So you think my Pack have to much Chunck generating mods.

[Deprecated GT6 Addon]GalacticGreg 1.9 - Gregtech Oregen on Galacticraft Planets
Ok with Experimental GC oregen it works but have some not generated Chunks. Look like Black Holes.
Yes, that is the problem i have with the experimental oregen. The chunks get generated but do not load clientside. Relogging shows them as they should.
You think I can play it so on a Server? It will shown the Chuncks or not?
Galacticraft have a nother Option to add Custom Blocks inside the Config but i dont know how can do that. -
I did not test the experimental oregen on a server. Might work. There are cases where it does, but so far i cound not find an pattern for that. On #minecraftforge i got told i might be a known chunksorting problem that did no problems the last years, so it did not get fixed.
The Galacticraft ingame option does not work with the GregTech Metaores.
My game crash every time only with Experimental Oregen it works.
Where i can post the Issue with the Black Chunck Holes? To Forge?Thanks for help me with that Problem.
I allready reported the issue to forge, but it got closed for now since the problem cant be replicated.
I asking on Galacticraft Github to add maybe a config to add Gregtech Ores easier.
That allready was asked there multiple times. Actually thats the reason for this mod to be created in the first place.
Prior to GalacticGreg, Dominance of Beyond Reality made a minimod with his own oreblocks to generate them with the GC internal function and oredic them with gregtech.
Ok i try with the experimental Oregen. On Moon i can disable Galacticraft own Ore but on Mars and Asteroids i cant.
By the Way there are many Ores spawning on the Moon and Mars it is a little bit to much think.
I find some Asteroid with 100 and More Diamond Ores Inside and some Galacticraft Ores but i didn't see Greg's Ore.Dominance say to me too. Maybe i have to check if it working for me.
Now when you mention it, Asteroids might use another event bus for worldgen. If yes, then i need to add that for experimental worldgen to work there.
The End Asteroids certainly will not generate with experimental worldgen. I will change that in the next version.
Yes this would be nice.
I not find any Config to diable Galacticraft ores on Mars and Asteroids.
There might be none... Its Galacticrafts own dimensions, so they count their ores there nessesary.
I think if you can add the ores from greg on Asteroids with experimental config i am very happy
Btw i didnt see any Asteroids in the End. There far away from the Main Island?
Could you perhaps add support for Walkways with GT cables and pipes?
Hey Blood Asp
If "Generate other mods features on planets=false" it blocks the server from calling cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(). As I'm sure you know, that generateWorld() code iterates through all registered world generators to generate each mod's features. Obviously, each mod's world generator is normally intended for use on the Overworld, and so it creates unwanted features (e.g. IC2 rubber trees, or Tinker's Construct slime islands) if the world generators are run on planets. So I normally recommend to players that that setting is kept to false.
The problem is that setting that to false is disabling your mod, so I am looking at whether we can whitelist your mod there in the next version of Galacticraft.
A better alternative could be for your mod to trigger its oregen on event GCCoreEventPopulate.Post.…'m not sure about the "Already Decorating" type errors but I'm guessing that might also solve that problem as well.
You allready told me about the populate event. I use it when the experimental oregen config of my mod is aktivated, so in that case "Generate other mods features on planets" is not nesseary anymore. In some cases this leads to not loaded chunks i do not know why, so i kept it the experimental way.
Could you perhaps add support for Walkways with GT cables and pipes?
I did not try the Walkways so far, but are they not about the same as GT cables with covers? -
I try a new Pack and set B:"Generate other mods features on planets"=true.
In the End I see Asteroids but with the same chunk holes. Inside the Asteroids if i disable all GT and Minecraft ores there Spawn the Custom Ores from GT with No Name and no Texture. I try to make some Screenshots later. -
Hey Blood Asp and sorry if I repeated myself there!
I saw this now:
I don't know the cause of the "chunk holes" issue you described there. LexManos seems to be suggesting that GT has changed the chunk IO queue order? (I'm fairly sure that's not something which GC has changed - I have thought about it but never done it.)My new plan is in next GC version to hook in to GalacticGreg specifically, at the same place the GameRegistry would normally call the registered worldgen, if "Enable other mods features on planets" is false. So you wouldn't need to use the GCCoreEventPopulate Is that good with you if I do that?
I'm pretty sure that should do the trick.
Also afaik GT does not change the IC queue order. I'm just not sure how forge handles generations of objects that go outside of the currently generated chunk. GT Oreveins cover an area of 3x3, in extreme cases even 5x5 chunks, and they are generated in one go on calling the center chunk.