Erm... WTF was I smoking. Uhh... yeah, I think I was trying to say that the armor bar is capped at a certain amount. And I obviously didn't read what he wrote
Like your new picture Muse :3
lol, thanks! It was drawn by Cheapshot based on my previous avatar and some of the models we are putting together for the powersuit in 1.5.
With that, version 0.3.0-178 is now recommended!
Mode switching works properly now I think (without breaking Mystcraft and Logipipes)
Fixed all the bugs reported so far, with a couple minor exceptions (mostly rendering-related)
A WHOLE BUNCH of new modules, mostly done by other people
Better back-end API for people wanting to create their own modules (still needs work, but it's getting there)
Tool modules were made toggleable instead of 'modes'. Modes are: Plasma Cannon, Blink Drive, Crafting Grid.
For those who didn't get a chance to play with this when it was expermental: SHIFT+MOUSEHWEEL to change modes.
See the jenkins changelog for a detailed run-down of all the changes.
Things which are going to have to wait until 1.5:
Different 'tiers' (for IC2's energy system)
Custom models and animations