What was original reason for creating Cells in IC? Anyone remember?

  • Im not a fan of items like portable tanks from TE3 myself, i think they are very cheap compared to vanilla buckets. 1 metal ingot, holds 8 buckets. Its not balanced vs buckets at all. Ideally id like to see things that give greater utility cost noticeably more, or have some other drawback.

    So that brings up Cells. 4 tin instead of 3 iron to hold 1000 mb of liquid, but... you can stack 16 of them into an inventory slot even when full. was this the idea behind them? To make a bucket that was stackable, and then make them a big more expensive to make up for that?

    Now compare this to a low end portable tank from TE3, to hold 8000 mb of fluid in your inventory in IC2, you have to spend 32 tin. With a portable tank, you only need 1 tin (?) and 4 glass.

    Does anyone remember if this is why clls were made, and why? To give you a stackable bucket, for a price?

    • Official Post

    Making reactor coolant cells. You extracted water cells twice if I remember it rightly.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Original intent IMO: Allow liquids to be used as an item, for recipes/processing and such.

    Also IC2 =! TE , comparing prices wont lead anywhere.
    By the way, you cant use TE tank in GT recipes, for example.

    I just try to balance the mods I play. People almost always go for the cheapest option so to me its useful to compare prices to things. I use TE3 but the items are so cheap that ill probably have to drop it. I wanted to use minetweaker to increase costs of some things, but apparently it wont work with TE3.

    That was why i noticed, IMO, that cells were well balanced vs buckets. Same amount per cell, but you gain stackability for the 1 extra ingot. I didnt think it was due to recipes as you can use buckets in recipes. Oh well though, I was just curious.

    • Official Post

    Extracting it once created a coolant cell. Extracting it again created a hydration cell for the crops.

    Ah yes, that was it.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.