I have made my own version of the reactor planner, which supports the latest IC2 Experimental reactor components, as well as components from GregTech 5 Unofficial. Components from other add-on mods may be added once those mods are fully released (and the details of their components are finalized)
- Supports both EU and fluid reactors.
- Allows different simulation types: Simple Cycle (turn the reactor on and leave it running until the fuel rods run out), Pulsed Cycle (use redstone control to turn the reactor on and off based on time and/or temperature), and Pulsed Automation (also replace components when they get too hot or too cold).
- Supports importing designs from Talonius's v3 planner (paste either the bare code or the full url). Legacy components that no longer exist in IC2 Experimental will trigger a warning dialog and their slots will be left empty in the new planner.
- Allows CSV (comma-separated values) output, of the core heat and damage/heat of each component after each reactor tick, which can then be imported with spreadsheet software and graphed if desired.
- i18n capable (will need others to provide translations to languages other than US English, though)
Here is the link to the GitHub releases page for downloading the latest version of the planner: https://github.com/MauveCloud/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/releases