Posts by Two

    My final bore design actually had no thermopiles or any other energy regeneration in it when I learned that every block that needs to be moved actually costs more energy, and the thermos produce less than they cost. Eventually all I build in the end was a big bore head (10x20) with a frame of deployers creating the 'tunnel' to stop lava from entering, and a combined catapillar/worm engine (mostly to make sure the 2nd tick only happened when the bore actually moved) and added the pipes for immediate processing of the ores.

    In total this was just the bore head + deployers and an additional 20 blocks or so, and about 20 pre-filled batteries. This thing run for over 2 hours straight and created so many resources that I will probably never be able to use them up: almost 200 diamonds, over 2000 iron, and more red/blue dust than the chests could handle (had to thrash them eventually). Building that thing took about 5 hours, researching it about 2 weeks. The initial cost was about 300 iron and copper/tin for the frames as well as some stone and redstone for the logic.

    And the best about it: if I ever run out of resources, I just build it again in probably much less time and hook up the pre-filled batteries again. Unlimited resources thanks to Redpower. ;)

    Do you actually realize that you are fighting a war on the back of your users?

    As someone already mentioned: some people just don't know how to mod Minecraft and they know way too less about PCs to learn it. Those people are happy that they can find even a tool that allows them to add mods to Minecraft, and just because you can't stand a lack of credit for a second, you destroy the fun for these people right away.

    Whatever law you wanna quote, I doubt the American one's have an influence here.

    Word. And besides: if you take the argument of a law-suit then we are talking about enterprise-business. My guess is that if anyone ever brings the situation of a mod-pack using IC2 without credits to court, it will be declined as not worth their time.

    Since I already made a harsh statement to think about, here is a more constructive one:
    How about this: instead of adding DRM-like code to your mod to destroy the "work" of illegal packs because they don't give you proper credit (for whatever that is used), why don't you just include an unobtrusive credit visible inside the game? So everyone knows that the IC2 machines are created by the IC2 team and not by the mod-packer himself, and the players can actually play without having to worry about what rules and laws they might break while doing so.

    How would you like people coming over to your house, and using your stuff without your permission? Of course you don't like that, so you put a lock on your door to keep unauthorized people out. It's the same concept, yet many people just don't get it.

    There is a huge difference between code and my stuff in my house: code cannot be stolen, just copied, therefore your analogy fails.

    Imagine this: someone comes to your home, likes your decoration and decorates his home in the same way as yours. What are you going to do now? Sue him? Put locks on the door and never let anyone in again? Force people to wear blindfolds inside your home? Or just accept that no one harmed you in any way by using the same interior decoration?

    You could build one row of Block Breakers that goes up to say Level 80 and makes Space for the Sun.

    Lets assume I want to have at least a width of 10 BB (which is pretty low), so I'd need about 10x80 = 800 Blockbreakers for that setup, which would be about 3200 iron just to build them. So unless you have already more than enough resources, there is no way to build a TBM this huge at the beginning of the game.

    Tl;Dr? I believe OP lied to me with his thread name. There is no CraftGuide IC2 add on in this thread, so in my frank and honest opinion, OP failed to deliver what his thread name promised.

    The title says: "Craftguide updated to 1.4.6". There is nothing in there promising anything but that CC has been updated to 1.4.6, which is the case. There is no refunding for over-creative imagination.

    My basic server comes at the cost of an incredible 22,68 €/year with full access and unlimited traffic, I think that is affordable for everyone. If not there are still other DL centers like Mediafire which are "paid" by advertisement. Why anyone would use for any other reason but mindless greed is beyond me, especially since the payout is stupidly low.

    I absolutely support Alblaka's position regarding adfly.

    Everything in IC2 is made for only one thing: to give you more EU and/or more resources. Even the mass-fab which actually uses a lot of EU has only this one purpose: to give you more resources.

    In general you cannot build anything out of IC2 components other than resource gain, but it will give you enough resources to build everything else. So IC2 is more like and addon to aid you on building other things, while being a lot more fun than digging with your diamond pickaxe.

    I've been using forge quite a long time; Checked version thrice before posting error, checked it to be working, downloaded IC2 as said, error is not caused by any other mod [note : there IS no error, IC is just not visible or usabe]. Forge does not recognize IC2, only suspicious thing is that it 'cannot access IC2 files' as if file was corrupted, but redownloading IC2 does nothing to fix it.

    Try if you can open the ZIP file with a ZIP tool to verify that it is not corrupted. If it is, there is something wrong with the way you are downloading it. Otherwise check the security permissions on the file in your mods folder.

    The first paragraph isn't really clear, but as it is worded it means about this:

    - If whatever you write using the IC API is extending and/or modifying IC2 (adding new features like blocks or changing current ones) then you fall under the category of an addon and must not use adfly or similar to make money with your addon.

    - If you use the API to access IC2 stuff but do not add any blocks/items to it (like a craft guide that summarizes all recipes) you can use adfly or similar.

    As of the wording one could argue about what exactly is a feature that has been added, but the good news is that Alblaka is not an evil advocate, so as long as you don't do anything obviously selfish/bad it is unlikely that he will start suing you just for the lolz.

    The other, more important question is: what is more fun? ;)

    I for myself love the Red Power TBM for a very simple reason: I never had so much fun building one. Placing down an IC2 miner is probably more efficient, but it is at the same time plain boring.

    Best way to mine is Using RP frame machines. Takes a long time to set up, but it eats away the earth at a faster rate then a quarry. If you don't want holes in the world. build the RP machine under the surface of the earth OR make a deploy module on the RP machine to deploy dirt/cobble over the hole.

    Like any way of mining in a larger scale, you NEED a way to sort the ore/dirt. Redpower, BC piping will do this for you. You just need to put in the work.

    I am currently sitting in my first larger attempt of such a machine and it works pretty fine. It clears about 81 blocks (9x9) at bedrock level every 3 seconds, throws all excess cobble, dirt and other stuff into a lava block, smelts all incoming ore and puts the results and remaining blocks in the chests. Effectively all I have to do is to stay here and wait for the resources to come in. 2500 blocks so far and continuing. ;)

    The downside was the setup. Ignoring the time it took to actually prototype and research all those things and how to build them, it still took about 2 days (~10h) to actually set this thing up to get the setup that is now running underground. People with less experience in building those things might go crazy at some point. An IC2 miner is not that convenient but can be setup a lot faster.

    Once you have a proper setup using a nuclear reactor for energy supply, the miner beats it all. With a 60 EU reactor, I can put down 2 miner at once and have them running at the same time, which not only clears a whole 9x18 area of all ore, but leaves nothing behind if cobble is supplied on the way back up.

    The only thing that beats the IC2 miner is a fully automatic Red Power underground crawler. But setting that up is abysmal.

    1.8, so that ancient version long time ago. But if anyone want to repeat that, it is pretty easy to do (just a lot of tedious coding). The main reason for lag is that Minecraft does handle all chunk updates during the rendering step, thus the more chunk updates you get, the lower your fps will be. On slow machines this not only causes lag but a lot of "missing" chunks or even chunk errors, as the game will only process one chunk per frame or worse.

    One major mistake is that after 20 block updates the game just sends the entire chunk at once, while at the same time considers chunks to be heavy-weight packages, so only a few of them are send per frame to not slow down the game too much. This causes a strong bottleneck with things that cause a lot of block changes. It is a heavy performance boost to increase that number by a lot, because the multi-block change package is much more light-weight and does not (noticeably) reduce fps, but the issue is that the package is hard-coded to not have more than 20 block-id entries ever. So this package needs to be modified on server and client, which make the resulting server/client incompatible with vanilla.

    The other step was to just use the Java NIO packages instead of the very primitive Mojang networking code and to remove every instance of System.GC() which is just plain stupid to call on every frame (~10% fps boost just from removing that).

    The good thing is that I don't need anyones believe for having done that a long time ago. ;)

    For your world: again, try Mystcraft. You can spawn even void worlds that contain nothing but the initial 4x4 spawn platform. If that one still lags, you can safely blame it on the client. ;)