Things to Add:
-All useful elements from the periodic table
-Chemical Extractor* (Produces up to 5 unique elements (up to 16 of each, max 64 total) from one normal ore/sand/dirt/cobble/leaves/wood/etc.) (consumes block added)
-Chemical Testing Chamber* (Combine elements & chemicals to make more stuff!) (block used for Chemical Research Chamber)
-New Crafting Recipes for Circuits (would now include a recipe that includes using processed silicon)
-Chemical Factory* (uses EU and certain chemicals/elements to make Rubber & other items)
-Chemical Research Chamber (Discovers "Hidden" Recipes, researches elements) (In world, build by placing 25 Chemical Testing Chambers in a 3x3 Block, then placing the Chemical Research Chamber centered on one of the 4 sides)
-Chemically resistant pipes (When BuildCraft is installed)
-Chemical Macerator* (Macerates the ore and extracts the elements as the chemical extractor would)
-Mineral Ore (Ore that gives up to 32 of each element with a max of 128 in the Chemical Extractor) [Idea from SpwnX Idea: Chemcraft Addon] (?Random Textures Possiblity?) (May poison/radiate when mined/touched, unless wearing nano/quantum armor.)
-Particle Accelerator* [Idea: Chemcraft Addon] (Make experimental elements)
-~Atomic Pulverizer* [Idea: Chemcraft Addon] (Blast stuff into its individual elements, which are put in Test Tubes)
-Test Tube [Idea: Chemcraft Addon] (crafting recipe: 7 glass = 64 TT)
-~Elemental Extractor* (solid -> liquid -> gas) [Idea from King Gingerman IRL]
-~Elemental Compresor* (gas -> liquid -> solid) [Idea from King Gingerman IRL]
-Chemical Names (revealed in Blue when Chemical Research Chamber GUI is open) (Like in DartCraft ) (for example, next to Gold would be Au)
-Periodic Table of Discovered Elements (A map-like item, crafted using an electronic circuit surrounded by paper, that displays the periodic table and all Elements that you have researched in your Chemical Research Chamber)
"*" Means it consumes EU
"~" Means name under consideration
And possibly More!
List of Elements: [Idea: Chemcraft Addon] (From
Hydrogen H
Helium He
Lithium Li
Beryllium Be
Boron B
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Neon Ne
Sodium Na
Magnesium Mg
Aluminum Al
Silicon Si
Phosphorus P
Sulfur S
Chlorine Cl
Argon Ar
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Scandium Sc
Titanium Ti
Vandium V
Chromium Cr
Manganese Mn
Iron Fe
Cobalt Co
Nickel Ni
Copper Cu
Zinc Zn
Gallium Ga
Germanium Ge
Arsenic As
Selenium Se
Bromine Br
Krypton Kr
Rubidium Rb
Strontium Sr
Yttrium Y
Zirconium Zr
Niobium Nb
Molybdenun Mo
Technitium Tc
Ruthium Ru
Rhodium Rh
Palladium Pd
Silver Ag
Cadmium Cd
Indium In
Tin Sn
Antimony Sb
Tellurium Te
Iodine I
Xenon Xe
Caesium Cs
Barium Ba
Hafnium Hf
Tantalum Ta
Tungsten W
Rhenium Re
Osmium Os
Iridium Ir
Platinum Pt
Gold Au
Mercury Hg
Thallium Tl
Lead Pb
Bismuth Bi Polonium Po
Astatine At
Radon Rn
Francium Fr
Radium Ra
Rutherfordium Rf
Dubnium Db
Seaborgium Sg
Bohrium Bh
Hassium Hs
Meitnerium Mt
Darmstadium Ds
Roentgenium Rg
Copernicium Cn
Ununtrium Uut
Flerovium Fl
Ununpentium Uup
Livermorium Lv
Ununseptium Uus
Ununoctium Uuo
Lanthanum La
Cerium Ce
Praseodymium Pr
Neodymium Nd
Promethium Pm
Samarium Sm
Europium Eu
Gadolinium Gd
Terbium Tb
Dysprosium Dy
Holmium Ho
Erbium Er
Thulium Tm
Ytterbium Yb
Lutetium Lu
Actinium Ac
Thorium Th
Protactinium Pa
Uranium U
Neptunium Np
Plutonium Pu
Americium Am
Curium Cm
Berkelium Bk
Californium Cf
Einsteinium Es
Fermium Fm
Mendelevium Md
Nobelium No
Lawrencium Lr
Crafting Recipies:
Crafting Recipes have been moved to a second post, seen Here.
If anyone can make this a reality, please do.