[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] IHL Tools & Machines

  • BTW, Fog, what does the Wailer do ? Can you please add more documentation about that please :D ?

    I've seen some in SpwnX & Greg house in Kirara, but I have no idea what do they do, and even less about how to aquire them :P ^^'

  • Wailers? They just flying around, making horrible sounds, and trying to kill you. Usually they spawn only in "The End" dimension, but i added a secret way to gain them in overworld. I wonder, did SpwnX or Greg find out this secret method?

    Hey, SpwnX, you did decompile IHL to source code to find out this, or there is another way to spawn any mob in overworld?

    • Official Post

    No, I visited the end, ran for my life since the wailers deal great damage to TC shields (this is not a bad thing), killed a few wailers and collected their remains.

    I'd like if you told me about that secret method though. I want to spawn some of them.

  • Its a secret! :D
    Although, i will give you a hint. This is related to pigs and bone pillar block. And you need only one bone pillar block and one pig to spawn one wailer. And pigs are spent in process. And that does not mean you need to kill pig with sword or bow. That would be probably enough.

    • Official Post

    The riddles! *starts hours of testing*

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Lightning have 9 letters
    Pig have 3 letters
    Lightning rod => rod have 3 letters
    9 - (3 + 3) = 3
    a triangle have 3 sides => Illuminati confirmed ?
    Java have 4 letters
    4-3 = 1
    IC 2+1 => IC3 (and HL3) confirmed ?

    • Official Post

    You solved a mystery? Congrats! :thumbup:

    I found out how to spawn the wailers heh.
    Place a fire block on top of a bone pillar while a pig is standing on it, instant wailer.

    Also, a bug with your tree sap sacks, it disappears if they check for leaves too far on the trunk.

    Edit: Another bug with the tree sap sacks, when it has more than 1000 mB, lets say full, 8000 mB, it will autooutput 8000 mB on a tank below, but only take 1000 mB from the sack.

  • Edit: Another bug with the tree sap sacks, when it has more than 1000 mB, lets say full, 8000 mB, it will autooutput 8000 mB on a tank below, but only take 1000 mB from the sack.

    Yep, this bug was obvious. I dunno, what i'm thinking about, when i have coding this:

    fte.fill(ForgeDirection.UP, this.fluidTank.getFluid(), true);
    this.drain(ForgeDirection.DOWN, 1000, true);

    Thank a lot for those two bugs. I wonder, how much "underwater stones" still contained in my addon.

    Also - fixed.

  • Very nice mod though, very usefull, especially on Kirara ^^

    But one question subsist, why did everyone ignored the Illuminati, IC3 and HL3 confirmation ? :O
    Now that I think of it, we might be so dumb that Valve maybe already released HL3 when we were requesting it out loud, and we didn't even noticed it O_o

  • But IHL is related to IC2, which is related with IC3, which is related to HL3, which is related to the Illuminaties ( because there's always 3 characters or 3 sides :P ) so everything is related in a way ;)

    • Official Post

    I think i might have asked before, but what many of the acronyms (mainly IHL) means?

    Also, I think you should implement the "guardian quadcopter" idea of Kane Hart. It would be amazing to use them for defensive/offensive purposes :P
    Quadcopters shooting lazors and/or bullets (nuggets or GT rounds) would be amazing.

  • And add a super expensive upgrade that make them regen over time, like TC golems does ^^

  • I decided to move on only by scientifically accurate way. That means, to create L.A.S.E.R. shooting flying thingy i need to create first computer processor, CO2 laser, fuel cell, as source of power, miniature motors (that means - coils and electro insulating varnish) and so on.

    Last several months i spent in creating one new feature, that probably will be used by nobody: flexible entity based electroconductive cables.

    You created those with special iron worktable and set of dices, put insulation on them, create 2 junction boxes at normal worktable, place junction boxes at source and sink of electricity, connect them with cable.
    Cable losses are counted by algorithm with Joule-Lenz formula, meaning that IC2 e-net emitting pulses of energy within 1/20 seconds.
    Voltage is constant, independed from IC2 transformers and equals to 400 V. Max energy loss per meter is 1.6 EU/t. If energy loss exceed this value, cable will burn.
    Currently GT energy net are not supported, because it is hard to find something like IEnergySource and IEnergySink in GT api (help me Greg, please!).

    That was a hard work, but nobody will use this cables, at least until i made them looks more beautiful.
    I wonder, that you thinking about this?

    • Official Post

    One word - Amazing. It'd use them just because they look so cool ;)

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.