Posts by FnordMan

    Yeah, I keep getting notices for it to update on my computer, but it won't ever actually update =/ It goes through the installation process, says that it's complete, but I keep getting the notification that there's an update available. Not sure what to do about it, but it hasn't caused any problems thus far, so I've not thought much about it.

    so uninstall *everything* Java in the control panel and snag the offline downloader by hand then.

    I've never tried using pistons on rubber trees. nor any IC2 TileEntity. One possible problem with using pistons on such things is that they may become corrupted if you move them with a piston. (Or even with worldedit).

    Worldedit's pretty stupid in the way it handles things. far as I can tell it doesn't know about damage values.
    So far i've only used it to clear stuff (like the leftover scaffolding from a quarry that it never cleans up)
    although I almost wish there was something like that for Vanilla SMP, i've got a large frame or two that need cleaning but I don't want to go through the effort :)

    Not sure where you got that bunch of misinfomation from:
    Anyway: you can safely hack down all but the resin spots on a tree and the resin will still come back.

    Resin spots don't "appear" on logs that are placed, only on freshly grown trees.

    The empty resin spot is there, it's just a litle hard to make out.

    there's no one time it takes to respawn but it takes a while.

    Geez the same old argument again? I already told you the numbers many times why cant you just read them for once? It takes longer to make a solar farm than to make a windgen farm. Before you even get the resources for the solarfarm a windgen farm would have been finished.

    This is starting to get boring. Cant you be a more creative troll?

    This from the moron king of trolls. You *never* listen to any other argument and repeat your same statement again and again and again. You are the very definition of troll.

    I mean't minecraft_server.jar, and yup, its working.

    wasn't working when I tried it.
    Found a 100% evil and annoying to maintain option though... stick Buildcraft into the .jar and then leave any sub-mods in the mods folder.
    Not sure if this'd work for anyone having the same problems with IC2 as i'm not sure if it likes living outside it's jar in the mods folder or not.

    Theoretically, it likely wouldn't be too hard, but it's unlikely that I'd post it after my last attempt to attach files other than advanced machines.

    could you please? You could always upload it to mediafire or someplace like that and link to it here... perhaps just PM it to me? I'm semi-desperate for a fix here as I literally can't bring my server up. Forestry persists in loading before Buildcraft so everything goes *bang*
    I've got some knowledge of java but I woulnd't know where to begin modding minecraft, let alone modding a mod.

    There's no simple way around the problem- you have to figure out a way to sort your directory ordering. I would suggest you look at my ModLoaderMP fix on the mcportcentral forums. I can't fix vanilla the same way though, you need Flan to.

    Why is that? Flan's been ignoring any attempt at communication about the rather major bug there so it's unlikely we'll see a fix from him. Any chance at all you could do a fix for vanilla?

    Well. Diamond Drill with LVL50 Effiency V, Unbreaking III and Fortune III works fine. Lapis, Redstone, Nicolite (RP2PR4) and Coal drops extras. Havent tested on diamonds as i havent found them yet.

    "Works fine?" yes. Horribly overpowered given the thing never wears out? yes. Not fitting with a industrial themed mod? yes.

    my minecraft crashed when i play it with my other mods but when i play it with out my other mods it works.

    here is the error log

    silly question but did you even read the error log?
    The error is right there staring you in the face:
    "java.lang.RuntimeException: IndustrialCraft 2: MinecraftForge Too Old, need at least 1.2.2"
    update MC Forge

    Even if a single solar panel cost 5x as much as a normal generator (and there was no way to automate a genarator) a solar panel would win after 100 generator refills. Each manual refill means time is taken from mining and placed into maintaining the generator.

    This, *plus* nuclear isn't afk-friendly. I can't exactly throw down a few chunkloader blocks and let the game sit overnight with nuclear. Right now my base is 100% powered by solar or wind, just so I can let things process overnight. (I play on a private SMP server with a few friends)

    In the words of #5: "Need Input"
    you really can't go "HALP! BORKEN" without providing us with your version.
    are you running 1.42? that looks like the already known about and fixed nuclear crash upon finishing issue. Update to 1.43