR EVAR!"? I'm not certain that's a good idea
and when we are on it why not add end portal block also?
Aren't those literally impossible to destroy? The only use that would have is griefing -
Blu Spy Sappin' mah Macerator! So is this meant to be a suggestion for Industrial conflict or actual Industrial craft? If it's actual Industrial craft, most servers aren't PVP so I'm not certain there would be use outside of a few servers
I see that it does use all 800, but I think that should be clarified so it says it uses all 800 per operation.It pretty much says that already, if you checked it with all of the other machines, you would see that in every case (except for the canning machine) the input is correct in both the amount needed to run as well as the EU/T used
so what you are saying each machine only stores one operation worth of EU in its internal battery? because the macerator stores 800 EU I see nothing saying it uses 800 EU per operation.
The input is the EU it uses per operation. Feel free to test it out, I just did and it used up the entire internal storage of 800 EU to macerate one item
Title pretty much says it all, if we have a scrap box amplifier for a Mass Fabricator, why not have one for the Generator? It would output 7830 EU at the standard 10 EU/T rate. Logically scrap is worth about 24510 EU in a mass fabricator, so a scrap box is worth 220,590 EU, and therefore that is about 27.15 times more than a scrap box would be worth in a generator, so this is mainly for completion and more ease of Mass Fabricators running completely on scrap
for the macerator all I can see max input EU use and storage. not how much EU it tacks to macerate something, but how much it uses per tick
It says next to input 800 (2 EU/T), 800 is the amount of EU required to macerate something, 2 EU/T is how fast it can burn through the 800 EU requirement. With some basic math of the kind I mentioned earlier you can see that it takes 20 seconds to macerate one item, is there something confusing about this?
it shows EU/t when in use just not how much EU is needed per operation for some items. per operation in only on the eletric fernice, recycler, and induction fernice. not the other machines.Are you certain? As far as I can see, every machine except the canning machine and mass fabricator(I'm going to say this is a special case) is covered