Hello, I see that you are still working on this mod, I hope we can have soon a mod to take the place of ICBM and Galacticraft, Could you kindly tell me the state of development of the mod? Which items/block are already coded and which one need more work? thank you

[IC2 Exp][1.10.2][Beta] RocketScience-3 Addon!
Download it from here and try it is the best suggestion I can give: http://node1.polegamers.com:8080/job/RocketScience-3/
Although the latest build is importing a Scala Array instead of Java, so there's a critical bug right there.
Download it from here and try it is the best suggestion I can give: http://node1.polegamers.com:8080/job/RocketScience-3/
Although the latest build is importing a Scala Array instead of Java, so there's a critical bug right there.Thank you :), I hope however that ThatSimpleKid will make a post keeping us posted on the devvelopment, we are all exicited about this mod and the potential it could reach!
Hello everybody! Can anybody tell or show me the forge version needed for RS3? I have latest 811 build of ic2 exp, 23 snapshot of rs3 and 1614 forge, and it doesn't work. I don't know haw to login site where i have to put crash-report((
Can anybody name the version of forge, ic2 and rs3 with which you have this wonderful add-on working? Please) I just want to check...
Hello everybody! Can anybody tell or show me the forge version needed for RS3? I have latest 811 build of ic2 exp, 23 snapshot of rs3 and 1614 forge, and it doesn't work. I don't know haw to login site where i have to put crash-report((
There isn't a version that currently works, at least on the Jenkins.
So, I am very thankful to the author for this add-on and his work, but are there any news about haw long it will take to release first working testable version? Of course not exact, just, for example, a month, or two, or smth close?)
It's a very hard thing to predict, for months nothing seemed to be happening at all, but suddenly the Jenkins appeared and it turned out that it was. The only solution I can offer is to wait and see.
Hello everyone!
(I know the ssl certificate is out of date, will be renewed before the end of the week)
Its good to see that interest has flared up, as I am at the point where I can release the mod. Jenkins had been a little dead as I have migrated the project to bamboo, but no worries, development is still ongoing!
Make sure to keep an eye on the RSS feed at https://thatsimplekid.com/?rssfeed
Because I'll be releasing the mod by the end of the week.
I'll let you all know about the release both on here and via my site (RSS) so make sure to check back!
The forge version will be 1.7.10 latest and the IC2 version is yet unknown (I can't remember :') I'll let you know on release)
Thanks again for the interest! -
Let the hype begin!
Everybody Hello again!) So, what is going on? Does the author have any problems? The release was promised a week ago, but nothing has happened... Even on "thatsimplekid.com" there is no news after "the slight delay"... We are looking forward to this great mod! :))
Everybody Hello again!) So, what is going on? Does the author have any problems? The release was promised a week ago, but nothing has happened... Even on "thatsimplekid.com" there is no news after "the slight delay"... We are looking forward to this great mod! :))
Hey guys, sorry you didn't get the release last week, I was unable to work on the mod as I had come down with the flu and was bed-ridden all week
Just letting you know, I'm now working on those missing graphics, so expect an update soon! -
Hey are you still alive? :O
Hello Everybody and good evening to the author!) Are there any news about our rockets?)
Hi guys!
Sorry I keep giving deadlines which I am unable to meet
I am currently (taking a break as we speak :P) making a web app that will allow you to see when I push updates to bitbucket, and view the outcome/changelog or download the artifacts from each build, as I am using a bamboo server due to it's increased functionality. This should take me no more than a couple of hours to code, and if all goes well, I will let you all know later on, once it has been tested and deployed!
Rest assured, I AM still actively developing rocketscience, and hope that it will gain more interest, once development builds are made available to the public.
Thanks for your patience
thatsimplekid -
Hello everybody again!) What are the news about the mod? Is anything happening?
I don't think much has been happening lately.
Thatsimplekid hasn't been active since his last post... -
I don't think much has been happening lately.
Thatsimplekid hasn't been active since his last post...
Yes I have -
Oops, sorry then.
On your profile, it was written you hadn't been active since your latest post. =PPerhaps you were active on your website. =)
Hello hello hello,
Everyone's probably happy to see a familiar face (or profile pic idk)
I've still got rs3 on the backburner. But with a house move, a new job, and more exams >:( I've been pretty strapped, and free time is a serious luxury. I have a version in the works for minecraft 1.10, and will probably release it as-is (if I can't finish it) with the source code public.
However, I will try to finish it, and will update you on here. (new site coming soon, old domain expired, and godaddy expiry emails are lackluster to say the least)
Keep your eyes here for the latest news!
Thanks for all the continued support!