Haven't been here for a loooong time
I hope nobody suggested it yet, I tried the search tool but it's a bit wonky. Anyway, I'm playing industrialcraft-2-2.6.188-ex110 (I checked changelog from this version up, and can't see the thing I'n proposing) and I'm using Advanced Miner in Silktouch mode.
Aaaaand... I have lots of ores I can't process because no IE2 machine wants to do anything with them but smelt them (coal, diamond, redstone, lapis). And smelting yields absolutely no bonus. So I use more energy for silktouch and then even more for smelting and end up with exactly the same amount of resources I would get if I didn't use silktouch in the first place. So why bother at all?
I suggest the following:
Coal ore - macerating, yelds 2 per ore.
Redstone ore - macerating, yelds 4/6? per ore.
Lapis ore - macerating, yelds 4/6? per ore.
Diamond ore - macerating yelds 18 dust, compressor yelds 1/2 diamonds.
Any other ores I've forgotten - similar recipes.
Amounts for discussion, but they have to be higher than what falls out of ores on average.
(BTW is my memory bad or did the "old" IC2 have those or something like that?)