Hello All,
I read in the gregtech thread that there was a demand for a gregtech hardmode server. Since that project seems to have stopped I have put together a modpack which I am hosting.
Forge build #965 (http://files.minecraftforge.net/ )
CodeChickenCore 0.9.7 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…64-smp-chickenbones-mods/ )
Minetweaker 2.3.1 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…move-recipes-make-tweaks/ )
IC2-experimental build #397 (http://ic2api.player.to:8080/job/IC2_experimental/ )
GregTech 4.0.8 r ([Addon][1.6.X] GregTech-Addon: Taking Industry to a whole new Level of Complexity! ) Look in attached files for correct version
IC2Nuclear control 1.6.2e ([Addon v1.118+] [SSP/SMP] Nuclear Control v.1.6.2b/e )
Unidye 1.4.3 ([Addon][1.6.2+] Unidye - Getting your Dyes to the next level! )
IC2 Recipe fixer GT Version (IC2 Recipe Fixer mini mod)
Applied energists 14finale3 (http://ae-mod.info/ )
Extra cells 1.6.7d (http://m3gafr3ak.github.io/ExtraCells/ ) (current version in the attachments until its jenkins is working again)
Bibliocraft 1.5.5 (http://www.bibliocraftmod.com/ )
Bibliowoods Forestry edition 1.3 (http://www.bibliocraftmod.com/ )
Forestry (http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki.new/doku.php ) (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…orestry-A- )
Carpenter's blocks 2.0.2 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…3-slopes-stairs-and-more/ )
Galacticraft build #972 (all 3 modules) (http://micdoodle8.com/mods/galacticraft ) (Jenkins: http://ci.micdoodle8.com/job/Galacticraft/ )
Ironchest build #702 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…s-50-minecraft-15-update/ )
Railcraft (http://www.railcraft.info/releases )
Underground biomes 0.4.2.c (http://www.minecraftforum.net/…mes-forge-smp-compatible/ )
See attached files
NOTE: The minetweaker configuration is only there for reference and should not be put in the client config! (This due to the server pushing the config and that wont work after the client loads the recipes)
Config changes:
Vanilla: Changed ender chest recipe
AE: 4 times as expensive in terms of power use
CCC: Finite water
IC2: Added galacticraft ores and certus ore to miner config, disabled green gens (windmill, watermill and solar panel)
Galacticraft: Used minetweaker to align recipes with gt plates, removed most machines, only way to refine fuel is to use the GT distillation tower, added ores to oreDict
GregTech:Tesseracts consume 4 times more energy, limited stack sizes, adventure mode, harder stone, not using ue energy, hidden ores, no charcoal, no enchanting table, reduced eu cost on steel dust in industrial blast furnace.
Railcraft: World anchor is enabled
Forestry: Set to hard mode, added UB cobble to the diggers backpack, UB sedimentaries added to diggers, gregtech granites added to backpacks
UB: Its stone is 4 times harder to mine
Bibliocraft: GT Saw and File added to the tool rack
Unidye: Chromatic generator disabled
All mods: No copper / tin / aluminium generation (except on mars according to reports)
Due to minetweaker you might need to completely close your client before joining a different server.
With minetweaker I can change recipes so I am always open for suggestions on recipe changes for balancing.
Not using AFK hunger, I never liked playing with it and I would like the option for people to be just present for chat without them dying all the time.
Map / Recipe mods can be added by the player (nei is included in the server).
Friday will be server upgrade day, on this day I will upgrade all the mods.
Backups! Manually whenever I upgrade + nightly
I want to keep this simple: Don't be a dick, Don't steal, Do have fun.
How to join:
PM me why you want to join and I will give you the server address and add you to its whitelist.
Q: There is no copper/tin at all? Sure that that's hardmode and not insane?
A: For copper and tin one would have to look for Casserite and Tetrahedrite
Invultri (owner)
BadAlchemy (player) (co-admin)
Nonotan / Ishiyama (co-admin)
SpwnX (player)
LinusPhoenix (player)
c4commando (player)
phycist1616 (player)
Gemji1990 (player)
GregoriusT (player)
Phx_Ikki / oscares91 (player)
malcanteth (player)
Syvinna (player)
qubicrage (player)
Bechill (player)
drags7er / mafaaz9966 (player)
mr10movie (player)
rex6000 (player)
BrianDorantes (player)
PaulWallPsChamp (player)
Ahntmizin / Zwapan404 (player)
rixster98 / Morgy67 (player)
CarbonBasedGhost (player)
Rockarabbit (player)
Verillia (player)
Varin90 (player)
Tezzeri (player)
gylindril (player)
Pwnie2012/M3gaFr3ak/Leonelf (player)
Reloque (player)
Marilsanya (player)
not_loki (player)
MrSkuF (player)
Cocofang (player)
UNG / UNG_God (player)
gr34tn3ss88 (player)
Chocohead (player)
noradith (player)
CrafterOfMany / Broken_Rin (player)
Generalcamo (player)
stoorot (player)
tinfoilhattery (player)
hamsor (player)
abculatter_2 (player)
anexo3210 (player)
gordominossi (player)
Calypants (player)
jayraymo (player)
Roktaj (player)
BloodyAsp (player)
Periphera_ (player)
Virezz (player)
Miradae (player)
aka13_404 (player)
Yo_ru (player)
hausfath (player)
MIA Players:
tk_gamer (player) (MIA)
FatAndyTheGreat (player) (MIA)
Tibarn0wned (player) (MIA)
chickenman8 (player) (MIA)
FireLion1983 (player) (MIA)
muphet (player) (MIA)
spida22 (player) (MIA)
Methes (player) (MIA)
FrozenTaco (player) (MIA)
mitk0100 (player) (MIA)
MomoNasty (player) (MIA)