Posts by silentdeth

    Anyone else having issues with recipes being duplicated with this mod installed? The basic IC2 recipes are all repeated again, they show up in Risugami's recipe book, as well as the Crafting Table II. In fact, there's like twelve recipes for alloy ingots. It doesn't seem to affect anything, just more of a pain to use the recipe book, since there are lots more pages to scroll through.

    I'll try reinstalling the mod, see if that helps.

    I do not have this issue, it must be some other mod causing it, or an interaction with some other mod.

    if you put oil into a Petrochemical Generator you will get 50kEu
    if you put oil into a iron engine and power a Petrochemical Generator you will get 110kEu
    if you put lava into a iron engine you'll get 105kEu(but it will take much longer as if you put oil into the engine)

    If you power the Petrochemical Generator with engines it will wait for enough energy to generete 1500 Eu ,generate EU for 60 ticks and wait again.(testet using one iron engine)

    You should modify the BC power --> Eu transformation so that you get the same amount of Eu not depending on the way you generate it
    I think oil should only give 30k Eu or less

    Oil should give 50k EU. I will check the BC energy code to make sure I did not introduce a bug there. The lava is a BC bug, he has the wrong values listed for it, it should be 1/10 of that.

    Edit: I found the error, I forgot to divide by 2 at one point. Fixed in next release.

    I do not intend to do so until 3.0.x is out of alpha stage and has SMP support, as SMP is next on my TODO list. This is also in FAQ.

    Using this mod - in id resolver this mod keeps trying to add BC's pipes and blocks that already are in my game from BC 2.2.8 ofc.
    Is the BC/IC api folders inside this mods zip are needed? I asked because i saw that on another thread MineFactory reloaded(i think) ppl were told to delete the BC folder, which had the same contents this mod has..

    This mod calls the init() method of the various BC components so that they are not null when I try to use them for recipes and such. Them modloader also calls the init() function, making it run again. Without ID resolver it's not a big deal, the variable are static and it just reinitialize them with the same IDs. With ID resolver, it tries to assign them a different ID because the ID they use was taken up during the first init() call. (I think, I've not looked into it in any detail).

    The API is irrelevant.

    You cannot change the IDs of blocks that are already in the game, if you have done so it would not work. Also it looks like you still have an ID conflict.

    It's looking good.
    Though the previous version was working fine for me in 1.337b, I still appreciate the update!
    (Now, I must see about dressing up the new textures for HD...)

    Yeah, this is mostly adding features, only 1 bug fix. Just polishing up the code before I start working on the client side SMP stuff.

    On the plus side, it no longer uses the BC texture file. And the oil, fuel, and water for the petro gen uses whatever texture pack you are using at the time. The down side: the petro gen textures are split into a few different files, because of how it renders (which I am still not entirely happy with, there should be bubbles when it is on, and for some reason I cannot get the water to be partially transparent.)

    Changed the name back to BCIC2crossover, it's still doing that...

    Found the bug, fixed in next release. For now you can just destroy the engine and replace it, and not log off with anything inside the engine.

    I don't think the cooling of steam engines has ever really been explained in detail - nothing on it in the Wiki, or even in the guide. Could you please elaborate?

    For a steam engine, heat = energy stored in the engine. Thus, if you have something consuming the full output of the engine it does not overheat, if you don't it does overheat.

    It is something like this: modloader.registerBlock(BlockID), if there is an ID conflict, BlockID is null. That's somewhat simplified, but it's the general idea.

    looks like ID conflict with blockCrossoverGenerator, upgrading and then downgrading will probably create a lot of issues.

    Here you go on the Energy Link:

    It basically turns EUs into BC power - not the other way around (AFAIK). It's a curiosity that power would somehow (back up) into the PetroGen like that. As I said, once I dumped a bucket of fuel in, the "pressure" indicator went away and it filled up with a little bit of yellow to show the fuel in it. I'm just not sure why power would go into a generator from a device that is ostensibly for output. It would be as odd as getting feedback from a batbox that was under the generator.

    Next time I'm on, I'll see if I can replicate the setup if you need a visual.

    The generator produces EU and cosumes BC energy. By placing those two next to each other you have created a loop. The generate takes BC energy and turns it into EU, then the energy link converts the EU back into BC energy, in a cycle. The energy link transmits power omnidirectionally, it is working as it should. Fuel changes this, because the generator only uses 1 power source at a time. If you want something that can be placed adjacent to the generator, you need to use something that will only transmit BC energy in 1 direction, like an electric engine. Otherwise, you need to place the generator 1 block away from the energy link and either connect them with a BC energy pipe, or a IC2 wire, depending on what you wish to transmit.