tried it with just minecraft, forge, and ic2. the problem persists. Although, shift clicking into an EMPTY furnace works fine, trying to refil stacks of cobble in a half full furance doesnt work.
Posts by kevindude
ok, after some more playing around, i realized that shift clicking into an EMPTY furance works fine. But trying to refill a half empty furance via shift clicking doesnt work.
I can confirm that this has always worked for me in the past as well as right now, possible bug?
All i know is, i was on my server and i was smelting a lot of cobble in my induction furnace, and whenever i shift clicked, it would fill the right slot, and never the left slot. I can never remember it having worked differently -
odd, the induction furnace shift clicking works for me
It kinda works, when you shift click, it fills the right slot, but never the left slot. -
Just what the title says, i suggest shift clicking support for the induction furnace. Right now, it will put a stack of stuff into the right slot, but never the left slot. I suggest that shift clicking in an induction furance will first fill the left slot, and if that is full, then fill the right slot.
Quantom Zombies!
I have heard rumors that the server is getting completely re-done. Is this true? If so what changes do you plan on making? I request the iChun Portal mod as its a great add on. (And beastmode1221 LOVES the music.)
Its not going to be "completely redone" But the modpack is going to change a good bit and we will be getting a new world in 1.3
If you want to suggest a mod, go to the forum here and submit it -
ok! Yes, EE will be gone. And we should be updating soon, because most of the mods are ready.
totaly HAYOish! +1
i dont like it, if it was implemented, i would disable it on my server, but! I think if a config option is provided, it could just be something to silence those n00bs saying that we need endgame and stuf like that. So, i guess +1/2, if it is toggle-able in the config
i have the crops addon. And i will try and redownload now
edit: i redowloaded, and the problem persists -
no, i mean this:
This was taken from the skylimit, looking down inside yr tower. The thing way down at the bottom is a mushroom biome hill.
It appears that the chunk has been regenerated somehow. The rest of the world is fine. Yr wisp traps r all there, and anything outside the main chunk. Any idea what went wrong? -
Its much easier. Just grab a Stack of Frames out of the Pojecttable in the upper middle and it will automatically refill it.
EPICanyway, i tried to download the world.
i installed all the mods, moved over your config and redpower files, and after i finished, added the world to the saves.
The world loaded fine, i saw the oby tower but, its just an obsidian shell. there is nothing inside it
any idea how to fix it? -
looks awesome! Although, at least for me several pictures are "not found"
About the giant autocrafting thing, do u mean that, for example,you want a stack of frames, you push the frames button (or input it into a rp computer) and it retrieves the materials, crafts it, and outputs it to you with no further input requiered? -
I like this idea. Its not magic, its a robot! I suggest, instead of copper, to use machine blocks instead of iron blocks and an adv machines block as the head. This creates a shiney new version of the iron golem, and it will follow u an fight for u, similar to a tamed wolf.
I just saw this mod, and its frikkin epic! totaly HAYOish! Is it okay if i add this mod to a modpack for my server?
I know about 7sec,the not lasting a tick was a joke. I have automated one of these with redpower. Anyway, the highest EFFECTIVE eu/t I have ever gotten was with a reactor full of uran except for 7 stacks of ice. I made 2 versions, one used compressors for the ice, so the effective eu/t was not huge. The other, however, used EE condensors (yes, I know, but I was just trying to get the best, even if its kinda cheating.) to pump ice into the reactor. With this, I got 2050 eu/t AND IT COULD RUN FOREVER. So, I got 2050 effective eu/t, but I cheated to get it.
guys, if u don't care about run time, then just fill a neactor with only uran cells, and tada! Max eu/t! ( if it even lasts a tick..
Sounds pretty HAYOish, I like yr ideas!
About the super conductor recipe, maybe the recipe could be like an up grade to glass fiber, like this:
g=glass fiber o=gold c= clay
Makes 2
For max eff. insulate with rubber 4x