Just as the title says, this is a resource pack with vanilla Minecraft textures and the old pre-experimental IC2 textures.
KNOWN BUGS/ISSUESScanner, replicator and pattern storage have the new textures as when they were added (build 128, before they were just all advanced machine block textures) they were like that. I'll get around to fixing them Fixed in 1.0
The heat generators and users are wrong, because I haven't changed those yet Fixed in 1.2The water heater needs a texture. But looking at the GUI, not yet. It might not be called that now, but Fixed in 1.3
Please report anything else, as I'm pretty sure I've got everything, but I might well have missed something
1.0 Released for 496
1.1 Change Batpack and Energypack texture
1.2 Added all the heat generators and users
1.3 Updated for 429, fixed windmill texture
1.3.1 Fixed kinetic wind generator being broken
1.3.2 Fixed kinetic generator missing a texture
1.3.3 Added blast furnace texture
1.4 Updated to 633
1.4.1 Fixed block cutting machine texture
Enjoy reliving the olden days!