Posts by FnordMan

    Upon closely examining consequences of implementing invisible chests, multiple issues came up

    A new blockID need to be used to make a block that does not collide with the player.
    Without a new ID, it will also cause the block to cast a shadow around itself.

    To conclude, I'm open to any other suggestions that would work :)

    apart from the semi-obligatory "moar storage!" comment? (hmm.. 4 iridium plate?) Totally drawing a blank. Seriously though, love the diamond chests. Finally finished moving everything in my world off of Equivalent Exchange chests and into diamond ones so I could rip that mod out.

    That invisible chest sounds interesting, but like a major headache to code and the inevitable 'why can no find my chest' "bugs".......

    And on the TMI side, I am not having a single bit of trouble with TMI and your mod, it is something else wrong with that guys game.

    Have you turned the animation off? That's what triggered it for me.
    Although I just installed the fix that Shindou linked to. That fixed the issue with no animation chests.

    Hm, I didn't think putting together a factory was worth it for ultimately a couple dozen finished products, but after taking half an hour to assemble one fusion reactor, I can see it could be. I'll try it.

    I still think my magnetizer idea is pretty cool, however D: !

    I'm lazy like that, I keep spare Buildcraft stuff around in case I need to make more than 2 or 3 of a item that's annoying to build. Take my Solar panel factory (that really needs to be re-built.. right now it's a semi-kludge linked via teleport pipes) I originally built that to knock off maybe 10-20. I think it's produced close to 150 now.

    I have yet to build a fusion reactor in my main world. Running into small issues with resources at the moment. (gee.. building solar panels uses *lots* of tin)

    Heck, you could set up a blank several stage factory just for random uses. Don't know why I didn't think of that one before...

    Well I am forced to, Reinforced stone has a very low blast resistance, it may absorb it and get destroyed but it is still too costly compared to Obsidian, luckingly, I got a nice source for bedrock, but I have to cheat to remove it if I misplace it though.
    It is also the solution for my present power plants as well.

    "Foced to?" nobody's forcing you to cheat for a reactor. I've got a nice Mark I reactor happily clicking along just fine for quite a while now. Only have 1 layer of reinforced stone for it but it's not really necessary. (course I also have it way in the distance connected via a MFE chain and diamond cable) Not one bang yet.
    If you want to avoid cheating than just step things up to EV and build the reactor way off in the distance.

    Mass-manufacturing reactor chambers is annoying as hell, with the mountain of mats you need that you always forgot something out of and all the shitty unstackable components like plating and coolant cells.

    I don't mind the expense, but if you have a mind to, maybe think of something less annoying to put together?

    How about a recipe for a toroid section (8 sections a reactor makes) using a magnetizer and an advanced machine and some other (stackable) trash? That'd make sense.

    That's what Buildcraft is for. Either to make a small factory with or to just use the automated crafting table for normal crafting (it can hold items so if you forget something then just leave it and come back)

    *blink* something's screwy here...
    so I set up an efficiency test in my test world w/ TMI

    setup like this:
    MFS Unit -> MV transformer -> LV Transformer -> Medium Engine -> 2x petrochemical generator via wooden and power pipes (one couldn't keep up) -> MFS Unit

    I put in a charged energy crystal and get 99,990 power or so. I got out 150k power or so with about 500 or so left in the supply MFSU
    Can anyone else reproduce this? I expected to get out a little less than what went in due to losses. Didn't expect to get more out than I put in.

    Edit: forgot to mention: had a supply of water feeding the engine as well.

    I just tested my reactors with the new system, and I had an accident...
    Let me just say the reactor went poof, leaving just shards of the containment building behind... Now the thing is, the containment building was made out of Obsidian, and from past experiences I couldn't dent it with either explosions, not even the nuke.
    But now it disintegrated like cardboard and took a decent chunk of terrain with it.

    Do I really have no choice but to start building my reactors out of Bedrock?

    may I suggest using the "search" function first, this has been covered or at the very least noted before.

    known thing with IC2, obsidian's explosion resistance has been nerfed. Your supposed to use reinforced stone now. it'll take 3 layers to completely contain a nuke plant explosions.


    hmm.... that's really annoying. Unless it's how I have things configured? I moved the block ID to 205 (default location conflicts with something, probably redpower2) and turned animation off.[/quote]

    Hmmm I have not tested with Redpower... but I really don't think that is the problem.

    Can you get a crashlog?[/quote]

    Hmm... I've been trying according to this but it hasn't worked so far

    I did see this in a file called tmi.20111106.204408.txt

    lemme go beat on minecraft a bit.

    edit: turn animation on and it no longer crashes
    edit2: run the command that's supposed to give a crash log and I get a message saying Minecraft Forge too old... this is the *exact same install* i'm running fine yet won't run seperately.
    Edit3: ok, finally got a crash log, it's identical to the one above.

    Nice mod so far.

    Haven't actually used it in my "real" world yet, but I have been messing around with it in my test world. Kinda sorta blew one up while mucking about with the nuke rockets, forgot to set coordinates so it came down basically on my head.

    Anyway, with Buildcraft, the Bucket filler and Additional Pipes addons I managed to put together an automated deuterium processor, complete with dumping the empty cells back into the processing system so a load of cells should last a good long while. For anyone curious, I found the isotope separator can keep up with 3 buckets running through the processing system for sure. Not sure if it can handle a fourth but given it's automated who cares?

    Didn't set up automatic fueling of the fusion reactor as that behaves a bit interesting, namely any pipes fill the top fuel slot first and only after that's full will it fuel the bottom slot.

    The only flaw in the system is that the power source for the bucket filler are a set of solar panels so it'll shut down in the dark. 4 redstone engines and one pump couldn't keep up. Could easily remedy this with more than one pump but didn't care as this is just my test world and i'm using TMI for everything.

    oh: and of course the reactor is powering the isotope separator :)

    thoughts on balance: the reactor itself is flipping expensive but given it's power delivery and how much it'll give you it feels about right.
    Can't wait until the mod's finished. (or just the bugfix whenever that happens... regular bat-pack are *annoying*, they don't hold enough)

    Also note: I'm pretty sure Alblaka is going to nerf scrapboxes (which is something to keep in mind before building a giant recycling plant).
    *Item/EU values based on a 3% drop rate of diamonds from scrapboxes [may not be the actual drop rate].

    and you got that information from..?
    Besides, even if scrap boxes get changed I could just as easily feed the scrap output to the mass fab i've got running near constantly.

    Updated new version!

    Changed recipe (gonna upload the image soon)
    Merged block IDs, please delete the IronChest.cfg and recreate a new one.

    Ouch.. bit of a bug here, good thing I really haven't used the chests yet.

    anyway, the bug? if you have Too Many Items installed the game locks up when you get to the page with the chests on it.
    I use TMI for my test world.. mucho easier when testing things out. (don't want to asplode anything in my main world or waste resources on something that might not work)

    Ok, finally freed up some IDs (ripped out portal gun mod, basically wasn't using it) and got 0.94 installed, had been running 0.91 and basically wanted to take a look at the diamond chests.
    They look the perfect size (ok, one row short but I can live with that) for all the crap I have in the various EE chests (that i'd also like to rip out) but I do have one relatively minor (point? annoyance? not sure which word fits)
    any chance you could slide the storage area for the diamond chests to the left by a couple blocks? It looks a bit odd and off-balance where it is.
    Purely just a look of the thing point so feel free to ignore it but figured i'd point it out.

    I didn't know about the first one. The second one he will run into the same problem as I have my system set up 2 mfsu's to 1 mfsu to mfu to bat box to power converter to any buildcraft machine and both my mfsu's at the front of the line uses massive power. I also got everything so close to gether that there shouldn't be any power loss at all. What I did was make a separate but smaller energy factory with 3 generators and the buildcraft machines run at the same speed as from the massive power loss from the first setup.

    Works great for me but i've got a dedicated 32-panel solar array feeding the lowest power converter with #1. (the one that takes 32 max) Dumps the power out to a power teleport pipe.
    When nothing's running I get ~30EU/t feeding the mass fab, right now i've got about 10 or 15 feeding the mass fab as it's powering a quarry at the moment.

    Should I ever actually get around to doing a miner (now that the bedrock bug is fixed) i'll probably set up another 32 panel array for "power teleportation"

    Also, for the record:
    Set up a large chest full of cobblestone, and have a pipe sending the cobble past 3 macerators, with a gold pipe to send them faster. In my attempts, a slow moving block was liable to try and go down a tube and fall out of the system, so an active gold pipe is needed. Loop the pipe back around so that it leads back into the main chest - you'll be drawing stone faster than the macerators can process it.

    Once macerated, pull the sand produced through some iron pipes and channel it to an induction furnace, turning the sand into glass. From there, send it to an automatic work bench, converting glass into glass panes at a 16:6 ratio. Then shunt the glass panes into a recycler. At this rate, 3 macerators will produce material at slightly under the rate of recycling. It's quick enough to keep busy, but slow enough that you can add more scrap if you find the need. I had a feed chest that would dispense panes, but could also add dirt or whatever to it and it'd get recycled fairly reliably. Hooking up the recycler was a bit of a pain though, as items would often slip past it. I finally settled on a 2x2 square of pipes, with an iron pipe that would let items into the loop but not out, and a gold pipe that would keep them swirling, turning the pipe loop into a buffer system that could hold some materials while the recycler worked, and keep the recycler running at peak performance.

    A large chest of stone at 12.5% scrap rate would turn 54 stacks of cobblestone into 6.75 stacks (432) of scrap. Through the conversion to glass and panes, you get 18 stacks (1,152) of scrap, over 2.5x returns. That's 128 scrap boxes, and if I'm doing the conversion right, that's 3-4 diamonds on average. I quarried a whole chunk and got 3+ large chests of cobblestone, so that's easily a dozen diamonds running through the machine! For bonus points, I had it sort garbage like wooden hoes and junk back into the recyler, so only the good stuff was kept. Sadly I deleted my world so I can't show off this messy jumble of pipes, but I had linked it to a dispenser and a repeater to auto-deploy the scrap boxes and sort them as well. It was rather glorious...

    sounds like a lot of work for a little gain. Personally I just run a cobblestone generator to feed the recyclers between quarrying sessions. I used to use a quarry set up over a 2 block wide cobble generator but I now use redpower's block breakers and a redpower timer. (didn't want to move the quarry then move it back again, had RP2 installed)

    Did you have an automatic scrap box processing system set up? After I learned that dispensers can "use" a scrap box I quickly set one up. Took 2 diamond pipe to filter out all the stuff I don't want. (which naturally feed back to the recyclers)

    Does everyone agree to this?

    well, it'll make diamond chests a bit more expensive without requiring more diamond and it'll make a use for the semi-useless gold so i'm all for it.
    Iron may be a small problem for large chest arrays but then again, when isn't iron a problem with IC2?

    so basically: sounds good to me.

    The batbox creates the exact same problem. Power is transferred over the wire until the bat box hits 40k. Then every time the miner goes off the batbox supplies energy, and another pulse is sent to the batbox over the wire to fill it back up, creating the same loss as before.

    The only way around this is to make sure that no power is sent until there's enough room for it all on the receiving end, and I'm not sure if that's possible.

    do you have buildcraft and Additional Pipes installed?
    there's one interesting way to do power teleportation over long distances but there are losses involved.
    Requires the Power Teleport pipes and one of two mods on the forums here: one two

    I'm using one for now but want to try out two but that'll be after I get off my lazy butt to change stuff around and finally rip out the portal gun mod (hardly use it anyway, could just use teleporters)

    as to mining? I just use BC's quarries. Any ores get fed into my processing system and any dirt and cobble becomes recycler fodder and anything else gets dropped into a chest.

    Gee, thanks. Yeah, it's more that I play for, oh, maybe an hour every few nights when I can scavenge. Most of the time I'm helping my 6 year old daughter build elaborate houses.

    On the "multiple diamonds" thing. I think 4 might be too many too. Compared to Equivalent Exchange (I know it's not SMP but still, it's very comparable otherwise) it's a very expensive item. Multipage chests- similarly much cheaper. I think a tiered item would be best. After all, chests aren't an ongoing expense, so long term "balance" is not really very relevant, and tiering would be a better progressive balance solution than massive piles of diamonds.

    On the multi-id thing- one word of caution, you may break SMP quite badly if you do that- you'll probably have to re-implement all the automagic code that you're currently leveraging so you can support multiple IDs (can you tell I've been trying to debug multi-page chests which doesn't work properly in SMP because he's homebrewed his own solution).

    4 "too many"? 8 feels just fine to me. In my main save i've got 26 diamond + 8 *blocks* sitting around waiting for use. That's also after using diamond cable basically everywhere.
    Just load up buildcraft and make a quarry, high-ish initial costs but pays for itself. Also get a semi-steady supply of diamond from a mass fabricator. (have a ~32 panel solar array, a nuke plant at 30/tick and something else I forget providing ~80 feeding it) After a couple overnight runs of the game for BC fuel processing I had a decent supply.

    As for the item id thing, lord why? I just spent an hour converting all my wood chests to gold chests, and then your saying they might not even work properly? Its 2 IDs, honestly... How many spare IDs do you guys need? 90% of the forge based mods resolve most ID space issues, and the rest of the mods are meh? I mean, lets see...
    Theres EE, Minefactory, buildcraft addtions, tree forestry, and I don't know what else everyone might be using. Whats really more important? Filling your game with a bunch of stuff you'll probably never use or is probably obsolete due to the ammount of other items you can make which have the same function, or having functional upgraded chests which everyone obviously will use more so then most items.

    As to this, I welcome everything being collapsed into one Block ID.. look around on this very forum, there's a *lot* of IC2 sub-mods here and every last one of them needs at least one Block ID. The very same Block IDs that are a going to be a bit more scarce whenever the release version hits due to the extra stuff implemented there.