I wonder why Solar Panels don't have a EU-Buffer like the Generator,Geothermalegenerator etc. The Buffer should be implementet for all Typs of Generators exept the Nuklear Reactor. Because you need a Battery to create the Generator.

Buffer for Solar Panels
Probably because solar panels produce so little EU, it was seen as unnecessary. The same with the wind and water mills.
But it can be very useful to save more energy
What are you trying to store all your power in? Batboxes are really cheap
The internal buffers would make their output fluctuate, and that is not good for some systems.
when energy network is finished, internal buffer will cause cable melts, becouse "full" solars will emit "more" then 1 eu per tick if they managed to accumulate anything (full batbox case).
in case of fixed 1eu output, buffer will cause solars to "produce power when there is no more light" causing confusion.