E-Net suggestion

  • Here's a suggestion for a new E-net system for the IC2 exp. for 1.7.10, so basically, here's how it's gonna work :

    We will have :
    -Packets :
    The max number of packets that can go in the cable, if the cable get to much of it, it fries.
    -EU loss :
    The loss of EU with the cables.
    -Max EU :
    The max number of EU that can go in the cable, if the cable get to much of it, it fries.

    So now, here is how it will work :
    Each generators/storage units/transformers will always output x (1,2,3,4,5,infinite) packets of x (32, 128, 512, 2048) EU.
    Each Cable will have it's own max number of packets, max number of EU and loss.
    All storage units can accept infinite number of packets, but a limit number of EU.
    Here is the loss/maxpackets/maxEU of each cables :

    (Non insulated) Cable : MaxPackets : MaxEU : Loss/blocks :
    Tin ; 1 ; 32 ; 1
    Copper ; 2 ; 128 ; 0.5
    Gold ; 3 ; 512 ; 0.5
    Steel ; 4 ; 2048 ; 1.5

    Cable : MaxPackets : MaxEU : Loss/blocks :
    Tin ; 2 ; 32 ; 0.5
    Copper ; 3 ; 128 ; 0.25
    Gold ; 3 ; 512 ; 0.25
    Steel ; 5 ; 2048 ; 1
    Glass Fibre ; infinite ; 8192 ; 0
    LVtransformer ; 2 ; 128 ; NA
    MVtransformer ; 3 ; 512 ; NA
    HVtransformer ; 4 ; 2048 ; NA
    EVtransformer ; 5 ; 8192 ; NA

    Here's the output of the generators/storage units/transformers

    Generator : OutputPackets : OutputEU :
    Generator/Stirling Generator ; 1 ; 32
    KineticGenerator ; 2 ; variable (32-512)
    GeoGenerator ; 3 ; 32
    SolarPanel ; 1 ; 32
    WaterMill ; 1 ; 32
    NuclearReactor ; 5 ; variable (32-8192)
    BatBox ; 1 ; 32
    CESU ; 2 ; 128
    MFE ; 3 ; 512
    MFSU ; 4 ; 2048
    LVtransformer ; 1 ; 32
    MVtransformer ; 2 ; 128
    HVtransformer ; 3 ; 512
    EVtransformer ; 4 ; 2048

    With those changes, we will have a rebalanced E-Net similar to the old one, the main changes will be that :
    Adding 2 generators won't output 64 EU anymore (like in the Exp. version) but 2Packetsx32EU per ticks.
    Solar Spamming won't be possible anymore unless you use a LOT of glass fibre because each solar panels output 1 packet.

    Also, please change the silver in the glass fibre recipe to electrum dust, so it will be more expensive.
    And for machinery and other generators I haven't mentionned, for the maxEU and maxPackets, I let you decide guys.
    And each transformer upgrades add +1 to the maxEU (32->128) and +1 to the maxPackets (1->2)

    • Official Post

    As nice as it sounds, IMO it will be even worse than the old system lag wise. Solar spamming wouldn't be stopped, simply reverted to IC1 style solar flowers into multiple batboxes, so the packet limit would be easily avoided. IC2 doesn't add spectrum dust, so glass fibre cables can't use it :P

    As nice as the idea is, which BTW I think could be really fun and interesting wiring wise, has ways to get around the obstacles (packets) and would make big IC2 wiring set ups pretty laggy (from the sound of things).

    What would be cool if Player inergrated some of this into what ever he has planned, and see what comes out of doing so.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • In that case, we simply need to add packet limit to all the wiring, machines and storage units except for the glass fibre and the mfsu as they are quite expensive :P
    And I forgot also to ask to add electrum dust, ^^' so we can craft glass fibre with electrum instead of silver :D

  • the thing with the packet limit sounds similiar to the channel limits of Applied Energistics 2.

    While i like the idea there, it don't think it will fit into IC2 well