Suggestion primarily is to add ability to change jetpack control scheme via config like this:
# Jetpack control scheme
# 0 - vanilla IC2 scheme
# 1 - "easy" scheme
# 2 - inverted "easy" scheme
# 3 - "pro" scheme
And schemes actually will work like this:
0: is a standard IC2 control scheme which will be used by default.
1: Initial mode of jetpack is hover, when you hold "sneak" key (shift) it will work in non-hover mode. "Jump" (space) key will work the as usual. So in case of panic you may release all keys and you will slowly hover down, that's why it is "easy".
2: "inverted" work's in opposite way: initial mode is non hover and when you hold "sneak" key it will work in hover mode.
3: For true pilots. Jetpack power is controlled by two triggers: small boost (sneak/shift) and big boost (jump/space). Low boost is enough to hovering and don't allow you smash but is not enough to flying. Big boost is actually will get you higher. Triggers may be used together to get maximum power output and therefore maximum boost.
Or as table for short:
None: go down fast, as non hover mode
Sneak only: go down as in hover mode
Jump only: go up as in hover mode
Sneaky + jump: go up fast as in non hover mode
Secondary thing (don't know whether it is possible to implement) is "directed flying".
# Enable jetpack directed flying
Based on fact that jets works in a single direction (angle) which is cannot be changed instantly, thing called inertia and air drag. So if you staying still and jetpack looking straight down, you pressing boost key and you going straight up. When you pressing movement key (forward for example) angle start changing from vertical to horizontal, it stops on angle (something about 30, however I'm not sure, it should be calculated automatically depending on output power) which is enough for straight horizontal flying. So movement keys will change angle but not actually move, you still need to hold boost key to flying. When releasing movement key angle start changing form horizontal to vertical so you may fly higher instead of horizontal. As result:
1. You may fly with maximum boost not only vertical. (yes, I want higher horizontal flying speed)
2. When you got maximum speed in horizontal flying you may release boost key and just hover for some time because of high altitude, inertia and air drag.
3. You cannot fly with maximum boost in both direction simultaneously.
4. Such model will allow to travel faster and "draw" pretty nice curves in the air.