Posts by FnordMan

    hey whenever i try to look at peoples reactor design the talon link is always blank - like the flash is blocked - i dont understand as i was always able to view them about a month ago. I tried all 5 of my browsers(chrome, fox, safari, opera, and ie) no luck - i am on java 7 but all other flash works, i also have flashblock/adblock disabled and even whitelistedt he page just incase...whats going on can anyone recommend something?

    Those aren't flash, they're java apps. As to the rest of your post... I dare you to make less sense.

    Last I heard that was incoming but it'll be a few months. Supposedly Jeb's going to talk with the bukkit and forge developers to make an API.

    Odd, a single luminator should be more than sufficiently powered by even /one/ solar; given solar's output 1eU/t //any// power at all should have been enough. The behavior's description makes me wonder if the luminators are forcing a lossful connection calculation...

    No idea, it was 12 solar panels and 4 luminators though. (forgot to mention that) still should have been enough.
    Not entirely sure if i'm even going to use them personally, I usually just stick a few torches or glowstone blocks around.
    Although the torches "flickering" tends to get annoying after a while.
    whenever I restart for 1.0 I may have to include a bit of attic space in the building for some wiring... Wonder if a luminator will work on a ceiling. (insert testing pause here) yup! great, I see wind powered light strips in my future.

    Doesn't make much sense to me, both use the same algorythm for receiving energy (Batbox and luminator).
    Are you sure you didn't just mess up the luminator placment? (only luminators placed upon cables receive energy at all)

    I dunno about the above but I did notice some odd behavior with a luminator on ULV cable from a small solar array. It was all strobe light special and flashing like mad.

    sticking a bat-box in there and wiring the luminators up to copper cable from the bat-box however worked fine.

    The autominer uses my rocket code for its movement (ie, it flies up to the map's max height and parachutes down to its new location) and its crafting recipe includes two ion drive modules. I suppose I could write a standalone version where it just teleports to the next spot, but it's not a very high priority.

    Heh, that's going to be an interesting sight once it's completed. A miner block flying off in the air for the next spot.
    Question: are you going to read the mineabe blocks from the IC2 config? Just figured i'd ask/point that out for those of us that run Redpower.

    already exists. Water Cell -> Snowball -> Ice through the compressor.
    there's supposed to be a way involving the pump to make snowballs without the tin in 1.337 but I haven't tried it yet. (there's a search function here...) It's been commented on more than once and was mentioned in the 1.337 changelog.

    I have recently spent three industrial diamonds to create a nano-helmet, nano-boots and nano-trousers. Do I need to activate them in any way after charging?
    They are at 100% charge, fresh from my MFE, but if I fall 5 blocks or so, I take fall damage. I thought the nanosuit would be better than my pair of cheap rubber boots :(

    The nano suit doesn't have any abilities anymore, in 1.23 and 1.337 those belong to the quantum suit now.

    Psst: you don't *have to* install all of RP2, it's very modular.

    quarries arefantastic! for scrap production one quarry goes to about 3 or 4 recyclers. if you don't want to mar the landscape with them, you can still turn them into cobblestone generators. I tend to have a BC/IC power converter mod to convert the Eu/s from solar panels to work the quarry.

    I haven't done it since the update though, hope it still works, be less efficient with the reduced average output of panels due to weather. all the more reason to live in a volcano in a desert!

    You can also do what a friend did once. Stick them slightly under the surface as basically everything valuable is down quite a bit.
    Requires a bit more effort (must clear out the chamber for the thing to occupy) but it doesn't leave a gaping hole.

    I'd also be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of a list or something of the EU loss of each cable. It doesn't describe it on the wiki I've been viewing.

    Man, you guys are cooler than I thought you'd be. I expected to be flamed into hell for posting a bug that's actually a game mechanic. :P

    It's right there on the wiki. Energy and Wiring than click a cable type. Losses there in a small one line table on the page for the cable.

    Damn. I think we should just pretend this thread never happened. *whistles innocently*

    So, what kind of cables would be best for large solar flowers? Anything besides glass fibre cables?

    Tin cable, (ULV I think) only capable of 2 EU/t packets but perfect for large solar farms as you can get 39 block travel distances.

    Yeah, when I installed the wind farm a few weeks ago, I got 500 EU/t on the input to the MFSU. Now, I get anywhere from 120-200 EU/t on average.
    So, it appears that there was a stealth nerf on windmills. No worries - it's still more than sufficient to power my workshop there.

    Still sounds worth it as it's a power all of the time sort of thing.

    It runs.
    The Mass Fab will run as fast as you can pump juice into it. I believe it can take up to 512 on each face so it goes as fast as 3000 EU/t makes it go. Having scrap makes it go even faster.
    Depends on your power grid but a MSFU is a safe bet.

    Yes and no both on the EU thing. It can accept 512 EU/t packets but it can accept any number (in theory) of 512 packets over a glass fibre cable.
    In a test world when I was messing around with solar panel I had 512 panel feeding a MFSU feeding a mass fab. Over the exact same cable I added a second MFSU fed by a few fusion reactors.

    Power Crystal's power conversion mod died on load after updating IC2. I've posted a bug report with him, repeated here if anyone is interested.

    That's odd, worked great for me. Granted the lava fab's broke and I haven't tested his converters at all. (don't use them)

    No offense, but you obviously don't know much about java programming. I will give you accessing another class in a nutshell. You can set classes and methods as public or private. You can access those methods from another class using some code that I am not going to explain here. Now, if they put all of their code inside of their own classes, they can set up "links" to the base classes and their methods. This would make compatibility issues easier to solve, and updating easier and less time consuming.

    Other way around, buddy.. that came straight from my brother, the guy with a Masters degree and a job doing Java programming. I just forgot the exact terms. There *is* a way to provide an unchanging API.