1.7 GHz Quad Core ARM Processor
2 GB
1) No griefing
2) No computer viruses/malware of any kind, including but not limited to worms, trojans, adware, and spyware
3) Respect other people.
4) Do not touch computers that do not belong to you without permission
5) Do not hack or do anything that will significantly slow down the server.
Computercraft 1.65 (Surprise Surprise!)
Buildcraft 6.2.0
ThermalFoundation 1.0.0B3-8
SpaceCore 0.7.12
ThermalExpansion 4.0.0B6-16
Railcraft 1.7.10-
Forestry 1.7.10-
Industrialcraft 2-2.2.654-experimental
Biome Wand 1.1.9

Computers and Industry
Does the computer malware and stuff is for computer craft ?
Or it's about the server ? Because if it is about the server, I don't think this information is really necessary
I recommend you to install Bluepower or Projectred.
The malware stuff is for Computercraft and Opencomputers.
I will look into project red. -
Oooh, kk
, but how can you install a virus that can affect a server on those computers ? It kinda breaks the 4th wall of the game
BTW : Does that mean that my lil'hack program on the computercraft portable computer à la Watch Dogs is banned ;P
There is no computercraft malware that can infect the server, but it can cause slowdowns and angry people. Please refrain from spreading malware to other people's computers.
I'm curious: What are you using SpaceCore 0.7.12 for? I looked it up, and it seems to be a dependency for some other mods, none of which you've listed, and the description doesn't indicate it does anything without those mods installed.
OOh ok, well, actually, the program was made to infect the computer and make it have "YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED SCREEN" and made it impossible to the player to reboot the computer, making it trash if you labeled it
I used this as a PVP tool on FTB ultimate. Originally it used a normal Advanced computer and not a portable one, and it also used a Wireless module thingy on it
Me and my friend wrote this program, he updated it to the new computercraft for 1.7.10 before stopping to play Minecraft
, but it works, I originally had this idea, and made a prototype code, but it was annoying, because I didn't knew how to make it access other computers without making my computer touching the target computer, so my friend came, made upgraded my code ( which I don't really remember what I have done
) and made it able to access other computers without touching it if it was connected to the ComputerNet ( was it called rednet ? Don't remember, I really should play again with computercraft