Recently, I built up a server for my gay friends. The sever has IC2 and Ferullos Guns mod. They both have their own Refined Iron for their recipes
IC2 : Refined Iron (item id:30249) Ferullos Guns :Refined Iron (item id:836)
How can I make the refined irons
be compatible ? plz help me
[HOW TO] IC2 compatible with Ferullos Guns Mod
Recently, I built up a server for my gay friends. The sever has IC2 and Ferullos Guns mod. They both have their own Refined Iron for their recipes
IC2 : Refined Iron (item id:30249) Ferullos Guns :Refined Iron (item id:836)
How can I make the refined ironsbe compatible ? plz help me
You can't. Even if you can, you shouldn't. IC2 is removing refined iron. -
And even if they weren't, Refined Iron "should" (should being the key word here) be usable throughout all the mods that have their refined iron being based off of the dictionaries in Forge (I would specifically say ore dictionary, but I could be wrong), so there shouldn't, theoretically, be a problem.
And even if they weren't, Refined Iron "should" (should being the key word here) be usable throughout all the mods that have their refined iron being based off of the dictionaries in Forge (I would specifically say ore dictionary, but I could be wrong), so there shouldn't, theoretically, be a problem.
Should. But the more completly unknown a mod is, the less likely is it using forge key features like the OreDict. -
Sorry, I can get the point.....
how can I make Ferullos Guns 's Refined Iron(item id:836) can be used for the IC2 recipe ???
Cuz I only can get the refined iron(item id:836) from the furnace. And it can't use for the IC2 recipe /.\ -
The point is refined iron is removed from IC2. It has been replaced with the plate system now.
Depends. If the version of IC2 that you're using still uses Refined Iron for it's recipes, simply change the ID for Refined Iron in the IC2 config to the same one as that of the gun mod. Then both IC2 and the gun mod will be able to use the Refined Iron.
So the item ID for IC2's Refined Iron would be 836 or 580, about the 256 ID's reserved for blocks. -
IC2 registered everything inside forge dict.
this issue of other mod that not registered it's stuff.
IC2 registered everything inside forge dict.
this issue of other mod that not registered it's stuff.
IC2_lf --> true
IC2E --> refined iron is going to be removed, so not registered in oredict -
ic2e have no use for refined iron and have no recipe for it.