"Techy - the new kinda Magic" is a GT based Modpack ;)

  • The Pack is still available and it is tweaked to my liking, but due to lack of interesst I have stopped updating the mods itself for now.
    I might resume it when I got some more free time I can spend but getting everything working to my liking is just extremly time consuming and its taking more time than I want to spend on somehting that gets nearly no response. The pack is perfeclty fine, but I won't update any mods for now (you can do it on your own, should be pretty easy just to update (only problem will be compatability with forge and some mods -->reikas for example).

    New pack: Link
    Whitelist: Comming Soon
    IP: Comming Soon

    Additional Information: Link

    We are looking for people which want to play on our Server using our Project Sunrise Pack, our Server(whitelisted) is mostly German but we also are looking for English speaking people. If anyone is interested in playing a Gregtech based Modpack just PM me or join our Teamspeak3 Server.

    Now a bit more into what our Modpack is and what we try to archive with it, first of you probably want to know which mods are in there atm :) so here you go
    Download on the TechnicLauncher: Link

    We are still not finished with making all the recipes changes to really balance it out, but that needs people who play on our server to help us figuring out which item is OP and maybe needs a little tweaking :), we are open to suggestions.

    So moving on I may list a few of our changes to the recipes:

    · Some GT nerfes removed (making planks still yields 4 planks)
    · RC Blast furnace disabled
    · Made Remain in Motion VERY Expensive the motor for example (4x Field Generator(HV),4x Electric Piston(IV) and a DataOrb)
    · Quarry changed with the Ender Quarry, and made its Recipes more Expensive (Tungstensteel)
    · Used AE Recipes of the "let's Greg other mods" thread from DreamMasterXXL
    · AE also only Craftable through EnderIO Sag Mill, which requires Stainless Steel
    · Removed most Molecular Transformer Recipes and made others harder(Sunarium and parts need 10x the EU)
    · Nerfed Gravitation Suite (also according to DreamMasterXXL's Recipes)
    · Nerfed Steve's Factory Manager
    · Made Forestry Farms more Expensive
    · Made BuildCraft Pipes more expensive
    · Gregtech Steel not available through other mods, atleast not easier

    We got some more changes, you should visit our Server if you like what you see here :thumbup: , you are free to suggest some changes which would make some things more balanced if you find/know some :) Balancing out so many mods is not easy for a Single Person :D
    We also Update the Pack and the Server Regularly

    Teamspeak 3 and Server IP can be found in the TechnicLauncher Description here
    Whitelist Access:
    You can send us a mail on this site, to apply for the whitelist

    Due to the Resource intensity of this modpack on a Server, we only have limited space for about 20 at the same time, but we will accept upto 30 Players, because normaly I don't think that all players are online at the same time. If we get some Donations (for the server managment, not the modpack of course ;)) we would like to Upgrade our Server, making it possible for more player to play on it, we will see how it goes.

    Greets from Germany :D

    Edited 9 times, last by xF4m3: We revived the old pack and modified it, I also will not make the pack easier even if there won't be any people playing it since I enjoy it this way and will make adjustments according to my judgement. Recommendations are still very welcome :) ().

  • Suggestions
    1: Finite water could make water more of a resource (there is enough infinite water machines to make it so).
    2: Some kind of death counter (can't keep up whit my deaths).
    3: Some edits to rotarycraft tools and the blast furnace(making them require hammers and files, i don't know whit the bedrock alloy tools and make the blast furnace (from rotary craft) require GT steel or red alloy ingots (instead of the redstone) to make it more difficult).
    4: Edits to rotarycraft aluminium as it is easier to smelt that GT aluminium (AKA not requiring a EBF).

  • Thanks for the suggestions :)

    1. Dunno about that, sounds good to me, gonna see how it works out :)
    2. Deathcounter is in the Tab list on the scoreboard
    3. Sounds good, can't edit the Worktable internel recipes though, not supportet by minetweaker. I could only make the Worktable itself recuire something more expensive (done for now)
    4. I Removed compatability between Rotarycraft alu and gregtech alu, also the worktable itself needs some alu plates and silicon plates (--> EBF)

  • Actually, reika's mods shouldn't be editable, reika said himself that he doesn't want his recipes to be editable :P so normally Minetweaker shouldn't work at all and it's normal that the worktable doesn't work.

  • yeah thats what I found out after some research, I don't really like that reika doesn't allow his recipes to be changed by minetweaker and i don't get (and can't think of something) why he doesn't allow altering his recipes. That makes balancing pretty much not possible for reikas mods (and his recipes are so fu***** cheap thats not even funny) but the general Idea behind his mod is pretty darn cool so i also don't want to take that out.

  • Suggestions
    1: Finite water could make water more of a resource (there is enough infinite water machines to make it so).
    2: Some kind of death counter (can't keep up whit my deaths).
    3: Some edits to rotarycraft tools and the blast furnace(making them require hammers and files, i don't know whit the bedrock alloy tools and make the blast furnace (from rotary craft) require GT steel or red alloy ingots (instead of the redstone) to make it more difficult).
    4: Edits to rotarycraft aluminium as it is easier to smelt that GT aluminium (AKA not requiring a EBF).

    Thanks for the suggestions :)

    1. Dunno about that, sounds good to me, gonna see how it works out :)
    2. Deathcounter is in the Tab list on the scoreboard
    3. Sounds good, can't edit the Worktable internel recipes though, not supportet by minetweaker. I could only make the Worktable itself recuire something more expensive (done for now)
    4. I Removed compatability between Rotarycraft alu and gregtech alu, also the worktable itself needs some alu plates and silicon plates (--> EBF)

    could just edit this but i am just going to quote it. (i am going to quote this when i get new ideas) i have no idea how minetweaker works.
    1: (Finite water can be found in config files of CodeChikenCore).
    2: Thank you for the info about the tab thing (thought it was something else).
    3: Reika why you do this.
    4: Very good thing you could disable the alu compatability.
    5: Maybe lowering the spawning change of Infernal mobs (Death, this is truly horrifing/many other dwarf fortress quotes).
    6: TiC is little bit overpowered (mostly because 2x ore from start).
    7: Additional changes to EnderIO because crafting recipies are not balanced (like having most "vanilla" EnderIO crafting recipies changed).
    8: Making so that IC2 no powerloss things to be either disabled or changed a lot (Gregtech has it's own power storage and energy transportation why have more cheatier ones?).

  • 5: Maybe lowering the spawning change of Infernal mobs (Death, this is truly horrifing/many other dwarf fortress quotes).
    6: TiC is little bit overpowered (mostly because 2x ore from start).
    7: Additional changes to EnderIO because crafting recipies are not balanced (like having most "vanilla" EnderIO crafting recipies changed).
    8: Making so that IC2 no powerloss things to be either disabled or changed a lot (Gregtech has it's own power storage and energy transportation why have more cheatier ones?).

    5. Yes I can do that, I also think that there spawn a few too many of them^^ Till you get a decent armor you just run atm so yeah gonna change that
    6. maybe i could make it that you require an LV assembling machine or something similar to make the smeltery , disable the hammer for these dust, but you can find the smeltery in villages, don't know waht to do about that
    7. I could look into that, if you have ideas on what to use for what recipe would make things a bit more easy :)
    8. Yeah I think I will do that, gonna take me awhile to do all that though (School began for me again and its exam phase right now)

    And thank you again for submitting Ideas :)

  • 5. Yes I can do that, I also think that there spawn a few too many of them^^ Till you get a decent armor you just run atm so yeah gonna change that
    7. I could look into that, if you have ideas on what to use for what recipe would make things a bit more easy :)

    7: Alloy furnace alloy recipies should be changed (GT steel + silicon = electrical steel, instead of iron + coal dust + silicon = elctrical steel, Electrum + red alloy = energetic alloy, in that method Electrum + soulsand=soularium)
    Null.Null.NAND chip
    Gold wire.Iron rod.Gold wire = Basic capasitor recpice suggstion and more recipies (butchering the word) are needed for the other capasitors
    NAND chip.Null.Null
    Disabling getting silicon from SAG mill.
    zombie generator should require more advanced machine parts
    Can the capasitor bank be lowered in energy storage? i dont know if theres anyway.
    Forestry extras got some ennoying little sticks (aka steel,iron,gold... so no file needed and 2 give 4 instead of 2 and they are oredictioned)
    clocks (and compasses) require plates in the assembler but not in hand crafting.
    5: Right now i got diamond chestplate and pants from the infernal mobs.

  • That are great suggestions :) Thank you
    I know about the forestry extra sticks, so they are for sure being changed or removed, also the ingots you get there (via crafting in the carpenter) are going to be changed or removed as soon as minetweaker gets forestry support :) in 3-4 versions I think
    I don't think its possible to change the storage of an capacitor bank, but i am going to do some research on that one
    I think I am going to make that tomorrow or when weekend is starting :)

    Edit1: Yes the Capacitor Banks energy storage can be tweaked, what would you think would be a good value? maybe 500.000 RF and making it a bit more expensive? I think that would be pretty good :)

  • Yes half a million is more balaced for the energy capasitor banks, very good thing you figured out how to tweak them (as i am totally noob at minetweaker).

    Just saw Bloody Asp's tanks today, let's just hope we get them soon.

  • Right now this thread is conversation for 2 people and Mine_Sasha sometimes in the mix and I really hope we get little more people in, but yeah everything is looking good right now for this modpack and i am loving it.

  • Right now this thread is conversation for 2 people and Mine_Sasha sometimes in the mix and I really hope we get little more people in, but yeah everything is looking good right now for this modpack and i am loving it.

    Thank you, I would really like to get more people involved in this, we will see if this changes :) would be nice thoguh

  • Can you give me the configs please. I want to take a lot of minetweaker scirpts for a BIG GREGTECH PACK for myself.

  • Thank you, I would really like to get more people involved in this, we will see if this changes :) would be nice thoguh

    I got a problem: i crash when i respawn now going to reset the pack to see if that helps (as you know whit my deaths and the thing whit infernal mobs really likeing my base and one is Home camping me (even AI has started to camp where is this world going into?).

  • Did that happen after you died? if yes, a crash report would be nice to have, amybe we can fix this issue, but I think a backup would be the easiest and fastest solution
    I could put a backup of your player.dat back in (every full hours as you may noticed) when did this start to happen?

    most of the thing needed to delete a lot of stuff (all system details and some mobs).