The Pack is still available and it is tweaked to my liking, but due to lack of interesst I have stopped updating the mods itself for now.
I might resume it when I got some more free time I can spend but getting everything working to my liking is just extremly time consuming and its taking more time than I want to spend on somehting that gets nearly no response. The pack is perfeclty fine, but I won't update any mods for now (you can do it on your own, should be pretty easy just to update (only problem will be compatability with forge and some mods -->reikas for example).
New pack: Link
Whitelist: Comming Soon
IP: Comming Soon
Additional Information: Link
We are looking for people which want to play on our Server using our Project Sunrise Pack, our Server(whitelisted) is mostly German but we also are looking for English speaking people. If anyone is interested in playing a Gregtech based Modpack just PM me or join our Teamspeak3 Server.
Now a bit more into what our Modpack is and what we try to archive with it, first of you probably want to know which mods are in there atm so here you go
Download on the TechnicLauncher: Link
We are still not finished with making all the recipes changes to really balance it out, but that needs people who play on our server to help us figuring out which item is OP and maybe needs a little tweaking :), we are open to suggestions.
So moving on I may list a few of our changes to the recipes:
· Some GT nerfes removed (making planks still yields 4 planks)
· RC Blast furnace disabled
· Made Remain in Motion VERY Expensive the motor for example (4x Field Generator(HV),4x Electric Piston(IV) and a DataOrb)
· Quarry changed with the Ender Quarry, and made its Recipes more Expensive (Tungstensteel)
· Used AE Recipes of the "let's Greg other mods" thread from DreamMasterXXL
· AE also only Craftable through EnderIO Sag Mill, which requires Stainless Steel
· Removed most Molecular Transformer Recipes and made others harder(Sunarium and parts need 10x the EU)
· Nerfed Gravitation Suite (also according to DreamMasterXXL's Recipes)
· Nerfed Steve's Factory Manager
· Made Forestry Farms more Expensive
· Made BuildCraft Pipes more expensive
· Gregtech Steel not available through other mods, atleast not easier
We got some more changes, you should visit our Server if you like what you see here , you are free to suggest some changes which would make some things more balanced if you find/know some
Balancing out so many mods is not easy for a Single Person
We also Update the Pack and the Server Regularly
Teamspeak 3 and Server IP can be found in the TechnicLauncher Description here
Whitelist Access:
You can send us a mail on this site, to apply for the whitelist
Due to the Resource intensity of this modpack on a Server, we only have limited space for about 20 at the same time, but we will accept upto 30 Players, because normaly I don't think that all players are online at the same time. If we get some Donations (for the server managment, not the modpack of course ;)) we would like to Upgrade our Server, making it possible for more player to play on it, we will see how it goes.
Greets from Germany