Adjustment to Over-Current Penalty

  • As it was a topic of debate on a different forum, the explosion mechanic for machines has become a bit of an infuriating issue. Under the previous system of EU management, it was an uncommon penalty that occurred only when you used a voltage output from an energy storage block that machines normally can't handle (for example, switching from a Baxbox to a MFE, and forgetting to include a transformer or transformer upgrades). With the current system, over-current can occur at any moment, due to the additive nature of generator output. This is highly problematic, as not paying attention to your generator output for only a brief second can cause your machine room to become a highly devastating crater...

    So instead, I'd like to propose a change to this mechanic for something that is a bit more forgiving, but accurately keeping to the nature of a resource penalty for over-current application on a machine..

    Old: Destructive blast that consumes block and damages all blocks in a set radius, possibly causing a chain reaction of explosions via other machines

    New: Inflict player harm effect ( equal to {EU/p}/10 hearts in damage) in a 1x1 block area around the overcharged machine, consumes machine, as well as a chance to create fire depending on the type of blocks surrounding the overcharged machine at the time of applied over-current

    This mechanic change would not only be a bit more forgiving, but slightly realistic. It would allow for the loss of a machine to be slightly minimized at the sign of improper wiring, but would still enforce the notion that one must properly manage their circuits if they want to distribute large quantities of power at a time. Also, as some have pointed out in other places, machines don't become volatile sticks of dynamite once they receive over-current, but instead more likely to simply create electrical fires after the destruction of the device. As such, the new mechanic suggestion is more realistic, and more forgiving for new players and old vets returning to IC2.

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

    • Official Post

    Also, over-current damage is disabled until the e-net is able to properly simulate voltage (amperage , resistance and wattage aswell), according to IC-E 303+ versions.
    Although that is probably not true for GT, which is a small problem, considering GT machines carry explosives inside them :P

    • Official Post

    best solution is jam mechanics - if device recieved incompatable input it shoud case any operations and just stay still.

    I think it should overclock (increasing speed), but also overheating, causing it to get damaged over time, to a point it simply melts its internal components and starts fizzling.
    If the problem is not solved, it may start melting and discharge energy to adjacent blocks (if IC² machines), causing them to overheat and melt aswell.

    Electrical damage stages :
    Stage 1 : Machine gets slightly overclocked (2x speed) and starts smoking lightly. Machine will triple energy usage (EU/t for one operation)
    Can be solved by replacing the internal circuit (an electric circuit for basic machines and an advanced one for adv ones).

    Stage 2 : Machine gets highly overclocked (5x speed) , smokes heavily and starts fizzling. Machine will use 10 times more energy (EU/t for one operation)
    Can be solved by replacing the internal circuit alongside the slightly machine block. (1 circuit + 2 iron)

    Stage 3 : Machine simply stops working, its internal circuits are already melted and the machine block is heavily damaged.
    Will consume all EU/t given, while discharging 50% of energy received on adjacent blocks (if it can accept IC² energy), including cables, causing even more problems.
    Will cause fires on any flammable block adjacent. Will electrocute any entities that gets very close (3x3x3 cube). Can't be repaired. Melting the scrap block will yield 4 iron ingots.

    Stage 4 : Machine is completely melted and turned into a molten conductive scrap metal [work as a badly conducting cable, which will spread energy to all sides]
    Will cause fires on any flammable block adjacent. Will electrocute any entitities that are somewhat close (5x5x5 cube) Can't be repaired. Melting the scrap block will yield 2 iron ingots.

    Time between stage N to N+1 = 2400 ticks/N or 10 operations.
    [N = 4* Maximum energy acceptable/energy received, LV machine receiving HV will have N = 4* 32 / 512 = 4]

  • I'm eagerly awaiting future e-net reworks. The challenge lies in creating a system that is plug and play for the beginner, while still allowing the knowledgeable engineer to feel comfortably challenged. Redpower2's blutricity hit the nail on the head in both aspects, but unfortunately never really got off the ground due to being closed off (for shame). And so far, no other system has done it quite that well.

    For example, Thermal Expansion's new RF system is plug and play to the max but has no actual gameplay in it at all, rendering it boring and unrewarding. IC2's current "Work in Progress" implementation, on the other hand, seems too difficult to pick up for the average player, if the costant forum posts are any indication (possibly a result of said WIP status). Buildcraft is currently closer to the ideal, as it offers both instant "plop down and it works" mechanics as well as room for very complex design later on, but unfortunately it decided to annoy players with the fact that the whole system is intentionally designed to consume fuel around the clock no matter what.

    So here's me wondering where IC2 will end up when all is said and done. From the current design direction I reckon it'll still be firmly on the complex end of the fence, with experienced players only in mind. But if the devs can somehow find a way to allow newcomers to start using the power system without having to read up on it, it has the potential to become a really good system once again.

  • 10 operations.

    10 operations is much to fast. what if this happens when u are outside farming wood or whatever? Lets say your machine is in the spawnchunks, or u are near enough to your house that its loaded. U wouldn't even have a chance to repair the machine. i think 3-5 minutes per stage is much better.
    But besides from that i really like your idea. i always thougt that IC machines need a bit risk.

    sorry, but, if you let the magic smoke out, electronics don't work anymore.

    Yeah, of course, but this is minecraft, and thats a good way to predict when your machine need to get repaired. :D

  • punishment for errors is just wrong, devices shoud not overclock heat or recieve any damage, if energy too high or too low device shoud not work at all.

    Didn't you object to fuses and breakers because they removed the punishment for errors?

  • Didn't you object to fuses and breakers because they removed the punishment for errors?

    RawCode is the new FenixR, lol

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • Oh, got it. You didn't say that in either forum, so I didn't know that's what you mean.

    So you want to make the whole energy thing easier. Too much energy -> machine doesn't work. Nice and simple. A bit TOO simple for my tastes, but I still sometimes blow up machines, so I wouldn't mind.

    • Official Post

    I like the penalty for over-wattage, because it makes me plan better my wiring, instead of just plugging everything in without caring about power flow.
    I suggested my over-wattage penalty based on that electric engines of common electrodomestics (110V) when connected to 220V runs twice as fast (seems to), overheats and burn the circuitry inside it, damaging it permanently while emitting some kind of smoke. I did that once btw.

  • only amperage do matter, if cable have 99999999999999999 volts and only few amperes it wont burn anything, nice sample for this is old good rj12 telephone lines that carry 110 volts current when active and can shock well if manage to spark skin, but cables less then millimeter tick.

  • Well, he is right about the part about running Huge Voltage on little to no Amperage. Especially on telephone line, where I've heard about people playfuly shocking themselves on exposed wires of it by calling their own houses, lol...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.