Posts by Blueblade11

    Ok, IRL, this would not be plausible. But MC is not real life!

    I was messing around with some wirless modes (wirless redstone, teleport pipes, portal gun] and found that while evrything else was wirelss, I had to go great distances to transport my power from point A to point B. I used up A LOT of Cable .
    As in, 3 or 4 inventories worth. [yes, my nuclear reactor is that far away]
    What im wondering is, could we have something to wirelessly transfer power?

    And before you go on about how its not possible IRL, this is a GAME. NOT REAL LIFE.

    Oh, and i guess ill stick a crafting recipe here:

    Cable Teleporter Cable

    Energy Crystal Advanced Machine Energy Crystal

    Cable Advanced Circuit Cable

    dunno how much sense that ^ would make. Cables for transfering power, crystals to store it, circuits and stuf for the tech, and a telepoter because what eles? :thumbup:

    So you're wanting to combine the Energy-O-Mat and a Luminator into one block? I'm not really seeing the point of this one besides it lighting up when it receives power, which you can already do with an E-O-M, a few Redstone and a Redstone torch (When the E-O-M gets implemented in the SMP version).

    Why are we trying to detect minimal changes in light? We already have a Daylight sensor (Solar Panel + E-O-M = Daylight Sensor when the E-O-M gets implemented), so I'm not exactly seeing the point of this one either (Sans an underground cave system lit up by luminators, which a right-out daft idea due to energy consumption, plus you'd be on location to see the "Binary output" and know it's dark). the EOM already gives off redstone current when powered? I never knew that. But the propsed block would look pretty when in a control room, as well as being connected to something else maybe?

    As for the light sensor, it's to:

    1. Tell you how bright the sensor face is.

    2. Detect changes in the other kind of lumineator [the EU Detector one that changes minimally in light levels]

    afaik ore IDs cant be condensed because it would make them unfurnacable in the vanilla furnace.

    And that was the reason for the edit down the bottom, put there before you posted. Please read the whole page at least before posting...
    Anyway, what about the other suggestions? Anyone got more? Anyone got arguments for/against the existing proposals?

    Light sensor is a good idea and redstone emitter also (I think i don't have to be a luminator, it could just be a EU-sensor that emit redstone after reaching a limit that the player put in the UI)

    About your luminator with 15 levels of lights : I think we couldn't see the difference beetwen two levels (like 1 - 2 ; 3 - 4 ...) but just high difference (like 1 -10 ; 5 -15) due to the max light power and our (in)capacity to really detect difference beetwen 15 levels of lights. So it could be useless

    Yes, but that is why i thought of the light sensor. Although maybe there could be 2 different types of EU reader luminators, one with light lvls 0-15, and the other like what you suggested. Or maybe use the original luminator?

    EDIT: What happened to the luminator?

    Ok, this might seem minor to most of you, but personally, i use a lot of mods. Since MCForge came out, the old problem of terrain/item sprite indices has gone, only to be replaced with another problem: No Avaliable Block ID's left!

    Name: Reducing Block Id's OR Block ID minus :P

    I was messing around in my world, and found a few things that could lower Block ID usage in IC^2:
    - Use Damage values/Meta Data [obviously] to...
    - Merge Ore Block ID's with Ore Storage Block ID's [ie merge the ores and the blocks made from ore storage into one ID, and differentiate by meta-data]
    - Merge the Dynamite block sticks into 1 ID's?
    - Same as above ^ except with TNT types blocks? Or make:
    - Nukes 200*-0
    - ITNT 200*-1
    - Unmarked Dynamite 200*-2
    - Marked Dynamite 200*-3
    * (example only)

    - Other blocks that could share the same ID using Damage values? [Ie I cant think of any more ways to compress Block Id's

    And the logic to all this is:
    - All the generators share 1 Id, as do the Furnace-esque Machines. Why not the Ores?!?

    - The terraformer shares the same main block id with the main machines [miners, etc] as well, as well as the machine and the Advanced machine block.

    The main object of this post was to ask that the coders of IC^2 look into reducing Block ID usage

    And when i say 'shares the same block ID', they're still differentiated by meta-data/damage values. And apparently a tile entity can use meta-data as well.

    EDIT: Maybe find a way to specify damage values when furnacing stuff? I know when you specify a block as furnacable, it makes every block under that ID furnaceble into 1 item :( So when you do that [addFurnaceRecipe], there should be a way like for [new itemstack (oretin, quantity, meta-value).blockID]
    thats what i mean.

    Hello, i was thnking of easy ways to see how your Eu was doing, and thought of redstone. However, for me its a bit comlicated to redstone up a whole network of wires blah blah blah...

    To get to the point, i propose a few blocks:

    NAME: Redstone Output Luminator
    (Call me old school, but...)

    - When powered with EU, gives off a redstone signal
    -Otherwise, same as original luminator

    - Possibly crafting recipe with liminator in the middle and redstone surrounding it?

    RLR = x1/2/4 Redstone Luminator

    L = Luminator, R = Redstone, _ = blank

    Another Thing;

    Name: EU power luminator Detector

    Depending on the input of EU, the light level of the Luminator chagnes. I imagine this would reqiure some time to code, but something like:

    if EU level = 0-1, light lvl 0, else if EU lvl = 2-3, light lvl = 1, etc...else if EU = 30-31, light lvl 15.

    I assume the code would be something like this, because of IC machnes exploding above a certain lvl of energy.

    This block would be useful for determining how much energy there is...not. Therefore increase the amount of EU it can take to 511 EU [0-511 because of Binary?] Then:

    EU = Light Level
    0-31 = 0
    32-63 = 1
    64-95 = 2
    96-127 = 3
    128-159 = 4
    160-191 = 5
    192-223 = 6
    224-255 = 7
    256-287 = 8
    288-319 = 9
    320-351 = 10
    352-383 = 11
    384-415 = 12
    416-447 = 13
    448-479 = 14
    480-511 = 15

    Think i got that right...
    So the more EU that goes through, the brighter the level.


    LIM = x1 EU Sensor

    G = Glass, L = LV Transformer, M = MV Transformer, I = Luminator

    Which brings up another thing...


    Description: MY LIGHT SENOSORS WILL BLACK OUT THE...wait a minute. They won't block the sun, but they will sense it! Or light levels, more specifically. The sensor is located on top of the block, and the output goes on the other 5 faces of the block, which can be re-orientated like a MFSU etc. with a wrench. [When you right click with the wrench, the sensor faces you.] Maybe out puts
    Now, i dont know how output would work, but these things will [somehow] tell you the level of light! [Binary switches? 4 switches can represent a maximum value of 15, which incidently is the max light level! BINARY FTW] This might use a whole row of textures...

    Maybe a way to determine the light level, then change the face to represent that?

    if light level = 1, side texture 1 = ic2terrainsprites.png (8*16)+1 [8th row?]

    Or just use plain old numbers for textures. Umm...


    SLS = x1 Light Sensor

    C = Circuit/Advance Circuit, L = Luminator/Solar Panel, S = Solarpanel/Luminator, G = Glass/Replace top row with same pattern as bottom, Maybe put a Machine/Advanced Machine somewhere?

    I'm going to pester talk to Eloraam about that now...

    Apart from that, why everyone talk about the ID's? :(

    Hello, i was thnking of easy ways to see how your Eu was doing, and thought of redstone. However, for me its a bit comlicated to redstone up a whole network of wires blah blah blah...

    To get to the point, i propose a few blocks:

    NAME: Redstone Output Luminator
    (Call me old school, but...)

    - When powered with EU, gives off a redstone signal
    -Otherwise, same as original luminator

    - Possibly crafting recipe with liminator in the middle and redstone surrounding it?

    RLR = x1/2/4 Redstone Luminator

    L = Luminator, R = Redstone, _ = blank

    Another Thing;

    Name: EU power luminator Detector

    Depending on the input of EU, the light level of the Luminator chagnes. I imagine this would reqiure some time to code, but something like:

    if EU level = 0-1, light lvl 0, else if EU lvl = 2-3, light lvl = 1, etc...else if EU = 30-31, light lvl 15.

    I assume the code would be something like this, because of IC machnes exploding above a certain lvl of energy.

    This block would be useful for determining how much energy there is...not. Therefore increase the amount of EU it can take to 511 EU [0-511 because of Binary?] Then:

    EU = Light Level
    0-31 = 0
    32-63 = 1
    64-95 = 2
    96-127 = 3
    128-159 = 4
    160-191 = 5
    192-223 = 6
    224-255 = 7
    256-287 = 8
    288-319 = 9
    320-351 = 10
    352-383 = 11
    384-415 = 12
    416-447 = 13
    448-479 = 14
    480-511 = 15

    Think i got that right...
    So the more EU that goes through, the brighter the level.


    LIM = x1 EU Sensor

    G = Glass, L = LV Transformer, M = MV Transformer, I = Luminator

    Which brings up another thing...


    Description: MY LIGHT SENOSORS WILL BLACK OUT THE...wait a minute. They won't block the sun, but they will sense it! Or light levels, more specifically. The sensor is located on top of the block, and the output goes on the other 5 faces of the block, which can be re-orientated like a MFSU etc. with a wrench. [When you right click with the wrench, the sensor faces you.] Maybe out puts
    Now, i dont know how output would work, but these things will [somehow] tell you the level of light! [Binary switches? 4 switches can represent a maximum value of 15, which incidently is the max light level! BINARY FTW] This might use a whole row of textures...

    Maybe a way to determine the light level, then change the face to represent that?

    if light level = 1, side texture 1 = ic2terrainsprites.png (8*16)+1 [8th row?]

    Or just use plain old numbers for textures. Umm...


    SLS = x1 Light Sensor

    C = Circuit/Advance Circuit, L = Luminator/Solar Panel, S = Solarpanel/Luminator, G = Glass/Replace top row with same pattern as bottom, Maybe put a Machine/Advanced Machine somewhere?

    [Alblaka, i assume you locked that other thread because of no formatting, so...]:
    - Meta-data = damage values
    - I have no idea what Eloraam was trying to explain to me when she was trying to explain how she compressed all those ID's
    - Me = No idea how to code damage values

    Ok now...

    Ok, this might seem minor to most of you, but personally, i use a lot of mods. Since MCForge came out, the old problem of terrain/item sprite indices has gone, only to be replaced with another problem: No Avaliable Block ID's left!

    Name: Reducing Block Id's OR Block ID minus :P

    I was messing around in my world, and found a few things that could lower Block ID usage in IC^2:
    - Use Damage values/Meta Data [obviously] to...
    - Merge Ore Block ID's with Ore Storage Block ID's [ie merge the ores and the blocks made from ore storage into one ID, and differentiate by meta-data]
    - Merge the Dynamite block sticks into 1 ID's?
    - Same as above ^ except with TNT types blocks? Or make:
    - Nukes 200*-0
    - ITNT 200*-1
    - Unmarked Dynamite 200*-2
    - Marked Dynamite 200*-3
    * (example only)

    - Other blocks that could share the same ID using Damage values? [Ie I cant think of any more ways to compress Block Id's

    And the logic to all this is:
    - All the generators share 1 Id, as do the Furnace-esque Machines. Why not the Ores?!?

    - The terraformer shares the same main block id with the main machines [miners, etc] as well, as well as the machine and the Advanced machine block.

    The main object of this post was to ask that the coders of IC^2 look into reducing Block ID usage

    And when i say 'shares the same block ID', they're still differentiated by meta-data/damage values. And apparently a tile entity can use meta-data as well.

    [And Alblaka, if i got something wrong there, so sue me.]

    If this is locked for too many suggestions, so sue me.

    EDIT: Did i make myself clear enough?

    What do you mena they have meta-values? I know wool blocks are differentiated by damage values, as are the machines in IC^2.

    And i know another modder thats used meta-data AND damage values to compress a s***load of blocks into 1 ID. I think meta-data is for storing the state of tile entities though...and damage values for extending 1 Block ID. Or maybe i'm thinking of Hexadecimal values...

    Anyway, i can't decompile IC^2 for some reason...

    Ok, this might seem minor to most of you, but personally, i use a lot of mods. Since MCForge came out, the old problem of terrain/item sprite indices has gone, only to be replaced with another problem: No Avaliable Block ID's left!

    I was messing around in my world, and found a few things that could lower Block ID usage in IC^2:
    - Use Damage values [obviously]
    - Do all the Ore ID's have to be separte? Can't they be merged together with the ore storgae blocks? I mean, they arent even tile entities
    - Does the Dynamite sticks have to takle up 2 ID's?
    - TNT types blocks?
    - Other blocks that could share the same ID using Damage values?

    And the logic to all this is:
    - All the generators share 1 Id, as do the Furnace-esque Machines. why not the Ores?!?
    - The terraformer is shares the same main id with the main machines as well, as well as the machine and the Advanced machine block.

    The main object of this post was to ask that the coders of IC^2 look into reducing Block ID usage :P

    P.S. I can't do the squared symbol :(


    Although a few things:
    - The recipe kinda makes sense, in that it seems reasonable, although i think it could be worked on a little.
    - Why is the sprite a mashup?
    - Normal string doesnt conduct electricity, but STEEL WIRE [HAYO] Does!

    S = Refined Iron String x2/4/1

    S = Refined Iron

    Then replace the normal string in the recipes with iron string.
    You could then start expanding on the iron string...

    The title 'Add-on Ideas is a bit misleading...there's already a person that's posted something.

    Anyway, is there already a block that lights up and sends out a redstone signal when power passses through it? No?

    [Rifles through IC^2 Code]

    Ok then, yay!
    [Goes away to code]